Celebi Prime/Tornadus/Mewtwo-EX Discussion Thread

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RE: "Leaf Tornado" Celebi Prime/Tornadus/Mewtwo EX

I think he means to run more cards like sages and current than shuffle like pont and juniper
RE: "Leaf Tornado" Celebi Prime/Tornadus/Mewtwo EX

For example: Cilan, Ultra Ball, Pokemon Communication, ect. Anything that searches for cards instead of drawing them.
RE: "Leaf Tornado" Celebi Prime/Tornadus/Mewtwo EX

But in this.deck you don't.need specific cards, you just need... cards
I play tested this a bunch via proxies and this is a list I came up with. Well, its a list I feel comfortable with. I'm sure some stuff could be changed.

Pokemon (13)
1 Cleffa
1 Regigas EX
1 Shaymin EX
1 Terrakion (NV)
2 Mewtwo EX
3 Tornadus
4 Celebi (Prime)

T/S/S (32)
2 PokeGear 3.0 (Random Receiver if confirmed)
2 Eviolite
3 N
3 Skyarrow Bridge
3 Switch
3 Pokemon Catcher
4 Professor Oak's New Theory
4 Professor Juniper
4 Dual Ball
4 Junk Arm

Energy (15)
2 Rainbow Energy (Prism Energy if confirmed)
4 Double Colorless Energy
9 Grass Energy

You could probably drop Cleffa something since it has potential kill the consistency of the deck and you could be donked. You could probably drop it for UL Shaymin, a 3rd Eviolite, a 4th N or a 10th Grass Energy. I've also thought about dropping Cleffa and -1 Tornadus for +2 Virizion (NV) for extra Draw Power and it's a decent starter w/ free retreat if you have the Bridge out.
Stuart Hayden said:
I play tested this a bunch via proxies and this is a list I came up with. Well, its a list I feel comfortable with. I'm sure some stuff could be changed.

Pokemon (13)
1 Cleffa
1 Regigas EX
1 Shaymin EX
1 Terrakion (NV)
2 Mewtwo EX
3 Tornadus
4 Celebi (Prime)

T/S/S (32)
2 PokeGear 3.0 (Random Receiver if confirmed)
2 Eviolite
3 N
3 Skyarrow Bridge
3 Switch
3 Pokemon Catcher
4 Professor Oak's New Theory
4 Professor Juniper
4 Dual Ball
4 Junk Arm

Energy (15)
2 Rainbow Energy (Prism Energy if confirmed)
4 Double Colorless Energy
9 Grass Energy

You could probably drop Cleffa something since it has potential kill the consistency of the deck and you could be donked. You could probably drop it for UL Shaymin, a 3rd Eviolite, a 4th N or a 10th Grass Energy. I've also thought about dropping Cleffa and -1 Tornadus for +2 Virizion (NV) for extra Draw Power and it's a decent starter w/ free retreat if you have the Bridge out.

I would suggest cutting the 2 rainbows for fightings. It's not worth it to have 10 damage on Terrakion who normally has the Magic HP (130). You don't really need it to double as a grass or psychic, so you can just save Terrakion's HP. Although if prism comes out play that.
iisnumber12 said:
I would suggest cutting the 2 rainbows for fightings. It's not worth it to have 10 damage on Terrakion who normally has the Magic HP (130). You don't really need it to double as a grass or psychic, so you can just save Terrakion's HP. Although if prism comes out play that.

Prism has been announced so this isn't a problem.
iisnumber12 said:
I would suggest cutting the 2 rainbows for fightings. It's not worth it to have 10 damage on Terrakion who normally has the Magic HP (130). You don't really need it to double as a grass or psychic, so you can just save Terrakion's HP. Although if prism comes out play that.

Good point. Not really sure why I didn't think of that. lol. Oh well.
But yeah, I'll switch those to Fighting Energy and playtest off that until we know if Prism Energy is coming out or not.
I'm also going to cut Cleffa for Virizion.
Futachimaru said:
Where did you get this information?

he didn't, but based on logical deduction of Special energies being confirmed in set description combined with the contents of the japanese sets, it's a safe bet to say prism is confirmed
I proxied up some of the cards for this deck and built it, even though I only did one battle with it so far (against CaKE), my first thought was "Dang this is fast!" I won turn 7. (Shaymin EX FTW) (the win would have been sooner but I was forced to let one of my Mewtwo EX get knocked out so I could K.O. Terrakion with Shaymin EX)
The Aura Is With Me 8 said:
I proxied up some of the cards for this deck and built it, even though I only did one battle with it so far (against CaKE), my first thought was "Dang this is fast!" I won turn 7. (Shaymin EX FTW) (the win would have been sooner but I was forced to let one of my Mewtwo EX get knocked out so I could K.O. Terrakion with Shaymin EX)

Yes, it's really fast. Although, it definately has a great matchup against CaKE because of electrode giving you prizes. Why would you give up a Mewtwo just to OHKO terrakion when you could have kept Mewtwo rolling until he Koed it on his own?
27th_wonder said:
he didn't, but based on logical deduction of Special energies being confirmed in set description combined with the contents of the japanese sets, it's a safe bet to say prism is confirmed
there is also a reprint of DCE in hail blizzard. So we may get that and Prism energy may get pushed back.

changed my list a bit. Going to play test it tomorrow since I really have no time to today

Pokemon (13)
1 Virizion
1 Regigigas EX
1 Shaymin EX
1 Terrakion (NV)
2 Mewtwo EX
3 Tornadus
4 Celebi (Prime)

T/S/S (32)
2 PokeGear 3.0 (Random Receiver if confirmed)
2 Eviolite
3 N
3 Skyarrow Bridge
3 Switch
3 Pokemon Catcher
4 Professor Oak's New Theory
4 Professor Juniper
4 Dual Ball
4 Junk Arm

Energy (15)
2 Fighting Energy (Prism Energy if confirmed)
4 Double Colorless Energy
9 Grass Energy
You may need some plus power in that deck. Your always doing an even amount of damage and there are tons of cards with an odd amount of HP. I'd also suggest Random reciever because you don't run Collector
iisnumber12 said:
You may need some plus power in that deck. Your always doing an even amount of damage and there are tons of cards with an odd amount of HP. I'd also suggest Random reciever because you don't rin Collector

PokeGear is there until we get a confirmation on Random Receiver (unless we have? I haven't seen any though).

And yeah, I wish I could find room for plus power in there but I'm not really sure what to take out. I was thinking maybe an N and something else.
I think you could take out an N and a junk Arm. Those cards don't need to be in such a high count. N is just for shuffle and a little disruption and junk arm doesn't get you back a huge variety of cards
iisnumber12 said:
I think you could take out an N and a junk Arm. Those cards don't need to be in such a high count. N is just for shuffle and a little disruption and junk arm doesn't get you back a huge variety of cards
Sounds good to me.
iisnumber12 said:
Yes, it's really fast. Although, it definately has a great matchup against CaKE because of electrode giving you prizes. Why would you give up a Mewtwo just to OHKO terrakion when you could have kept Mewtwo rolling until he Koed it on his own?

The Mewtwo that was K.O.'ed already had 70 damage on it and there was no way of getting enough Energies on it before CaKE's active Cobalion would K.O. it.
Did a lot of play testing with friends and made a lot of adjustments to my build. This is what I'm currently running.

1 Shaymin (UL)
1 Shaymin EX
1 Terrakion (NV)
2 Mewtwo EX
4 Tornadus
4 Celebi (Prime)

T/S/S (31)
2 PokeGear 3.0
3 Skyarrow Bridge
3 Switch
4 N
4 Pokemon Catcher
4 Junk Arm
4 Professor Oak's New Theory
4 Professor Juniper
4 Dual Ball

Energy (15)
2 Prism Energy
4 Double Colorless Energy
9 Grass Energy

Things I'm considering/wanting to add/would like to find room for again
Cobalion (NV) (Kyurem)
Smeargle (Draw Supporter Abuse)
2nd Terrakion (Consistency)
2 Plus Power (I took them out because they didn't do much but I know it longer games they'd be life savers)
2-3 Eviolites (Make Tornadus and M2EX last longer...again, had them in originally but they didn't seem to do a lot)
4th Switch
I've also been fooling around with my list alot, is it bad that my list only runs 2 N? :( I originaly had 3 SSU in my list but I found that they were clogging my hand so I took out 2 of them for N, I still like to have that one just incase I don't have a Switch or I need to pick up a damaged Mewtwo, ect.
Updated my list again. Still messing with this deck a lot which is good because a lot of the t1 decks and ND Hype decks bore me to tears. So I'm happy this one is keeping my interest

Pokemon (14)
1 Shaymin (UL)
1 Terrakion (NV)
1 Regigigas EX
1 Shaymin EX
2 Mewtwo EX
4 Tornadus
4 Celebi (Prime)

T/S/S (31)
2 Plus Power
3 Skyarrow Bridge
3 Switch
3 Pokemon Catcher
4 Junk Arm
4 N
4 Professor Oak's New Theory
4 Professor Juniper
4 Dual Ball

Energy (15)
2 Fighting Energy
4 Double Colorless Energy
9 Grass Energy
The Changes:
I never found PokeGear 3.0 worth using. I know its to keep your shuffle-draw consistent but I play tested about 15 games and I used it about 3 times and 2 of them I didn't even get supporters so I dropped them.

I dropped Prism Energy for Fighting Energy for several reasons
I'm already running 4 special energy (DCE) and with the rising popularity of Lost Remover adding the prisms could potentially screw me over. Fighting Energy can also be transferred to other Pokemon (Mewtwo, Regigigas) with Tornadus keeping the speed of the deck consistent.

I added Shaymin EX back into the deck because although I have yet to use him I know the one time I need him I'll be punching myself in the face for not having it in my build.

I added Regigigas back because when play tester yesterday and a bit today I found that he ended up winning most of my matches. Not really sure why Esa says he's such a terrible card, but whatever.
Things I'm considering/wanting to add/would like to find room for again
*1 Cobalion (NV) (Kyurem counter)
*1 Smeargle (Draw Supporter Abuse)
*1 Terrakion (Consistency)
1 Switch (Consistency)
*2-3 Eviolites (Make Tornadus and M2EX last longer...again, had them in originally but they didn't seem to do a lot)
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