Pokemon Changing Pokemon types

BlueEmboar said:
There isn't anything in Serperior's design/color scheme to suggest Ice but since its a serpent and learns dragon tail, I can definitely see it being Grass/Dragon. On the other hand I can also see it being a poison type and learning more attacks like Poison Tail and Poison Jab.

Solrock should be a fire type, its only based off the sun...

Also, I think that the only reason why pokemon like Charizard and Gyarados are flying types is because there weren't abilities in the first games and they didn't want to explain how they could be hit by ground type attacks... If they were to have been released after abilities, I would guess they would be dragon types like they deserve to be.

except that all starters have blaze/overgrow/torrent, not levitate.
I think that if samurott became part fighting, itd be ok to have serperior as part dragon.
Dragon has always been the royal, almost superior type, especially in the old days since most of the "normal" type moves had no effect. And i guess theyd be closer associated to legends.

Unlike charizard being a dragon type and completely screwing up the starter triangle (venasaur is great but its typing stink, and blastoise is just a water type), serperior would just be a little better then before.

Also ninetales has to do with curses and psychics. It isnt particularily cruel or mean, outside of a curse (ghost)
Empoleafeon said:
except that all starters have blaze/overgrow/torrent, not levitate.

Understood, this does create a problem doesn't it? What if Pokemon could have more than two types? Maybe three?

I think that Persian should be Normal/Dark and Staraptor should be Fighting/Flying.
Persian's pokedex entries say that it is known to strike without warning or reason.
Staraptor learns Close Combat and Final Gambit so it seems right.
BlueEmboar said:
Understood, this does create a problem doesn't it? What if Pokemon could have more than two types? Maybe three?

Not really... The way I see it, if Reshiram and Zekrom, for example, are Dragon/Fire & Dragon/Electric and can fly but don't have Levitate and therefore are vulnerable to ground attacks, Charizard could very well be fire/dragon without levitate as well.
What's worst? Having arguably the best type-combo in the game and only 3 weaknesses (sacrificing Levitate) OR being a flying-type and have a double weakness to Stealth Rock?
Given the Ninetales episode in the anime, it is more strongly depicted as a ghost than a psychic (dark makes absolutely no sense, imo). Also, the curse deal fortifies the ghost concept.
Metalizard said:
Not really... The way I see it, if Reshiram and Zekrom, for example, are Dragon/Fire & Dragon/Electric and can fly but don't have Levitate and therefore are vulnerable to ground attacks, Charizard could very well be fire/dragon without levitate as well.
What's worst? Having arguably the best type-combo in the game and only 3 weaknesses (sacrificing Levitate) OR being a flying-type and have a double weakness to Stealth Rock?

Yeah, that makes sense I just don't like the idea that a pokemon that can fly can't dodge a ground type attack unless it is a flying type or levitating.
As good as it is, being a starter means its supposed to ve balanced.
A fire dragon combo would be much to powerful compared to blastoise and venasuars' bad typing.
Electrode reminds me of a Steel(or Metal o_O) type Pokemon, but i guess that doesn't make sense, since it is believed to be a ball of energy =/
It's not necessarily metallic. It's just made out of the same stuff as a Poké Ball. (Poké Balls look to be mostly plastic, actually.)
Cloyster to me appears to have the likeness of a dual water/rock type,or perhaps to a lesser extent,a water/steel...Although it may be partially ice,it does not bear much detail nor any noticeable traits that give it the distinct impression of one...thus is the reason rock or steel would be a much better suite for it...(beyond 3x weakness to grass)
Silly, Persian doesn't need to be Dark anymore, we have Purrloin and Liepard. :p And a Normal/Dark type would be way too vulnerable to Fighting types.

I really wish they would've made the Gothita line Psychic/Dark. Just look at them! Girafarig, too. When I see Girafarig's second head I always think of a Dark type. The only trouble with that combo is 4x weakness to Bug, but oh well, the only Bug that really gets much play is Volcarona.
PsychedelicBreakfast said:
The only trouble with that combo is 4x weakness to Bug, but oh well, the only Bug that really gets much play is Volcarona.

Scizor needs to go on most forgotten pokemon now. Another change that I don't think anyone touched on is Golurk. It looks somewhat like a ground type but nothing like a ghost. I'd say it should be part steel since it's based on a robot, so maybe steel/ground?
I can't really think of any Pokemons type to be changed but in terms of adding types I can think of a few. Maybe a wisdom type, a space type, a wind type, possibly a nuclear type. I dunno just putting some ideas out there.
aggron said:
Maybe a wisdom type, a space type, a wind type, possibly a nuclear type.
Please explain how any of that works.

Though in all fairness, Dark is a pretty terrible type idea that somehow stuck.
I think Dewott should Be Fighting and Water instead of just solo water.

COME ON! He's a ninja!
When I first saw Snivy, I thought it's final form would be grass/electric and I think Serperior could be that.

The only other ones that I can think has already been mentioned, like Luxray and Gothitelle.