Pokemon Changing Pokemon types

Can we propose changing type names? I for one am bothered with the name "Grass" type. We have so many plant Pokemon that aren't Grass based like Parasect, Roserade, Chikorita, etc. I'd love to have the type name ret-conned to be "Plant".
I thought it was fine, but i get youre point. Some grass types arent even plants, like breloom being a fungus.
aggron said:
I can't really think of any Pokemons type to be changed but in terms of adding types I can think of a few. Maybe a wisdom type, a space type, a wind type, possibly a nuclear type. I dunno just putting some ideas out there.

I think Emboar should be Fire/Dark and Samurott should be made Water/Fighting.
No, if Samurott should be another type, it would have to be Steel, I mean they gave its card the Ability Exoskeletan...
Muddy68 said:
No, if Samurott should be another type, it would have to be Steel, I mean they gave its card the Ability Exoskeletan...

But does it look anything like a steel type? No. But it does have a sword in its leg, that's pretty fighting-type like. Besdies, Donphan has Exoskeleton and its a ground type.
Muddy68 said:
No, if Samurott should be another type, it would have to be Steel, I mean they gave its card the Ability Exoskeletan...

I, too, must disagree.

Exoskeleton refers primarily to bugs, anyways. Not Steel. And as Dark Void said, look at Donphan. Besides, since when have Pokemon types depended on the cards? If anything, giving Samurott Exoskeleton was a mistake for the TCG (although I don't believe it's a mistake at all; it works just fine).

Samurott is first and foremost Watery, but past that, he is more Fighting than anything else.
paddy185 said:

I think Emboar should be Fire/Dark and Samurott should be made Water/Fighting.

You forgot that Nuclear=Fire or Electric.
Shadow Arceus said:
You forgot that Nuclear=Fire or Electric.

Or even Poison! You know, with the radiation and such. :p

I do think that Dewott and Samurott could've been part Fighting (had they gotten second types).
Does anyone else feel like Ground and Rock could be combined into one category? It seems like most Pokemon that are Ground-types could also be considered Rock-types, at least to me. Just a thought.