Chikorita all the way. I'm tired of hearing he sucks, I've done fine with him in my Crystal, and I like a challenge in terms of facing Falkner. And one of the reasons I hear Cyndaquil is so popular is because there are no other fire type options. Well, there's:
Vulpix/Ninetales, Growlithe/Arcanine, Ponyta/Rapidash, Magby/Magmar(Magmortar only after National Dex), Flareon, Slugma/Magcargo and Houndour/Houndoom.
That's 7 catchable options to use throughout the game right there, while there's only 5(6 if you count Vileplume and Bellosom individually) grass alternatives to Meganium. So why are people saying they pick Cyndaquil cuz there's no fire types when there' even less grass types!? And staying on topic, I could use a suggestion on a water type to use
(barring Feraligatr of course, Gyarados, and any legendaries or non-Johto dex pokemon)
Vulpix/Ninetales, Growlithe/Arcanine, Ponyta/Rapidash, Magby/Magmar(Magmortar only after National Dex), Flareon, Slugma/Magcargo and Houndour/Houndoom.
That's 7 catchable options to use throughout the game right there, while there's only 5(6 if you count Vileplume and Bellosom individually) grass alternatives to Meganium. So why are people saying they pick Cyndaquil cuz there's no fire types when there' even less grass types!? And staying on topic, I could use a suggestion on a water type to use