RE: x4 Kingdra! x2 Leafeon X! x2 Glaceon X! x2 Gliscor X! x3 TSD! Professor Playmat! Need DP-ON supporters
interested in pikachu sleeves (any)
IDK. you could probably get a better deal for it on pokegym probably. I value it quite a bitDr.empoleon said:Well I have know idea what it's worth so I have no idea... We will start the bidding at 30 bucks? Raise if needed.
No thanks, other people offered moreshaymin of the heart said:My:
RH Claydol GE
x3 POV
x1 Roseannes
Leafeon lv.X
Ardoptres said:CML for Glaceon-, Leafeon- and Garchomp Lv. X
interested in pikachu sleeves (any)