RE: PDC's Trades***More Updates Will become Availible More Events And Ev'd Pokemon Will Be Coming On Halloween***Thats i
I will be waiting on Wi-Fi until about noon or so. Then I should be back at about 2 PM or so so we can trade. Come on WFC when you can. I will be waiting. Please clone my Pokemon too. What are you giving me for them?
RE: PDC's Trades***More Updates Will become Availible More Events And Ev'd Pokemon Will Be Coming On Halloween***Thats i
I was on at 1 PM PST and you were a no show. If you came on easrlier than that I was not able to do it then. Please check Wi-Fi every now and then because I don't know when I will be on to post so most of the time I can't do anything unless you come on WFC Please be on at 1 PM PST or after so we can trade tomorrow. I have been waiting fir 3 days. Thanks. See you on tomorrow. Please stay on WFC if you are on beforehand so I know that you will be there. I can't be here to let you know I am waiting so you have to just come on WFC or I can't do what I have to do for you guys.
I liked those:
Wishing star Jirachi Ev'd
MOVIE ARCEUS Quite nature Only wants Big wants for it
World09 Weavile UT
Ev'd Frosslass
Ev'd Kingdra
Ev'd Swampert (Defencive)
Ev'd registeel
RE: PDC's Trades******Reopened can trade Again new Events coming soon******
I need Thunder Punch and Ice Punch move tutored on my Registeel please if you have Platinum. Thanks. I will trade you the Jirachi too. EDIT. Come on Wi-Fi when you can so we can trade and I can trade you my Registeel to move tutor if you have Platinum. Thanks.