coraguardian said:If your wanted list is up to date, I have a lot of them:
-Ekan -Vulpix-Seel-Shellder-Horsea-Elekid-Magby-Natu-Hoppip-Aipom-Pineco-Gligar-Mantyke-Poochyena-WurmpleLotad-Seedot-Taillow-Shroomish-Makuhita-Carvahna-Canea-Duskull-Clamperl-Relicanth-Beldum-Shinx-Roserade -Shellos-Bonsly, Sudowoodo-Happiny-Munchlax-Swinub-Pidove-Blitzle-Drilbur-Timburr-Tympole-Crustle-Deerling-Alomomola-Klink-Deino-Doublade
I am mostly looking for a magician fenekin and lots of ditto. On the safari page, you listed ditto as one of your safari Pokémon (I have whirlipede, garbordor and kakuna if it helps) and if you are willing to add me as a friend i could trade you any pokemon you want for any extra pokemon you have. (meaning as long as I can farm dittos I don't care which Pokémon I get for the Pokémon you want)
Edit: Spelling
I don't have any Magician Fennekin, but I do have Magician Braixen ready for trade!Croinks said:I noticed the title of this thread says you have hidden ability starters. Do you have Magician Fennekin/Braixen/Delphox that you can trade?
I don't have any Magician Fennekin, but I do have Magician Braixen ready for trade!Croinks said:I noticed the title of this thread says you have hidden ability starters. Do you have Magician Fennekin/Braixen/Delphox that you can trade?
Nitros said:So, what about all the Pokémon* that I told you about for the three Ditto?
Or two Ditto for some of these Pokémon?
*Dewgong, Seel, Shellder, Swinub, Lotad, Makuhita, Natu, Poochyena, Hoppip, Aipom, Maractus, Mantyke (and now I have a Zweilos if you still want, and I can breed Shinx and Gothita).
Ah, yes, it's a good idea the one gaven by coraguardian. Since I only looking for Dittos and Frillish - that no exist yet - if you add my FC, the problem is solved and I can trade you the Pokémon you want.... that's a great idea, I really don't know why I hadn't thought of that.
CMP said:I have Magician Braixen ready for trade (as well as lots of Ditto and a Ditto safari). Make a specific offer and we can go from there. =)
Croinks said:I don't have any Magician Fennekin, but I do have Magician Braixen ready for trade!Croinks said:I noticed the title of this thread says you have hidden ability starters. Do you have Magician Fennekin/Braixen/Delphox that you can trade?
No thanks.Keeper of Night said:Can I trade a Huntail for your Gabite?
Wait...if I add you, you just give me the Pokémon for junkmon?Nitros said:Uh, you didn't replied me '-'
I wanna know if we can trade, or if you can add me, and I give you the Pokémon.
Sorry, that list is outdated. I've since gotten a Vaporeon and Abomasnow. No go.Super__Sonic said:Not sure if my post was ignored, but I'll ask again anyway.
I can have a few Eeveelutions for you, and a really good Abomasnow.
I'm interested in your Perfect Atk, Def and HP Ditto. Maybe an offer like this would suffice?
Your: Ditto (31 Atk, 31 Def, 31 HP).
Sure. Works for me.coraguardian said:Would you take an Ekans, a vulpix and a Pineco for one of your Magician Braixen ( and any other 2 Pokémon because I think we can't trade 3 to 1) as well as a spot in your friend list? I really want to be able to farm Dittos![]()
CMP said:Wait...if I add you, you just give me the Pokémon for junkmon?Nitros said:Uh, you didn't replied me '-'
I wanna know if we can trade, or if you can add me, and I give you the Pokémon.
A 5 IV Zubat for all those Pokémon? You got yourself a deal!Nitros said:CMP said:Wait...if I add you, you just give me the Pokémon for junkmon?
Uh... yeah. If you add me, I'll trade the Pokémon with you and you'll be able to give me what your generosity allow XD
For example, if you are feeling delighted with the life and with the world around you, you can give me even a 5 IV Zubat, cause I really love Crobat. But, of course... it's just an example *-*
Can we? =)
Sorry, I don't see anything right now.Freedomeon said:I'm interested in your Ditto with HP/Atk/Def and a 5 IV Zubat, can you check my player thread to see if there's a suitable trade available?
CMP said:I actually have a female Luxio with Guts. All I'd need to do is breed. Sorry, Croinks!