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Collector Don is Back! o_o With More Cards! O_O Have PT BK Cards? C'mere!

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Pokefan4000- My Vappy* for your PR Bayleef, Metang PR, Gabite PR, Piloswine PR, Exeggutor PR, Ivysaur PR, Dialga BK PT, Pichu BK PT and Pikachu BK PT?

SotH, are there any rares that you want from me? All I need from that list is the Nats Dragonite.
Not really my main want is just Kyogre*
I also have Pre-release cards​
Collector Don said:
Pokefan4000- My Vappy* for your PR Bayleef, Metang PR, Gabite PR, Piloswine PR, Exeggutor PR, Ivysaur PR, Dialga BK PT, Pichu BK PT and Pikachu BK PT?

SotH, are there any rares that you want from me? All I need from that list is the Nats Dragonite.
Sorry, I forgot to mention that I don't have the Bayleef. And I might've already traded the Ivysaur, I'm not really sure. And I think you might've mixed up the wants a bit. SotH wanted Vappy *.
Collector Don said:
darksoulsp, can I get the PT Shaymin Land form, the 4 BK cards and E3 Pikachu for it?

Buttsurfer, I don't have either of those cards, unfortunately.

Errr, that is heavily sided in your favor. I would do it for the 4 BK cards but Giratina, and PT Shaymin Land form.
Pokefan, do you have a Luxio and/or Gabite PR? I'll take those instead of the ones that I listed that you don't have. You can have whichever of the cards you'd prefer for the deal.

darksoulSP, if I omitted the Shaymin, would that still be too much?

SotH, I might have a deal going on with Pokefan4000 for some prereleases. IDK if I'll still need enough of them that would be worth a * after the deal, though. Do you have any other low-circulation cards from earlier sets?
Hey i was wondering if you have a Darkrai G. I am new and don't have any trades so i would send it to you first of course. If you have more than 1 and are willing to trade those to that'd be great because i need more than 1 for my deck. I guess if i really needed to i could buy them but hopefully we could work something out. I was also looking at your Shiny Duskull and want that if you don't have or choose not to trade/sell your Darkrai.

Here are some cards i can offer-

Entei NR #17
Luxray GL Holo RR #9
Palkia MD Holo #11
Probopass G Holo Promo #DP43
Dusknoir SF Holo #1
Giovanni's Nidoking GC Holo #7 (Does have CM size crease down middle)
Sabrina's Alakazam GC Holo #16
Moltres Fossil #27
Dialga Lv. X Holo Promo #DP37
JPN Typholsion Neo Genesis Holo #157 (Or #17 in America's Neo Gen)
Heatran Lv. X SF Holo #97
Feraligatr NG Holo #4
Floatzel GL RR Holo #4
Hitmonchan PLT Holo #129
Slaking PLT Holo #16
Pikachu Promo #27
Zapdos Fossil Holo #15
Shining Tyranitar ND Holo #113
Shining Kabutops ND Holo #110
Shining Noctowl ND Holo #108

Some of these cards i probaly would not trade for those two cards like the 3 Shining Pokemon at the bottom or the PLT Hitmonchan but tell me what you want. If you do want any.
Collector Don said:
Pokefan, do you have a Luxio and/or Gabite PR? I'll take those instead of the ones that I listed that you don't have. You can have whichever of the cards you'd prefer for the deal.
Okay, PM'd.
Collector Don said:
Pokefan, do you have a Luxio and/or Gabite PR? I'll take those instead of the ones that I listed that you don't have. You can have whichever of the cards you'd prefer for the deal.

darksoulSP, if I omitted the Shaymin, would that still be too much?

SotH, I might have a deal going on with Pokefan4000 for some prereleases. IDK if I'll still need enough of them that would be worth a * after the deal, though. Do you have any other low-circulation cards from earlier sets?

So the 4 BK cards except for Giratina? Sounds good! PM me the details please! :)
Shuckle the Snail, I don't have a Darkrai G ATM, unfortunately. I do like the JPN Typhlosion, though. Is there anything else on my list that you'd want for it?

DarksoulSP, I meant if the deal were your E3 Pikachu and the 4 PT cards, would that be too much? Only the Shaymin would be omitted.
Collector Don said:
Shuckle the Snail, I don't have a Darkrai G ATM, unfortunately. I do like the JPN Typhlosion, though. Is there anything else on my list that you'd want for it?

DarksoulSP, I meant if the deal were your E3 Pikachu and the 4 PT cards, would that be too much? Only the Shaymin would be omitted.

Sorry i just made a deal for trading it :(
Collector Don said:
Shuckle the Snail, I don't have a Darkrai G ATM, unfortunately. I do like the JPN Typhlosion, though. Is there anything else on my list that you'd want for it?

DarksoulSP, I meant if the deal were your E3 Pikachu and the 4 PT cards, would that be too much? Only the Shaymin would be omitted.

Yeah, that's quite slanted towards you. I value E3 Pikahu at around $25 alone, and Vaporeon * is around $8 to me.

If necessary, I can do all 4 BK cards, but anything more than that is pushing it, IMO.
darksoulSP, there's nothing else you're interested in? I like the E3 Pikachu and the 4 PT cards, but I value the Vaporeon more than $8. There's nothing else you'd want for any of the cards I mentioned?

EspeonROX, how about the Wormadam and Venusaur for the drawing contest Treecko and Wurmple? Or is that asking too much?
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