Following the formatting rules/proper spelling and grammar (5/5)
Originality of the combo (Gardevoir/Gallade would be considered obvious) (10/10)
Staying Reasonable (don't make some crazy 20,000 HP guy. Keep it withing the fairness of real cards) (3/5) Locking Supporters, and loading your opponent's hand up with them just seems a bit overly powerful to me. If you got a T2 Honchkrow, your opponent will probably not get to setup.
If the combo is not quite obvious, explain it somewhere. Don't do the "randomness thing" mentioned in rule 5 (5/5)
Don't copy [even remotely] other people's ideas or ideas already used in the real TCG (4/5) The combo is good, but you will have to switch a lot, making it a bit unstable.
Creativity (10/10)
Total (37/40)
Finals: No.