Come here for username changes.

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Pimpwalkin said:
Pokefan4000 - I got some weird error message when I tried to change your name, saying that your e-mail address was the same as another member...? It didn't happen with anyone else, so... maybe it's the name you wanted, I don't know. Perhaps you could request omething without parentheses?

Oh yeah, I think my brother joined at some point, use my e-mail, and never told me and didn't post or anything. I THINK.

Something without parentheses? How about just donshinobi, please?
I would like to change my Name pls =)

z0n3_g3tt3r -> -°Fallen_Angel°-

Thanks ;)
z0ne g3tt3r - You cannot have the degree symbol in your name.

Pokefan4000 - What's his account name, do you know?
Pimpwalkin said:
z0ne g3tt3r - You cannot have the degree symbol in your name.

Pokefan4000 - What's his account name, do you know?

Is that so members don't mistake him for a TCM?

And Pokefan4000 said he THINKS his brother did, so I doubt he would know the name...
Thanks for the name change. Not spamming, just thanking you super mods for your work!
Wow, it's amazing the people STILL don't understand you have to say please to get a name change.
After 236 posts in thias thread you think people would understand. :/
Please dont forget Please :D

I would Like My name changed Please, PMJ

Treecko Boy -> FlamingDriscoll09
Silver said:
Wow, it's amazing the people STILL don't understand you have to say please to get a name change.
After 236 posts in thias thread you think people would understand. :/
It's amazing how people can't use spell check or proper grammar on a forum after millions of posts. :/ And I really don't care if it happens or not.
Ah, finally, found this lovely thread. PokéBeach was my first forum ever, hence the horrifically newbish username, ahaha... Fun times. Anyway, I thought I'd change to my current username I have on countless other forums. I searched, and I believe no-one ever claimed this awesome name here. >:) I also think this username is original enough, I mean... I'm noticed with it elsewhere, so it has to be, right? XD Enough jaja, I would like to request a name change, please.

Ryan"TheSeaKing" -> BeachBoy

...and thank you, very much. *Hopes he followed all necessary rules XD*
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