Come here for username changes.

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Limitless - it hasn't been three months since your last change, and now thanks to whoever deleted your previous name change from the list I have no idea when that was.

hyuga_yoh - I'm on it
Can I have my name changed please to Peta not Giga
I don't see why not
sharingan_blood, didn't even see you - yours is done too.
you can change your name BEFORE 3 months (the months that you registered) but then you have to wait another 3 months....
Two new questions have been added to the first post - everyone, see that you are aware of them.

Mr.Spammy - I redirect you to the first post; more specifically, to the new questions I added.

xXSalamenceXx - Your request is in violation of the fourth new rule.

The rest of you, you're welcome.
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