Competitive VG Simple Questions Thread

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RE: The Competitive Battling Questions Thread

Okay. Do they have the positioning mechanic?

Also, Pokémon Online hadn't even crossed my mind--I was referring to the actual in-game battling.
RE: The Competitive Battling Questions Thread

Anyone know when the Competitive battling will resume?
RE: The Competitive Battling Questions Thread

What do you mean? If you mean competitive battling of the week, then this Monday. I have been kinda sick so I couldn't get around to doing it.
RE: The Competitive Battling Questions Thread

No I mean real life battling, like tournaments.
RE: The Competitive Battling Questions Thread

Yes, that is why I posted it here in the competitive battling... .-.
RE: The Competitive Battling Questions Thread

just a quick question is it better to train m pokemon up to level 100 then EV train OR vise versa or should i train my pokemon up to level 100 while EV training. and another question are EVs applied when you battle a trainer or olny when you battle wild pokemon. i would appreciate any responses since competitive battling looks really fun and i really want to get into it.
RE: The Competitive Battling Questions Thread

You only gain EVs when you gain experience points. You have to EV train while leveling up unless you use Rare Candies.
RE: The Competitive Battling Questions Thread

But another question say if i maxed out the 2 stats i wanted and im not at level 100 would those stats still go up?
RE: The Competitive Battling Questions Thread

^Well, couldn't you just level up to 100 without worrying about EVs, and then use berries to get them down to 0, then EV train at Level 100?
Also, for EVs... you only get them when you DEFEAT a Pokémon, correct? Sorry, I'm pretty new to Competitive VGC. I used to know this, so I know it sounds dumb :p >_<
RE: The Competitive Battling Questions Thread

Im not sure but i think that you can only get EVs when you gain experience points.
RE: The Competitive Battling Questions Thread

If the Pokemon was involved in the battle at all, then yes, they get the EVs. So even if one Pokemon doesn't attack, gets switched out, and some other Pokemon kills it, the first and second Pokemon get the same amount of EVs. They aren't split, so if you kill a Bidoof (1 HP) all Pokemon involved in the battle would get 1 HP EV point.

Also, it is impossible to gain or lose EVs at level 100.
RE: The Competitive Battling Questions Thread

Alright another question i entered the stats for my whimsicott and stuff like that at the stat calculator and it said that the minimum speed was like 176 or something like that wich is my speed and then the max was like something in the 190 range. so can someone tell me how to get the max stat. I have 252 EV for speed by the way
RE: The Competitive Battling Questions Thread

You need 31 IVs to get max and a beneficial nature in that stat.
RE: The Competitive Battling Questions Thread

Can't lv.100 pokemon now get EV's in B/W?

No, they can not.
Unless I am mistaken, can't you use the various Wing Items at level 100?
RE: The Competitive Battling Questions Thread

Well euhm...

I'm still a newbie at competitive play so that's why I'm asking this question.
Can anyone maybe send me a starter manual or something about competitive play, I just don't know how to start out, which pokemon are good, which movesets and items and why... so it's all very confusing to me =s

thanx anyways,

RE: The Competitive Battling Questions Thread

@de: YOu can still use the wings, but they won't have any influence on the stat to my knowledge.

@Alice: I'd be happy to help you myself. I was once just like you, and one of Pokebeach's battlers helped me out. Just PM me about it.
RE: The Competitive Battling Questions Thread

DE is correct, actually. After doing some testing, the EV wing items have an effect on a Lv. 100 Pokemon. You need four of the same wings to increase a stat point by one point, like normal.
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