Are you serious? Azelf LA was replaced by Alph 4 and Rotom? Please. EVERYONE played Azelf, NO ONE plays Alph+Rotom. Alph isn't even searchable, and that takes up 2 spots in your deck. Uxie LA has NO replacement– we already had fine Draw Supporters, and honestly, we don't need to waste our Supporter for the turn on drawing 3 cards. Magnezone Prime? A Stage 2? Doesn't replace Uxie in any way. Bebe's Search was loads better than Elm's and Pokémon Communication. Loads. You got to both lower your hand size and get any Pokémon without having to have a Pokémon in-hand. Roseanne's Research is far superior to Collector (now we have to run much higher counts of energy), and anyways, Collector was played alongside Roseanne's, not as a replacement. And as Vulpix Yolk mentioned, Luxury Ball, Poké Drawer +, Pokedex HANDY, Expert Belt, BTS, and Vs. Seeker (as well as a more effective Rare Candy) have all been taken away.