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Cooro's Trade Thread <> -[H]- Some PT cards and Old EXs. -[W]- PT Rares

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RE: <> Zacario's Trade Thread <> -[H]- LA cards <> -[W]- Gliscor LV X, Cynthia's Feelings <>

@GG_Lover; Sorry...Nothing.
RE: <> Zacario's Trade Thread <> -[H]- LA cards <> -[W]- Gliscor LV X, Cynthia's Feelings <>

CML for x1 Blissey MT
RE: <> Zacario's Trade Thread <> -[H]- LA cards <> -[W]- Gliscor LV X, Cynthia's Feelings <>

Would you be interested in a Politoed DP5 1st edition and Cradily DP5?
RE: <> Zacario's Trade Thread <> -[H]- LA cards <> -[W]- Gliscor LV X, Cynthia's Feelings <>

@Toon Link; Only things I saw that I needed/wanted, and I obviously know it's a bad deal, were the Azelf LV X and 1 Cynthia's Feelings. And since I know it doesn't add up, I'll turn my self down so you don't have to.

@Collector Don; Erm, what's the catch?
RE: <> Zacario's Trade Thread <> -[H]- LA cards <> -[W]- Gliscor LV X, Cynthia's Feelings <>

i have jpn. gliscor x, i need your glace x

RE: <> Zacario's Trade Thread <> -[H]- LA cards <> -[W]- Gliscor LV X, Cynthia's Feelings <>

Do you have any LA? I don't see anything I'm interested in on your list, but if you have any older cards, I'm looking for Neo set rares. If you don't have any, I will sell them to you.
RE: <> Zacario's Trade Thread <> -[H]- LA cards <> -[W]- Gliscor LV X, Cynthia's Feelings <>

@Mudkip; I'll have to think about that. I'll get back to you ASAP.

@Don; I have LA, but not a lot. I had them up here like, last week, but after I traded 1 copy of each, I realized that left only one copy in my book(s). What specifically are you looking for? I might have Neo set cards, but I can tell you they're probably not in the best condition as they've been rubber banded and put in a shoe box for about a year or so...
RE: <> Zacario's Trade Thread <> -[H]- LA cards <> -[W]- Gliscor LV X, Cynthia's Feelings <>

c0uLd i know by tonight?
RE: <> Zacario's Trade Thread <> -[H]- LA cards <> -[W]- Gliscor LV X, Cynthia's Feelings <>

I only want mint Neos, CML for what I need. I'm only interested in a few LA pokemon, namely the new evolution ones like Gliscor and Yanmega. Also, any Mesprit and Azelfs, especially from LA.
RE: <> Zacario's Trade Thread <> -[H]- LA cards <> -[W]- Gliscor LV X, Cynthia's Feelings <>

@Mudkip; Sure, I guess...

@Don; Okay, Scratch the Neos then. I don't have any Yanmega aside from the Japanese one I got during Worlds, and my Gliscor are all for decks I'm working on. I have a few Mesprit and Azelfs, but I'm not sure how many.
RE: <> Zacario's Trade Thread <> -[H]- LA cards <> -[W]- Gliscor LV X, Cynthia's Feelings <>

Alright, LMK how many Mesprits and Azelfs you have.
RE: <> Zacario's Trade Thread <> -[H]- LA cards <> -[W]- Gliscor LV X, Cynthia's Feelings <>

thanx, i'll pm you my address

EDIT: did you say sure to trade or to lmk?
RE: <> Zacario's Trade Thread <> -[H]- LA cards <> -[W]- Gliscor LV X, Cynthia's Feelings <>

@Don; Okay. I thought I had more, but I only have 2 Mesprit...I probably have more somewhere that I can't find, or that my friend took by accident, but currently, those are all I have.

@Mudkip; I said sure to letting you know by tonight.
RE: <> Zacario's Trade Thread <> -[H]- LA cards <> -[W]- Gliscor LV X, Cynthia's Feelings <>

i edited my post and i misunderstood
RE: <> Zacario's Trade Thread <> -[H]- LA cards <> -[W]- Gliscor LV X, Cynthia's Feelings <>

Lucario and Darkrai
i have a glisor lvx jpn
RE: <> Zacario's Trade Thread <> -[H]- LA cards <> -[W]- Gliscor LV X, Cynthia's Feelings <>

@Dark Fire; What do you want for Mewtwo LV X and Gliscor LV X?
RE: <> Zacario's Trade Thread <> -[H]- LA cards <> -[W]- Gliscor LV X, Cynthia's Feelings <>

i need these cards for my deck
leafeon lvx
glaceon lvx
x2 tortarra md
x2 empoleon md
can you help me
RE: <> Zacario's Trade Thread <> -[H]- LA cards <> -[W]- Gliscor LV X, Cynthia's Feelings <>

I have no Leafeon LV X, Glaceon LV X is currently pending, but I have Torterra and Empoleon...
RE: <> Zacario's Trade Thread <> -[H]- LA cards <> -[W]- Gliscor LV X, Cynthia's Feelings <>

uhm, i'm sorry i'm being pushy but i am getting another offer for gliscor

so can you decide? :> or :<
RE: <> Zacario's Trade Thread <> -[H]- LA cards <> -[W]- Gliscor LV X, Cynthia's Feelings <>

ok let me know if glaceon is open if so i could do
glisor lvx dp5 jpn
Rare Candies
mewtwo lvx maybe
glaceon lvx
tortara md x1 or 2
and empoleon md x1or 2
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