Finished Crush A Wish! (you-person-person-you)

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Granted, but then no one buys the things because there is too long of a name.

I wish I get what I want for Christmas.
Granted, but you lose a Pokemon battle to your sister/brother/parent and fight in an epic battle of Rock Paper Scissors.

I wish for a piece of cheesecake.
Granted, but they eventually destroy the world with their chaotic battles.

I wish for everyone to enjoy their vacations, if they are indeed on one.
No poverty on where? Mars? Jupiter? Pluto? I assume you mean Pluto, right? Then it's Pluto.

I wish I could create implosions from thin air.
Granted, except you fall in love with the impolsions and acciently kill yourself during a romantic evening with them.

I wish that the
Santa at the mall will actually give me a gazillion dollars this year like I keep asking him! :}
Granted, but when you try to use them they turn out to be counterfeit and you go to jail.

I wish Travis (a kid I know) would die in bloody murder.
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