Crush a Wish! [YPPY]

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Granted. All the roles are nigh-kill proof vanilla, except for the wolves. :3
Granted, but you don't have one any more so you can't say that your phone sucks. :3

I wish for megas to stop existing.
Granted. You are killed for suggesting something so stupid. Megas now exist.

I wish for a rev to win the next Kingdoms challenge.
Granted, but since rev3rsor isn't in Kingdoms everyone looks at him suspiciously and blocks him because they think he hacked the forums.

(I think you meant The Challenge :p)

I wish that Colosseum got remade for the Wii U.
Granted, but only 5,000 copies are made and they're sold exclusively in Japan. Thanks, Nintendo.

I wish I had the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles arcade game in my basement.
Granted, but it's gathering dust and won't work.

I wish I knew what the last two challenges are in The Challenge.
Granted. But soon after you obtain them, there's an accident involving every last card and a paper shredder, and they all end up as confetti.

I wish the WonderLocke I'm doing wouldn't give me earlygame rubbish.
Granted. You get late-game rubbish instead.

I wish for a free download code for the new Smash Bros game being released tomorrow.
Granted, but it is in a secret code you cannot unravel!

I wish for all birds to lose their legs.
Granted, but now they all are swarming at you at 157 mph.

I wish I had one of every Pokemon card in existence.
Granted but they are all faded, crinkled and in terrible condition.

I wish I had super speed.
Granted. You slow down at the wrong moment and become trapped inside a wall.

I wish for pine trees to grow to 1000 metres in height.
Granted, but since you're so fast, your brain can't keep up and you run in front of a truck. The resulting accident causes you to either die, or become a vegetable for life, whichever you consider worse.

I wish to win the next four consecutive pokemon tcg world championships.
Granted, but they all fall down in a week.

Granted, but only in juniors.

I wish for world domination.
Granted.You wished for nothing so your wish is to fall asleep and never wake up.

I wish my post count reaches 2 million.
Granted, but it's because of massive spam and you get banned for life

I wish for Mega Feralgatr
Granted, but it results in everyone trying to outsmart each other, until people become so smart their brains explode.

I wish food that needs to be re-heated would warm itself.
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