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Crystal's TT: [W] Old M junk! REPS! Ho-Oh Top! [H] Uxie X, Amphy Prime, Lugia Top!

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RE: Crystal's Trade Thread: [W] Useful Supporters! [H] Uxie X and lots of PT!

Crystal Hikara said:
Tweed- From RR? This is what I could find:

1 Lucian's
1 Bertha's
2 Aaron's
1 Palmer's
1 Volkner's
1 SPDar
1 Champion's Room

I thought I had more than that. I'll try and look after work for some more.

Im looking for TGI trainers/sup. Do you have any from PL?
RE: Crystal's Trade Thread: [W] Useful Supporters! [H] Uxie X and lots of PT!

I have some stuff from your pokédex wants.

Togekiss GE
Magmortar MT
Rampardos MT

I have a Manaphy but it's POP9.
RE: Crystal's Trade Thread: [W] Useful Supporters! [H] Uxie X and lots of PT!

Tweed- Yup! Took a few to find them. Pick your poison ;D

-2 Cyrus's (NH)
-5 Galactic's HQ
-1 TM G
-5 Poketurn
-2 En Gain
-3 Power Spray

Make an offer, based on what I have, please. :3

Grizzly- Are they all holographic (non-reverse holo)? I'm interested if some/all are. Also, just looking for DP Manaphy H lolz. P6 Manaphy's in my book now.

-needs more binder space LOL-
RE: Crystal's Trade Thread: [W] Useful Supporters! [H] Uxie X and lots of PT!

You don't care for Dustox ex...

I DO! :D As long as it is in mint condition, why don't you CML for it? What kind of Misc. Collection cards are you looking for? Any variety? (I have a Phione MD)
RE: Crystal's Trade Thread: [W] Useful Supporters! [H] Uxie X and lots of PT!

I don't like CML very much, but I dug out some stuff. Feel free to make offers.

-Ditto LA
-Mew SW (given it is a Mew, I'm slightly reluctant to let it go, but I can be reasonable ;0
-Gardevoir SW H
-Lickilicky H
-Dustox EX (mint as from-pack can get!)

For my collection wants, I want the earliest release for that Pokemon, either in NH or (preferrably) holo form. For example, while there were both a NH and a H version of Pidgeot Jungle, I'm only looking for the H one. Make sense?
-MT Rampardos H
-MT Bastiodon H
-DP Electivire H
-DP Manaphy (H?)
-MD Phione (H?)

Also, if you have it/want to trade it, I'm veeeeery interested in LM Mew EX mint. I'll gladly pile on more for onna those babies. :3

Made an offer, please!
RE: Crystal's Trade Thread: [W] Useful Supporters! [H] Uxie X and lots of PT!

How'd you know I have a Mew ex LM!? o_O Oh wait. It's not on my Wants. *facepalm*

I like the Uxie X, any Call Energy you have and Machamp X also, and I just might let the Mew ex go. :) Just for you, because I guess you're a Mew fan! :p

I don't need your Mew SW, if you want to keep it. :)

Don't worry. The Manaphy and Phione are holo. I like the Ditto LA and Dustox ex the most. :)
RE: Crystal's Trade Thread: [W] Useful Supporters! [H] Uxie X and lots of PT!

These are some of the things I have from your wants that I don't have listed: Slowking, Smeargle (creased :/), Tyranitar, Vileplum. I am interested in your Shining Magikarp :D I also have some newer of your wants (Togekiss, Magmortar + others). If we can work something out, let me know. Oh and feel free to CML although I don't have hardly anything up yet, thanks :)
RE: Crystal's Trade Thread: [W] Useful Supporters! [H] Uxie X and lots of PT!

Crystal Hikara said:
Tweed- Yup! Took a few to find them. Pick your poison ;D

-2 Cyrus's (NH)
-5 Galactic's HQ
-1 TM G
-5 Poketurn
-2 En Gain
-3 Power Spray

Make an offer, based on what I have, please. :3

Counter if you value things differently, I was just thinking 10 trainers for 10 trainers, so how about:

4 Palmer's Contribution
4 Bebe's Search
2 Luxury Balls


2 Cyrus Conspiracy
2 TGI Energy Gain
1 TGI PokeRadar
5 TGI Poketurn
RE: Crystal's Trade Thread: [W] Useful Supporters! [H] Uxie X and lots of PT!

Espeon- I like Mew for a reason~ Apparently I have some psychic abilities!

All joking aside, goodness you've squeezed me into a tight hole. :/ Uhhhh...

Champ X
Dustox EX
Ditto LA x2 (NH, RH)(dunno if you want more than one)
1 Call

Mew EX (mint?)
Any of the above stated collection wants you think is fair, but I'd prefer DP stuff first.

Lemme know what you wanna do/include for your side of the deal.

ULM- I'm only interested in Slowking NeoGen, Vileplume Jungle and T-Tar NeoGen if they're holo, so you know. :p Are there any old card wants in specific you're interested in? Also, provided the newer wants don't overlap with ongoing response I've made/are H only, I'd like to know some of your wants other than * cards from my little list, please. ;0

Tweed- Post ninja you is! @_@

Anyways, a counter:

-2 Palmer's
-3 Bebe's
-2 Luxury Ball


-2 Cyrus's
-1 SPDar
-3 Poketurn
-2 En Gain

LMK if we have a deal!
RE: Crystal's Trade Thread: [W] Useful Supporters! [H] Uxie X and lots of PT!

OK...you drive a hard bargain...Mew ex is in very very good condition. And I'm paranoid about this kind of stuff. I don't need a second Ditto: could you exchange that for 2x PokeTurn and maybe an Azelf LA (if you have it) or a Salamence SF (if you have it)?

I have Electivire DP (not in the bestest condition, but nothing major like bends, creases, etc. etc. Scratches imminent) and Togekiss GE (mint) I can add.

Edit: What is/are your favorite Pokemon? I could throw some of your favorite Pokemon in if you'd like. (Maybe you could toss in an Espeon?) I also want to know if your cards are minty fresh. (Champ X, Ditto, etc. etc.)
RE: Crystal's Trade Thread: [W] Useful Supporters! [H] Uxie X and lots of PT!

Crystal Hikara said:
Tweed- Post ninja you is! @_@

Anyways, a counter:

-2 Palmer's
-3 Bebe's
-2 Luxury Ball


-2 Cyrus's
-1 SPDar
-3 Poketurn
-2 En Gain

LMK if we have a deal!

Okay lets do it.
RE: Crystal's Trade Thread: [W] Useful Supporters! [H] Uxie X and lots of PT!

Espeon- Man, this negotiation's getting INTENSE! Lolz.

Anyways, on minty cool freshness, taken from a collector stance (AKA REAAAALLY nitpicky inspection lolol):
-Machamp X: Besides a few subtle 'pull' marks on the back and extremely hard-to-notice white on the corners, it has no visible/noticeable scratches.
-Dust: Covered this a few posts back :p I don't think its condition's changed.
-Ditto RH: Been played, so definitely not minty fresh lol. It has quite a few noticeable minor scratches on the holo, little white smudge spots from its cardsleeve in places, some holo showing on the edge of the card, coupla slight marks on the back...lol you get the picture :p Overall, it's still in perfectly playable condition IMHO. Collectionwise...? Not so much.
-Second Ditto RH (I GUESS THEY'RE BOTH RH OOPS) is in better condition, not having seen play. It still has slight scratching on the holo (noteably on the top where the name goes) and has a little whitening on the back. Like I said, overall better condition.
-Call: has a bit of wear from use. There are some sleeve smudges and they're most noticeable on the back. It's minor, though, and the card still looks like it's in great playable condition.
-Poketurns: minor scratches, nothing major seeing as they haven't been played.
-Espy MD RH: throw-in. ;D It's got the minor scratch problem that RH seem to generally have, but what makes me go 'huh?' on the condition is that there's this little 'face' printed on the holo. There's no indents, but I'd thought I'd let you know. :3

Anyways, my final counter-offer, I think, because there's only so much give with an outdated card for a playable X and stuff:

Champ X
Dustox EX
Ditto RH (the better one!)
Call En
Poketurn x2
Espeon MD

Mew EX
Togekiss H
Manaphy DP H

AS for throw-ins, I likes Mew /duh XD Also, Articuno, Dragonair & Vaporeon. So dun worry 'bout it. ;D

So, what say you?

Tweed- Awriiiight, trade time! To the PM box! ;D

...And I swear I'll update this list Thursday .-. There's A LOT still not up here that I have...
RE: Crystal's Trade Thread: [W] Useful Supporters! [H] Uxie X and lots of PT!

I like your Uxie X. I have 1 NM, 4 Bebe's, an some (less than 3) rare candy. Of course, those are not worth a Uxie X, so I will add something else from my trade thread that you like.
RE: Crystal's Trade Thread: [W] Useful Supporters! [H] Uxie X and lots of PT!

What say me? WHAT SAY ME!? How dare you question me!

I think we've got ourselves a deal. PM me with the goodies, and we can be this trade going. ;)
RE: Crystal's Trade Thread: [W] Useful Supporters! [H] Uxie X and lots of PT!

electivire dp

mesprit la
RE: Crystal's Trade Thread: [W] Useful Supporters! [H] Uxie X and lots of PT!

I have Blaziken FB (RH), Jirachi LA and Gengar SF and need your 3 Toxicroak G if want to try and work something out
RE: Crystal's Trade Thread: [W] Useful Supporters! [H] Uxie X and lots of PT!

They're all holo but i need to check again in a bit to make sure I have the Slowking. Oh and the tyranitar is lookin really nice ;) I'll check to see what other of your haves i'm looking for, just wanted to let you know that i'm interested :D thanks
RE: Crystal's Trade Thread: [W] Useful Supporters! [H] Uxie X and lots of PT!

my roseannes x3
rare candy x1

uxie x
RE: Crystal's Trade Thread: [W] Useful Supporters! [H] Uxie X and lots of PT!

Is this one of the mews you want? Here is a link. Will you do one of these for your shiny magikarp?

RE: Crystal's Trade Thread: [W] Useful Supporters! [H] Uxie X and lots of PT!

Dear goodness where did all of these posts come from @_@

Shoyru- Rule #8, sorry.

Espeon: >D Excellent. Our trade shall commence.

Geo- I'm liking the offer, but I'd prefer a bigger trade rather than one card. Is there more from my list that you can add to wants/haves?

Ian- Not really interested, thanks. Those three are already part of my side collection. ^^'

ULM- Mmmmmm, Genisis T-tar. Been lookin' for that bad boy for a looooong while. I really would like to get my hands on that Slowking, too. You definitely have caught my interest here. ;D Again, lemme know if there's some certain card you're looking for besides shinings and *s, old or new. I'll see what strings I can pull at the PR to get it.

-skip the lolfail offer-

Rikko- Nope, that's BSP8 Mew. I've got a ton of them already and I think you can get them on ebay for a buck or so. Not worth the Karp.
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