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Crystal's TT: [W] Old M junk! REPS! Ho-Oh Top! [H] Uxie X, Amphy Prime, Lugia Top!

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RE: Crystal's Trade Thread: [W] Useful Supporters! [H] Uxie X and lots of PT!

Crystal Hikara said:
Dear goodness where did all of these posts come from @_@

Shoyru- Rule #8, sorry.

Espeon: >D Excellent. Our trade shall commence.

Geo- I'm liking the offer, but I'd prefer a bigger trade rather than one card. Is there more from my list that you can add to wants/haves?

Ian- Not really interested, thanks. Those three are already part of my side collection. ^^'

ULM- Mmmmmm, Genisis T-tar. Been lookin' for that bad boy for a looooong while. I really would like to get my hands on that Slowking, too. You definitely have caught my interest here. ;D Again, lemme know if there's some certain card you're looking for besides shinings and *s, old or new. I'll see what strings I can pull at the PR to get it.

-skip the lolfail offer-

Rikko- Nope, that's BSP8 Mew. I've got a ton of them already and I think you can get them on ebay for a buck or so. Not worth the Karp.

Would you please CML then?
RE: Crystal's Trade Thread: [W] Useful Supporters! [H] Uxie X and lots of PT!

Didn't see anything, really. :/ Sorry.

I'll take the time to update the Pokedex/my smaller collection wants sometime tomorrow if I can make it to the library.
RE: Crystal's Trade Thread: [W] Useful Supporters! [H] Uxie X and lots of PT!

Crystal Hikara said:
Didn't see anything, really. :/ Sorry.

I'll take the time to update the Pokedex/my smaller collection wants sometime tomorrow if I can make it to the library.

Perhaps a shiny for a shiny?
RE: Crystal's Trade Thread: [W] Useful Supporters! [H] Uxie X and lots of PT!

The old 'Karp's a bit difficult to get ones hands on, esp. 1st ed, so is it a Neo shiny?
RE: Crystal's Trade Thread: [W] Useful Supporters! [H] Uxie X and lots of PT!

Crystal Hikara said:
The old 'Karp's a bit difficult to get ones hands on, esp. 1st ed, so is it a Neo shiny?

No, but I can give you two recent ones.
RE: Crystal's Trade Thread: [W] Useful Supporters! [H] Uxie X and lots of PT!

Prerelease Posters (ask me which)
^Which ones are they?

I have that Lugia you would need bad...From Neo Genesis.
RE: Crystal's Trade Thread: [W] Useful Supporters! [H] Uxie X and lots of PT!

Geo- I meant like, many more cards on both sides of the trade. I'd rather pay a bit more in shipping for a bigger deal, you get what I mean?

Rikko- Sorry, not interested in new set shinies. :/

Mew Jadester: Hello, fellow Mew fan! XD Anyhoo, you have my attention. Is it in mint condish? (EDIT) If it isn't, and the trade's not small, I can't trade with you given you live in Aussie. :/

Small Crystal Guardians (Blaziken)
Small Giratina and the Sky Warrior Movie
Large (24" wide) GE Darkrai
Large SF Gigas/Heatran/Rhyperior
Large PT Gira Alt. Forme

Note that most of these have been used. There may be some taped areas too. :/
RE: Crystal's TT: [W] Neo/Early EX Series! Ho-Oh Legend ENG! [H] Uxie X/PT!

Found my slowking :) And I'm mostly just looking for *'s and older shining stuff. I can whip up a list tomorrow of newer stuff i'd like to have too though ^_^

Oh and just to clarify, you meant the Neo Discovery Tyranitar, right? Because there isn't a Neo Genesis one....
RE: Crystal's TT: [W] Neo/Early EX Series! Ho-Oh Legend ENG! [H] Uxie X/PT!

That sounds fine to me for newer stuff. I'll be going to the prerelease, provided I feel well enough, so I'll hopefull have a good bit more.

...and yes. :0 I'm getting my sets all mixed up, sorry! Hahaha.
RE: Crystal's TT: [W] Collection stuff! Ho-Oh Legend Top! [H] HGSS IS IN!


HGSS IS IN! ^_^ Please check the first post for important information...and please, someone take some Ariados off my hands ._.
RE: Crystal's TT: [W] Collection stuff! Ho-Oh Legend Top! [H] HGSS IS IN!

Crystal Hikara said:
Tweed- From RR? This is what I could find:

1 Lucian's
1 Bertha's
2 Aaron's
1 Palmer's
1 Volkner's
1 SPDar
1 Champion's Room

I thought I had more than that. I'll try and look after work for some more.

Juliacoolo- Lemme see...some are a bit worn/have tears in the corners, just as a warning:

Small Blaziken Crystal Guardians
Large (24") Stormfront(?) (Gigas/Rhyperior/Heatran)
Large Great Encounters (Darkrai)
Small Giratina & the Sky Warrior
Large Platinum (Giratina Alt.)

I -think- that's all I have for right now.

Baln- No thank you, not interested.
May I have pictures? They're for my sister, and I want to make sure she'll like them.
RE: Crystal's TT: [W] Collection stuff! Ho-Oh Legend Top! [H] HGSS IS IN!

What card is Toto? I have those. Anyways, I have a pack of unopened HGSS sleeves, probably some pokemon communicator, and a Bebe's search. I like your Uxie X. Let me know if we can work something out.
RE: Crystal's TT: [W] Collection stuff! Ho-Oh Legend Top! [H] HGSS IS IN!

Oh i meant to ask the other day, are you interested in any of the newer cards I mentioned???

Also- I'm interested in your Gnaw Pikachu, any Arceus' you want off your hands and the HGSS Raichu (I can't believe I didn't get one T_T)
RE: Crystal's TT: [W] Collection stuff! Ho-Oh Legend Top! [H] HGSS IS IN!

I have a ho-oh top. I like your Uxie X.
RE: Crystal's Trade Thread: [W] Useful Supporters! [H] Uxie X and lots of PT!

Crystal Hikara said:
Tweed- Yup! Took a few to find them. Pick your poison ;D

-2 Cyrus's (NH)
-5 Galactic's HQ
-1 TM G
-5 Poketurn
-2 En Gain
-3 Power Spray

Make an offer, based on what I have, please. :3

Grizzly- Are they all holographic (non-reverse holo)? I'm interested if some/all are. Also, just looking for DP Manaphy H lolz. P6 Manaphy's in my book now.

-needs more binder space LOL-

Togekiss and Magmortar are holographic, but Rampardos is reverse holographic.
RE: Crystal's TT: [W] Collection stuff! Ho-Oh Legend Top! [H] HGSS IS IN!

Where'd all of you guys come from...?

JC- I'd love to give you pics, but the major problem at hand is I DON'T HAVE A CAMERA T_T I can at least say that the Giratina poster's based off the booster box/pack? artwork, along with Darkrai. Not so sure on Blazi and the trio. Blazi's nice, IMHO- it's surrounded by blue crystals with its wrists on FIYAH. Because EVERYTHING looks better on fire.
I'm very sorry I can't take pics. Trust me. It kills me not to have a digital camera. ;;

Shoyru: While I'm not so interested in your first offer, I'm VERY much interested in trading Uxie X for Ho-Oh Legend Top. Mint, I do hope? If so, make an offer based on what I have and what you think is fair.

ULM: Newer cards...? I'll edit in a sec' with what I think. >_> Stupid one-window-browser Wii nonsense...
Anyways, I have no prob relinquishing Gn'Pika and a Raichu. Arceus will depend on your old card offers, I guess. So, for right now, offer away on older stuff~

Grizzly: I'm actually receiving Kiss right now. As much as I don't like Magmortar, he's needed, so make an offer based on what I have, please. Keep in mind I do like to do bigger trades rather than smaller ones, if you don't mind...:/
RE: Crystal's TT: [W] Collection stuff! Ho-Oh Legend Top! [H] HGSS IS IN!

Teh bumpy (#2 from Saturday's bump)? :3 Responses are nice... also will (hopefully) do an update on my birthday Thursday for TSS and more Pokedex wants.
RE: Crystal's TT: [W] Collection stuff! Ho-Oh Legend Top! [H] HGSS IS IN!

I'm interested in these HGSS cards

Gyarados (H)
2x Raichu (H)
3x Pokegear
2x Pokemon Reversal
2x Pokemon Collector
2x Fisherman
2x Professor Elm's

I have 3 Claydol GE league promo and 2 Uxie LA league promo. I'll do 3 in any combination of my cards for the ones I listed. LMK
RE: Crystal's TT: [W] Collection stuff! Ho-Oh Legend Top! [H] HGSS IS IN!

EvilHamster: I'm afraid I'll pass down that offer, just because there's so many cards from my end and so few on yours. That and you'd be wiping out all my HGSS trainers XD

On another note, updated with my TSS and Pokedex! Now that I have some more specific cards there, hopefully I'll be getting some more offers. And I found out I had some pretty good Supporters and the like hanging around! So, more offers please?
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