RE: Crystal's TT: [W] Collection stuff! Ho-Oh Top! [H] HGSS IS IN! TSS Update!
Awesome, I get to save a bump or two.

I'm so shameless lol!
Lemme know if I skip anyone...
Soariyant- I'm trading for an Aerodactyl right now, actually. :/ And given how Flareon's got a crease in it, I don't think I'm too interested. Sorry! D:
islam- I saw 2 Rare Candy and the Claydol. Make an offer for one or the other please?
piplup- I haven't actually made any mats yet. XD I have to wait until I'm a touch more financially stable/access to the computer/done with commissions first before I can think of it. I'll PM you when I'm takin' them again though. :3
Binx: Sorry, but I can only do counters and stuff on my thread. I don't like the PM box because mine's getting dangerously full. XD; Ah ha ha!
Anyways, Sally Dr, Ninjask, Mawile, RH Exp. Pidgeot and Hoenn badges for my Tangrowth X and HGSS Persian?
ESP: Oooh, good lordy, that's a lot of trainers right there. I only really saw Amphy Prime off your list...but do you happen to have any Roseys or the like? LMK so we can work out an offer. :3
Zangoosed- I actually just traded away all of my Rescues. :/ I still have 2 RH left, though. I'd do one for Torterrible. Lemme know!
- Keep in mind that I'm still in the process of organizing and posting up cards! There's a lot to go through and my main post lags ridiculous amounts when I go to update it. D: -