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Crystal's TT: [W] Old M junk! REPS! Ho-Oh Top! [H] Uxie X, Amphy Prime, Lugia Top!

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RE: Crystal's TT: [W] Collection stuff! Ho-Oh Top! [H] HGSS IS IN! TSS Update!

CML for Uxie X i don't know what to offer sorry :/
RE: Crystal's TT: [W] Collection stuff! Ho-Oh Top! [H] HGSS IS IN! TSS Update!

Life Shaymin: I'm only interested in the Ancient Mew if it lacks the Wizards text at the bottom. Also, condition on the Shining Gyarados Neo Rev? I'd love to get my hands on one again. (I traded it away like a dum-dum a bit ago. D: )

flygon: I don't check for Lv. Xs. You -have- to make an offer first. :/
RE: Crystal's TT: [W] Collection stuff! Ho-Oh Top! [H] HGSS IS IN! TSS Update!

Crystal Hikara said:
Life Shaymin: I'm only interested in the Ancient Mew if it lacks the Wizards text at the bottom. Also, condition on the Shining Gyarados Neo Rev? I'd love to get my hands on one again. (I traded it away like a dum-dum a bit ago. D: )

flygon: I don't check for Lv. Xs. You -have- to make an offer first. :/

gatr prime ?
RE: Crystal's TT: [W] Collection stuff! Ho-Oh Top! [H] HGSS IS IN! TSS Update!

To both: Nope, not good enough. Fergatr's coming out in a tin (apparently?) and I've been keeping an eye on ebay for Amphy Prime. I've seen them go from 6-10 so they're not worth the Uxie, I'd say.
RE: Crystal's TT: [W] Collection stuff! Ho-Oh Top! [H] HGSS IS IN! TSS Update!

Crystal Hikara said:
To both: Nope, not good enough. Fergatr's coming out in a tin (apparently?) and I've been keeping an eye on ebay for Amphy Prime. I've seen them go from 6-10 so they're not worth the Uxie, I'd say.

can i throw in somethin
RE: Crystal's TT: [W] Collection stuff! Ho-Oh Top! [H] HGSS IS IN! TSS Update!

The only other thing I kinda saw was Lugia Legend. Also, I didn't see Amphy Prime on your list?

In all honesty, though, I'd rather trade when Ho-Oh top's in the deal. If you could get ahold of Ho-Oh top, I'd gladly trade Uxie X and some possible throw-ins on my end for the both of them. :3
RE: Crystal's TT: [W] Collection stuff! Ho-Oh Top! [H] HGSS IS IN! TSS Update!

Crystal Hikara said:
The only other thing I kinda saw was Lugia Legend. Also, I didn't see Amphy Prime on your list?

In all honesty, though, I'd rather trade when Ho-Oh top's in the deal. If you could get ahold of Ho-Oh top, I'd gladly trade Uxie X and some possible throw-ins on my end for the both of them. :3

i mean lugia legend is a fair trade for uxie x ,
RE: Crystal's TT: [W] Collection stuff! Ho-Oh Top! [H] HGSS IS IN! TSS Update!

the situation said:
i mean lugia legend is a fair trade for uxie x ,

Maybe for both pieces of it, it would be. Uxie X still goes upwards at like...$25 right now. (Ebay prices are a bit all over the place for it right now, but BIN prices are actually up at around 30, IIRC.) One piece of Lugia/Ho-Oh are going for $13 right now. But, as said, I'm much more interested in Ho-Oh than Lugia.

Flygon: I'd do Ho-Oh top and Amphy Prime for Uxie X and some (playable) trainers/other cards? That seems to work out, value wise.
RE: Crystal's TT: [W] Collection stuff! Ho-Oh Top! [H] HGSS IS IN! TSS Update!

Crystal Hikara said:
Maybe for both pieces of it, it would be. Uxie X still goes upwards at like...$25 right now. (Ebay prices are a bit all over the place for it right now, but BIN prices are actually up at around 30, IIRC.) One piece of Lugia/Ho-Oh are going for $13 right now. But, as said, I'm much more interested in Ho-Oh than Lugia.

Flygon: I'd do Ho-Oh top and Amphy Prime for Uxie X and some (playable) trainers/other cards? That seems to work out, value wise.

how about gatr i dont have ampy
RE: Crystal's TT: [W] Collection stuff! Ho-Oh Top! [H] HGSS IS IN! TSS Update!

Not for all of them, if that was what you were intending...That's a bit too many playable cards to lose in one go for one card. :/ Did you see anything else that I could sub some of the BTS in for?
RE: Crystal's TT: [W] Collection stuff! Ho-Oh Top! [H] HGSS IS IN! TSS Update!

Ok so im trying to trade with you on here, your thread. so please respond to this..

base- R electabuzz
base- Japanese HR alakazam
jungle- R flareon
expedition- R gengar
expedition- R rev H pidgeot
RS- R swampert
RS- R blaziken
SS- shiftry R (3 versions- 2 dif cards, rev and non-h)
SS- R keckelon
SS- R mawhile
DR- salamance
DR- rev holo grumpig
DR- R ninjask
DR- R crawdaunt and rev HR crawdaunt
HL- R tropius
many badges
some HGSS rares/rev holo Rs

tangrowth LV X
GS- R granbull
GS- HR raichu
GS-HR gyarados
GS- R persian
RE: Crystal's TT: [W] Collection stuff! Ho-Oh Top! [H] HGSS IS IN! TSS Update!

i like mesprit i have leage uxie

would you be able to trade
mesprit and 2x broken time space for the uxie?

and do you have any entei suicune and raikuo?
RE: Crystal's TT: [W] Collection stuff! Ho-Oh Top! [H] HGSS IS IN! TSS Update!

Crystal Hikara said:
Awesome, I get to save a bump or two. :D I'm so shameless lol!

Lemme know if I skip anyone...

Binx: Sorry, but I can only do counters and stuff on my thread. I don't like the PM box because mine's getting dangerously full. XD; Ah ha ha!

Anyways, Sally Dr, Ninjask, Mawile, RH Exp. Pidgeot and Hoenn badges for my Tangrowth X and HGSS Persian?

ESP: Oooh, good lordy, that's a lot of trainers right there. I only really saw Amphy Prime off your list...but do you happen to have any Roseys or the like? LMK so we can work out an offer. :3

Zangoosed- I actually just traded away all of my Rescues. :/ I still have 2 RH left, though. I'd do one for Torterrible. Lemme know!

- Keep in mind that I'm still in the process of organizing and posting up cards! There's a lot to go through and my main post lags ridiculous amounts when I go to update it. D: -

Binx: I told you, already made an offer. :X It's the bolded part. Counter offer/LMK please.

Islam: Uxie's just there as an example; I have no need for Uxies. I'm still interested in Claydol, though. Is it LP or GE? Also, has it seen any play/damage whatsoever?

Mesprit and 2 BTS for Claydol if it's in fairly good condition? Counter offer if you'd like.
RE: Crystal's TT: [W] Collection stuff! Ho-Oh Top! [H] HGSS IS IN! TSS Update!

it is lp and could you add any more bts 1x atlist


mesprit LA
3x bts

my claydol lp

do you have any of the dogs enti rickuo and suiscune

please do this
RE: Crystal's TT: [W] Collection stuff! Ho-Oh Top! [H] HGSS IS IN! TSS Update!

Ahhh, you botch their names so horridly! D: But you'll have to be a little more specific about which Entei, Suicune and Raikou cards you're interested in. If you mean newer stuff I don't have JP cards, sorry.

And nope, going to stay right where I am. Mesprit's worth a good $3-4 bucks right now, according to eBay, while BTS are worth $1.50 each (probably more, but I'll go with the lower card for benefit of the doubt.) Claydol LP is worth $6-8, but it's now a fairly accessible card so I'll put it down to $6.50-$7.

Mesprit- $3-$4
BTS- $1.50 x2= $3
Equals= $6-$7, right in Claydol range.

My offer stands.
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