darkrai's banners and avatars: ABANDONED!

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RE: darkrai's banners and avatars: looking for workers!

Is my banner done? Does it take long to copy and paste a couple of things and type? In Sam Houston's name, I must say, this shop is no where as good as I thought it would be. This is a mediocre shop, and I'm sorry if it hurts. NO ONE asks from you guys here, but Wolf and I, and you can't even do ours. At least Phoenix is here to save the day. Otherwise, you guys are pretty much done.
RE: darkrai's banners and avatars: looking for workers!

Wolf said:
I know he quit, he said it in his post. I'm not pestering him-I said I'm guessing he'll send the codes tomorrow as I haven't recieved them yet. Guessing is not pestering noob. Me and the other guy need a banner for our boss, so we came here, thinking this place was good. Then you came along and start arguing with everyone. Let's not play the blame game now- you were in the argument too.

Dudeman1993 said:
Is my banner done? Does it take long to copy and paste a couple of things and type? In Sam Houston's name, I must say, this shop is no where as good as I thought it would be. This is a mediocre shop, and I'm sorry if it hurts. NO ONE asks from you guys here, but Wolf and I, and you can't even do ours. At least Phoenix is here to save the day. Otherwise, you guys are pretty much done.

Wolf said:
Shops aren't about "feeling like doing it". That's like me taking out the trash sometimes, I don't feel like doing it, so my brother or sister does. At shops, you request to get something. So far, this is like a bad ebay seller. You finally purchase the item you want, then it takes forever to ship, or you never get the item, while losing money, or in this case, time.

I have been waiting for about 3 days. In fact, in one of darkrai's posts, he said it should take a few hours for a request, I've been waiting much longer than that. This shop is definitely not worth my $1,000 on a banner so far, that I had to pay.

Dudeman1993 said:
I NEED MY BANNER ASAP!! Come on!! Toaster Strudel can't be THAT difficult! Wolf is right: Shops aren't doing banners and artwork depending on if they feel like it, they do it for the members. And so far in the progress of my banner, you aren't. This shop is not very well organized, and until I get my banner done, I won't change my opinion.

Originally I wasn’t planning on posting here after reading the argument that started here, but I honestly feel like I have to now.

Guessing IS pestering when you continually badger the workers in this thread for your banner. If the banner is SO important and SO “obviously” simple to make, then why not figure out how to do it yourselves? With some free programs you can easily complete the task to which you were assigned.

If the shop is so horrible, then why don’t you request from another shop? Honestly it sounds like you were sent here more to annoy the workers here than to get a banner for your ‘boss’.

And yes, you guys did start the argument. This is a free service that these workers are providing you. If you don’t like it, then leave. You can’t coerce them – you didn’t pay anything, so if you don’t receive what you requested, then all you can do is go somewhere else instead of stretching this problem that you have with this shop across several replies.

And no, this is NOTHING like a bad eBay seller. You didn’t pay anything for what you requested. And these shops aren’t here to serve the members – the shop owners and workers are not paid to provide products to members. They do it under their own volition. Again, you can’t force them to do anything because this is a free service.

My suggestion to you two is to just leave this thread and find another shop that will finish your banners. There was no need to pester the workers of this shop as much as you did.

Go ahead and report this post if you have to – I don’t mind.
RE: darkrai's banners and avatars: looking for workers!

I want a banner!
Pokemon: mew and mew two
Background: pattern of dark symbols
text: buddys

make the pokemon battle
RE: darkrai's banners and avatars: looking for workers!

pokemonred said:
I want a banner!
Pokemon: mew and mew two
Background: pattern of dark symbols
text: buddys

make the pokemon battle
1. sure!

2. what kind of patterns

3. we can't do animations...
RE: darkrai's banners and avatars: looking for workers!

no one... I'm making it now!

here it is:

RE: darkrai's banners and avatars: now with card avatars!

banner/avatar: banner
Image: Darkrai facing right on the left, Darkrai facing left on the right, red eyes in the upper middle
background: A swirl of shadows
effects: (if you want it that badly...)
text: Lord Umbra: Creator of Darkness
text color: anything that will fit the dark, dreary mood
anything else: The Darkrai lv Xs (both the one from GE and the promo are preferred choices for the Darkrai.
RE: darkrai's banners and avatars: now with card avatars!

Image:Darth Vadar
text:The Dark Side
text color:red
RE: darkrai's banners and avatars: now with card avatars!

banner/avatar: banner
Image: Charizard fighting another Dragon pokemon
Background: Fire
Text: Team Gamerz
Text Color: Silver
RE: darkrai's banners and avatars: now with card avatars!

Image:meganium and charizard
background:half forest half fire
effects: (if you want it that badly...)none
text:meganium charizard
text color:meganium in green and charizard in orange
anything else: (no poses)nope
RE: darkrai's banners and avatars: now with card avatars!

hi iam wondering if i can work here??i have exp with photoshop CS3
and here are some examples of my work, i really wanna get my work out there and i dont know who'll take me as a worker


RE: darkrai's banners and avatars: now with card avatars!

program you use:paint.Net,Photoshop, sometimes Gimp
any experience:since Last week
what you can do:for now recolors banners and some avitars
past work:check my shop
RE: darkrai's banners and avatars: now with card avatars!

username: Mew4000
program you use: nothing paint i gess
any experience: little but i learn quickly
what you can do: Maps, Trainers, Color changes for both pokemon and trainers. can try at trainer fusions
past work:
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