Dawn's Final 2 Pokemon

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She may get a Drifloon or Drapion because she does like cute and also strong Pokemon. I would like her to get a Drifloon because then she will be able to float everywhere she wants.:)
i am all in for the trade.....buizel, being this strong deserve to do real battles, whereas aipom being so aesthetic and stylish, needs to show off her talents which it cant do by doing gym battles.

you guys r so busy quarreling about your favorite characters, look at the poor pokemon for once!!
I don't see Dawn and Drapion, maybe Skorupi, but not Drapion. But, yeah, Drifloon is perfect for her, xxashxx
I don't see here with a ghost Pokemon...but tommorow we get to sse the Cacnea Snover trade possibly happen.
Dawnfanboy said:
I don't see Dawn and Drapion, maybe Skorupi, but not Drapion. But, yeah, Drifloon is perfect for her, xxashxx

Thanks. Dawn does like cute and small Pokemon so I can see her getting a Drifloon as one of her Pokemon. If not this season maybe in the seasons to come.:)
Dawn won't stay around for 4-5 seasons May was around for 3. Two seasonin Hoenn and one in the Battle Frontier.
Dawnfanboy said:
She'll be here for maybe 4-5 seasons (or 3-4), she'll catch her lion's share of Pokemon

No she wont. Quit feeding yourself A pathetic lie. No offence. I doubt she will get Drifloon because for 1, they have already passed the place where Drifllon is, and two we dont know if she will get 6 pokemon and even if she does it will be around the Grand Festival. If she even gets to that.
Silver said:
Dawn won't stay around for 4-5 seasons May was around for 3. Two seasonin Hoenn and one in the Battle Frontier.

Actually she might. Look at Misty. She was there until season 6 so Dawn is not out of the question of that.:)
May WON'T return with a new Eeveeloution, most likely it's Espeon. But I think she'll come back to at least battle Dawn in a Contest, most likely, that would be it. Silver, look at Misty and Dawn is like Misty in many ways, and how Sinnoh's goingm it will be 1 full year maybe when it ends. She'll stay for 4-5 seasons
Your only saying that because you like Dawn. Get over it. She won't stay for 5 seasons no matter what you think.
Dawnfanboy said:
May WON'T return with a new Eeveeloution, most likely it's Espeon. But I think she'll come back to at least battle Dawn in a Contest, most likely, that would be it. Silver, look at Misty and Dawn is like Misty in many ways, and how Sinnoh's goingm it will be 1 full year maybe when it ends. She'll stay for 4-5 seasons

Yeah so how do you know this? Okay for one, Dawn and Misty are completely opposite. For one, Misty is A gym leader, the only reason she went with Ash and Brock to Johto is because her sisters were filling in for her at the gym. Thats also another reason why Dawn wont stay for 5 seasons. Because Dawn is A coordinator, Misty is A gym leader. And plus Misty is older than Dawn and doesnt participate in contests. And Dawn isnt that great of A coordinator. Im not being mean either. Im only stating the freaking facts.
So true. Just because you like here, doesn't mean she's going to stay for 6 seasons. She won't even stay for 4. What will you do when she's not shown anymore? Your just going to start likeing the next girl that comes in.
Probably not. They're all different. She'll stay for multiple seasons, how many seasons that'll be. But it's 4-5 TOPS
Dawnfanboy said:
Probably not. They're all different. She'll stay for multiple seasons, how many seasons that'll be. But it's 4-5 TOPS

How do you know though? Your not a writer. So stop acting like your one. And im not saying she will stay for 4-5 seasons and im not saying she wont. But more than likely she wont.
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