Dawn's Final 2 Pokemon

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with kanto we had orange league
with johto we had none
with hoenn we had battle frontier
with sinnoh we will have ...NONE!!

if it follows the pattern thats what we get.....
maybe a johto remake will come after the fifth gen league
I've been saying that they might go to Johto and start finding some new Pokemon around (Like they did with Bonsly, Chatot, Munchlax, Mime Jr. and Electivire) but anyways we should get on topic befor thi gets locked.
But like I said, Sinnoh is much bigger than Johto itself so Sinnoh is bound to be longer than Johto. Anyways if the trade does happen, do you think Aipom will evolve with Dawn?
OKay guys, I have the best news! The new episode summaries came out today and guess what?! They had the summary for the Aipom and Buizel episode. So now it is confirmed that the trade WILL happen. But the only thing is, we dont know if it is only temporary or permanent. But it will happen. If you dont believe me ask me for the link to the summaries.
Couldn't let Buizel and Dawn be together longer. I hope Buizel becomes like Charizard. I hate Ash even more now. Well, now DAWN WILL NEED RIOLU ! She'll need a powerhouse if Piplup doesn't evovle fully and she gets Riolu does. Remeber, SHE HAS A SOOTHE BELL AS WELL !
BONSLY!!!---where are you??? GOD! what happened to this guy??

I checked bulbagarden; there it says that zoey appears in that episode and after observing ash and dawn practising with aipom and buizel, she comments that ash and dawn should trade!

but thats all----Bonsly, have you been referring to this? they dont say if the trade happens even for once!
shakir, thank you. You still agree with me that the trade will NOT happen. Zoey isn't Ash or Dawn. Buizel hasn't participated in Contests enough to get a grasp for them and like them. Their "Respective Roads" are the roads that their Trainers are going down (Contests for Dawn and Gyms for Ash) and Aipom has it's own in Gyms
Dawnfanboy said:
Couldn't let Buizel and Dawn be together longer. I hope Buizel becomes like Charizard. I hate Ash even more now. Well, now DAWN WILL NEED RIOLU ! She'll need a powerhouse if Piplup doesn't evovle fully and she gets Riolu does. Remeber, SHE HAS A SOOTHE BELL AS WELL !
Shut up. First off, Dawn does not have A Soothe Bell. Second off coordinators dont need powerhouses. Thirdly, just shut up because you cant handle anything. And to everyone else, I do have to sleep so get off my case. Sometimes I do forget to logout. And also, in the episode summary it says while Dawn is training for her next contest, Buizel is more intrested in Ash's training for his next gym battle. But Aipom is more intrested in Dawn's training for her next gym battle. Zoey then comes along and see's this. She then suggests that the two trade pokemon. Now something right there tells me that the trade will happen. Whether if its only for that episode I dont know, but, in the next episodes summary, its says, Buizel is training, and uses Sonicboom. Why would he need to be training for an attack he already knows unless Ash is training him?
Silver said:
Give me a link to the episosde summary. Until then I don't believe it.

Coming right up.
Here is the link:http://www.serebiiforums.com/showthread.php?t=286433 Just scroll down until you see d/p 55
Ok, I'm not TRYING to be mean but Bonsly's post was a bit funny, sorry if it offends you hust don't make me end up like my step brother. And that doesn't confirm that the trade WILL happen, it just kind of says that they like the other's training. Maybe Dawn will lend Buizel to Ash occasionally for battles and Ash will lend Aipom to Dawn for contests.
Dawnfanboy said:
Bonsly, I will bring back the Ban List. You don't want that, do you ?

Yeah with the mods saying your not allowed to do that, I dont think you will. Im not trying to be mean, im just stating my opinion and the facts. And if you cant handle that to bad so sad but im not going to stop just because you disagree with me. If the trade does happen and it is permanent then that might actually be good for both Aipom and Buizel. Also, something like this might happen: Once Zoey suggests they should trade, Ash and Dawn think about it, and they do trade. And once Buizel and Aipom finally get what they want, they realize they dont want it and then by the end of the episode Ash and Dawn trade back.
Yes but that doesnt mean the trade wont happen now does it? Piplup already took Buizel's place as main battler and plus Buizel wasnt even intrested when Dawn was training for her contest.
The Cacnea trade is basicly confirmed. I'm not that stupid but I'm still not COMPLETELY sure about that Buizel Aipom trade. Aipom is one of my favorite Pokemon and now that it's in the Anime I don't want it to be with a complete n00b.
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