BW/BW2 Dento's typing revealed?


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon promo basically confirms Dento is a rock Gym Leader.

Although... Dento uses Solar Beam on Mijumaru... So.... Hmmm....
(He says "ソラービーム!" (Solar Beam!) before the light attack thing.)

I just like this picture ^ω^

So... what do you think? Because.. I'm pretty confused xD
No clue...
He could have the have the Grass, Fire, and Water types like some have suggested.

Also, I love how Mijumaru takes its shell off and used it like a shield! :3
We could have a rock/grass type on our hands. Maybe rock/fire, but who knows. I don't really think this is important, let's just wait and see...
It could be just the arena that Dento uses. Like the ones they have in the Pokemon Leagues. I'd pay more attention to the attack he was using, as that indicates a Grass type pokemon.

From the discussion on the forums, many people think he may have a grass, fire and water type pokemon.

The only revealed pokemon that are likely to use Solarbeam are Tsutaaja, Shikijika and Kurumiru. Maybe a starter Gym? Or a Normal-type Gym?
great find! It looks like ash either uses mijumaru or pokabu because we saw pokeabu once before there. i really want mijumaru to be ash's
rockinpikachu said:
great find! It looks like ash either uses mijumaru or pokabu because we saw pokeabu once before there. i really want mijumaru to be ash's
That's right.... Maybe Pokabu is the one who uses Solar beam.. It's nose glows, doesn't it?
I love that Iris picture too :p

I think Dento will be a rock type trainer , just like Brock. Maybe he's gonna act like Brock and always go madly in love with Nurse Joy or Officer Jenny or other girl he sees.
Nope. Pretty sure he owns a Tsutarja that used the Solarbeam.
He best not be rock, or I'm gonna flip. Really.
i thinl itll be the other way around like others have said. hope hes a grass type user. then he'll be a gardner or something and girls will be all over him like a remoraid to a mantine. what a ladies man!
doubt hes a rck gym and hope we see the solarbeamer soon.
Its also could be that the gyms floor changes its terrain for certain pokemon types like the other generations so i dont think we can be sure yet if dento is rock type or grass
If you listen closely before he says Solarbeam, he actually says "Tasting Time!" ,but other than that he could be a grass type gym leader with a rocky field or the field might change, just like in the pokemon leagues.
well roark is the rock gym and remember how he was dressed.i DO NOT THINK Dento is the rock type
maybe hes a normal cauze hes dressed like that and normals can learn solar beam
he has a green hair a green spotlight and a green bowtie. i really dont want a rock type but any others would be fine with me.
I actually remember a lot of gyms had rock fields without being a rock type like i thin flannery and brawley but we don't know yet so him being grass or rock, the idea is still up in the air.
assuming dento is a grass user, would aloe be a fire type? its in one of the august leaks about the black document. shes in a red outline and dento is in green. also everyone cooks with fire so maybe they help with the cooking.
frostwind said:
he has a green hair a green spotlight and a green bowtie. i really don't want a rock type but any others would be fine with me.

*Sigh* We've had a rock type gym since Gen 2. They need to give that a rest -__-

And why would having green hair/clothing lead you to believe that he's a grass type gym? O_O
SinnohTrainer17 said:
*Sigh* We've had a rock type gym since Gen 2. They need to give that a rest -__-

And why would having green hair/clothing lead you to believe that he's a grass type gym? O_O

Flint and Flannery had red hair (more or less), and OMGZORS, they were fire type trainers. Same with Volkner and Lt. Surge, Sabrina and Will. There could be more, but I'm tired of listing. XP
Hellion said:
Flint and Flannery had red hair (more or less), and OMGZORS, they were fire type trainers. Same with Volkner and Lt. Surge, Sabrina and Will. There could be more, but I'm tired of listing. XP

Very true.
*SinnohTrainer17 pleads for a multi-type gym :D*