frostwind said:
i thinl itll be the other way around like others have said. hope hes a grass type user. then he'll be a gardner or something and girls will be all over him like a remoraid to a mantine. what a ladies man!
doubt hes a rck gym and hope we see the solarbeamer soon.
So girls are gonna attach themselves to him and clean him? :/ Well at least he doesn't have to take a shower.
But in all seriousness, the image with mijumaru with the rocks says nothing (well if you are more in it for anime news look for mijumaru to join Ash fairly soon but that is besides the point).
As I said earlier, looks at the man's gym badge, there are three tiny gems/emblems on it, one in the shape of a leaf, another a water droplet, and another a flame.
this leads me to believe that he will
A) use all three starter types
B)He uses a type weaker to the type of your starting pokemon.
We did see Pokabu and Tsutaja on a boulder covered gym, but these could easily be beta images.
Expect Dento to have Tsutaja, and there aren't too many fire types that know solarbeam. (of course this would have to be based off of the Tsutaja image with him using Grass Mixer).