BW/BW2 Dento's typing revealed?

The Spook said:
I don't know what type of gym he has but one of his pokemon is Yanappu.

Yeah who knows it could be a mixture? but it is most likely grass type because nearly everything about him is green and the fact that he has a Yanappu.
Yay! The frist first gym leader that isn't either rock or flying :D
So.. Yanappu can learn Solarbeam. Maybe that's His TM (Jokes. It's too strong to the first tm :D )

(Off-topic) Speaking of the anime.... I seen the pic on serebii (Was wondering if the Manaphi event was still. It is and I got it ^ω^).. His eyes have changed. They're brown and.. bigger.. Maybe he's actually Black?! Those sneaky Japanese people.... They Modeled ash after red, and now they're changing to Black.
Hopefully a good voice change for once :3
I think it was confirmed im not sure
(Offtopic) Just wondering, Is there a thread for Best Wishes?, havent seen one yet.
Oh, so he is in fact a grass type gym leader. Doesn't come as a surprise, seeing that his "shadow" in the Sugimori art was green.

If this is true, then I bet Aloe's a fire type leader. I wonder if the third one's water...
If Yanappu was the Pokemon using Solar Beam could that mean that the Mijumaru is Ash's or could it be another trainers?
Renjil12 said:
If Yanappu was the Pokemon using Solar Beam could that mean that the Mijumaru is Ash's or could it be another trainers?
I bet that Mijumaru is Ash's, yeah.
Ya I think Ash will have Pikachu, Mamepato, and Mijumaru. Iris will have Kibago and later Pokabu (or Ash can can it instead). Dento has the monkey, he will get Tsutaja as well.
VPplaya said:
Ya I think Ash will have Pikachu, Mamepato, and Mijumaru. Iris will have Kibago and later Pokabu (or Ash can can it instead). Dento has the monkey, he will get Tsutaja as well.
Sounds very plausible.
Does anyone have a link to where it confirms him as a (specifically) Grass type Gym Leader?

A Grass-Fire-Water Gym Leader trio would be excellent for the first three Gyms. But, how obvious does Dento have to be? Green hair, green bow tie... :rolleyes:

I like ashes new look, by the way.
Shellblade looks epic.
And, I think I might watch this anime series.. It's looking pretty good, for a pokemon Anime :D

On topic: I still think Dento will have mixed pokemon. Remember the video with Pokabu in the same arena?
(Here's the video: )
Dento is definetly a grass type gym leader. He has green hair, green bowtie, and green eyes, as well as yanappu (who is a grass type).