BW/BW2 Dento's typing revealed?

JacobeTheElf said:
Dento is definetly a grass type gym leader. He has green hair, green bowtie, and green eyes, as well as yanappu (who is a grass type).
Maybe in the Anime, but not the Game.

There's the three symbols {G}{W}{R}.

(Also, when I looked at the corocoro scans again, I noticed there's a new jim guy :O)
if dento is a cconfirmed grass only user then aloe is fire. their offical corocoro leaks had them in green (dento) and red (aloe) outlines. and the new ash looks more animish. its no avatar but its much better. just another resaon to watch the new anime instead of reruns on boomerang.
It's not confirmed he's Grass only...yet. Be patient guys, a Multi-Type Gym is still possible.

dmaster out.
Yeah, I'm getting annoyed by people saying it's confirmed, and not just because I don't want it to be.

And I'm 100% sure Mijumaru is either Dento's or Ash's Pokemon.
Lol, honestly I'm just basing this on the picture above where Dento and Yanappu are in one shot with a purple background and its likeness to the Mijumaru freak-out Face. And common sense. That helps, too.
why would dento get a starter? he would have all 3 which makes no sense and cant happen or 3 non starters of the fir/wtr/grs types. thats my common sense and the fact that ash wants his mijumaru to protect itself. dento does not have mijumaru its ashs

why would dento get a starter? he would have all 3 which makes no sense and cant happen or 3 non starters of the fir/wtr/grs types. thats my common sense and the fact that ash wants his mijumaru to protect itself. dento does not have mijumaru its ashs
i'm new to the forums but long time visitor of the site. i think Dento is a grass type trainer because it says he is the owner of Yanappu which is a grass type pokemon but i'm not totally sure.
frostwind said:
why would dento get a starter? he would have all 3 which makes no sense and cant happen or 3 non starters of the fir/wtr/grs types. thats my common sense and the fact that ash wants his mijumaru to protect itself. dento does not have mijumaru its ashs

Wait... Who said anything about him having ALL THREE starters? Tsutarja is presumably Shooti's, Pokabu could be anyone's, I was debating the owner of Mijumaru.
he would have all 3 (which he wont) or none at all. im just saying because even in the derpderp in shock pic its against dento.

he would have all 3 (which he wont) or none at all. im just saying because even in the derpderp in shock pic its against dento.
Why does he HAVE to have all three? I assume you are linking any possible ownership of Mijumaru to the 'Multi-Type/Starter' theory, which is only a theory. He could be multi-typed w/o all three starters...
Ash get's Mijumaru, obviously.
Tsutaaja... Maybe Dento's or Shuuti's.
But, I did see Pokabu in the same arena as dento, so... maybe dento IS a multi-type....
thats what im saying hed have pokabu tsujara and mijumaru. not 2 or 1. but since dento has monocoli, he wont have all 3, therefore negating the possibilty of having any of the starters. hed have some other fire type and some other water type.
Shimama-man said:
Ash get's Mijumaru, obviously.
Tsutaaja... Maybe Dento's or Shuuti's.
But, I did see Pokabu in the same arena as dento, so... maybe dento IS a multi-type...

Maybe Ash will get Mijumaru and Pokabu? I dunno. I mean Dento could still be a pure Grass-type leader. As he has Yanappu, he may also have Tsutaaja. But of course he could have different-type pokemon with him.
frostwind said:
thats what im saying hed have pokabu tsujara and mijumaru. not 2 or 1. but since dento has monocoli, he wont have all 3, therefore negating the possibilty of having any of the starters. hed have some other fire type and some other water type.

I don't see how that 'negates' the possibility, but I don't feel like pressing the issue.

And Tsutarja is not Ash's. This is kinda confirmed. Remember that video that we've always seen Tsutarja use Grass Mixer in? Well, that was used against Ash's Pikachu. This was confirmed in a promotional clip. Also, I'm pretty sure Mijumaru is Dento's now, because in another promotional clip, Kibago and Pikachu are shown to be badly beaten (presumably from a battle) by an unkown opponent; however, Mijumaru steps into the fray with Water Gun (or Hydro Pump--I can't tell). Common sense would tell me that it would be Dento's Mijumaru since Kibago is Iris's and Pikachu is Ash's. It could've been wild, though.
never said ash has smugleaf...
anyway why would dento have 1/2 random starters? and also ash would have lost so it must have been his mijimaru that stepped up to beat dento. ash has mijumaru and it decided to prove itself by beating the gym leader when pikachu couldnt.
frostwind said:
never said ash has smugleaf...
anyway why would dento have 1/2 random starters? and also ash would have lost so it must have been his mijimaru that stepped up to beat dento. ash has mijumaru and it decided to prove itself by beating the gym leader when pikachu couldnt.

It wasn't in a gym battle. And what I was saying about Tsutarja wasn't directed at you. That's why



this function.


Anyway, I'll PM the video link to you. There's a lot of good, new stuff in there (like Pokabu's tail glowing while attacking X3).
Well, there's a lot of evidence that Ash gets not only Mamepato, but Mijumaru aswell. But I believe Shooti gets Smugleaf (for the sake of the spelling I'll stick to that) as it was seen batttling Ash and Pikachu. And I believe that Iris gets Pokabu, just because there is a scene in which her hands were squeezing Pokabu's cheeks.

Watch out Iris, he'll erupt and cause a forest fire on your head o-o

Now that would be something to see xD

But atleast Dento is part grass. Although I don't think someone that owned a Fire type/Water Type would wearing green everything. Only time will tell I guess.
wat he said
also thanks and i see your points. just trying to understand your point of view while pointing out mine.
Sorry for the double post but...

Hellion said:
Also, I'm pretty sure Mijumaru is Dento's now, because in another promotional clip, Kibago and Pikachu are shown to be badly beaten (presumably from a battle) by an unkown opponent; however, Mijumaru steps into the fray with Water Gun (or Hydro Pump--I can't tell). Common sense would tell me that it would be Dento's Mijumaru since Kibago is Iris's and Pikachu is Ash's. It could've been wild, though.

That theory still seems kinda off with me. Although it is a good theory, I have a feeling it was wild in the clip with Pikachu and Kibago and later on Ash catches it. Probably because it saved Pikachu and Kibago, Ash saw how strong it was etc etc. Also because there are many clips of Mijumaru actually battling in the gym, and one picture of him fighting Dento's Yanappu. We know that Ash challenges the Gym so he does battle Dento. And so far we know that he has a Pikachu, Mamepato, and a possible Mijumaru. But like you said that still leaves out two other grass types. One of which could be Shikijika, but who knows, for all we know it could be a simple one-on-one battle. Because we don't know the amount of episodes the clips take place in. So he could of caught Mijumaru in a later episode, but still one of the first few.
Also, the second clip, shows Ash throwing a pokeball, which leads into a picture of Mijumaru and Mamepato.

As you can see, I really want Ash to have that Mijumaru. But only time will tell. Sorry about that, I was on a roll. XD