Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG

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RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Manual is now updated to V1.2! Missions list is added!

I ask where can I get a pass.
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Manual is now updated to V1.2! Missions list is added!

Guard: Don't ask me. I didn't make the rules. I just do what I'm told. Now shoo!
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Manual is now updated to V1.2! Missions list is added!

Yay! A Rainbow Energy for a single-type deck...

I think I'll learn from what Lenny did and head to Flaroma Town, assuming that is one of the options.
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Manual is now updated to V1.2! Missions list is added!

I guess I'll head to the museum and pay the $100 dollar fine. Better be something good >:O
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Manual is now updated to V1.2! Missions list is added!

* You head off to Flaroma Town, but you - like Lenny - spot guards that block your way. You ask them what the problem was.
Guard: The was a recent landslide in the route to Flaroma. Pokemon Rangers are on the job right now, but this route is closed.
Ok then. What now?

Lenny said:
I guess I'll head to the museum and pay the $100 dollar fine. Better be something good >:O
* You walk around and view the art. Satisfied with the sightseeing, you leave the museum.
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Manual is now updated to V1.2! Missions list is added!


Nothing special at all?! FINE TIME TO HEAD TO THE FREAKING GYM >:|
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Manual is now updated to V1.2! Missions list is added!

Ooh! There's a gym? I guess I'm reading the wrong thing. I'd like to go there as well.
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Manual is now updated to V1.2! Missions list is added!

(Sorry Lenny :p)
Lenny and Celebi23
* You both approach the Oreburgh Gym. The door's unlocked... so you enter...
All you find is two gym trainers battling each other. One seems to notice you.

Gym Trainer Tommy: Oh hello. Roark isn't here right now, so you'll have to wait for him to come over... oh wait. I know! How about you battle me, since I've beat Tim over here several times? If you win, I'll tell you where Roark is.
Gym Trainer Tim: Care someone battle me? I'm bored.
Mission - Required Status - Difficulty 4
* Defeat Gym Trainer Tommy. A failed battle will cost you 10% of your money.
Reward: $500 and secret knowledge.

Mission - Optional Status - Difficulty 4
* Defeat Gym Trainer Tim. A failed battle will cost you 10% of your money.
Reward: $500.
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Manual is now updated to V1.2! Missions list is added!


Fine, I'll battle the two trainers >_>
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Manual is now updated to V1.2! Missions list is added!

Please note you only need to battle one (Gym Trainer Tommy to be exact) to get the information.

And you aren't supposed to know that. @_@
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Manual is now updated to V1.2! Missions list is added!

Well it's obvious :(

I'll battle both for money :D
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Manual is now updated to V1.2! Missions list is added!

I have defeated Gym Trainer Tommy. I'll try and head to Flaroma Town again.
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Manual is now updated to V1.2! Missions list is added!

I would like to go to Oreburgh City.
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Manual is now updated to V1.2! Missions list is added!

Celebi23 said:
I have defeated Gym Trainer Tommy. I'll try and head to Flaroma Town again.
Gym Trainer Tommy: Don't bother trying. I've heard news news from the TV that the landslide is still being removed. Anyway, Roark is in the Oreburgh Mines. Here:
* You receive a Mine Pass.
Gym Trainer Tommy: Go down there and talk to Roark. He'll battle you. Oh, and don't let that suspicious looking Trainer take that pass from you.

ESP said:
I would like to go to Oreburgh City.
* The trip takes one day, but a trainer on the same route. Bug Cather Tommy is on Route 203 and if you want to get to Oreburgh, it looks like you'll have to defeat him...
Mission - Required Status - Difficulty 4
* Defeat the trainer in your way. A failed battle will cost you 10% of your money.
Reward: $600 and passage into Oreburgh City.
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Manual is now updated to V1.2! Missions list is added!

Okay. I'll go down there. What now?...
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Manual is now updated to V1.2! Missions list is added!

* In the mines...
Roark: Well why didn't you tell me earlier? Of course I'll battle you.
* He heads to the gym, leaving you behind...
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Manual is now updated to V1.2! Missions list is added!

Okay. Time to head back to the gym... I'll assume that it's the same CPU thing, where anyone has the deck. I still can't believe I pulled that Raichu MT. It's been very helpful.
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Manual is now updated to V1.2! Missions list is added!

I've defeated Bug Catcher Tommy.
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Manual is now updated to V1.2! Missions list is added!

t's time for you to embark on your journey. Right now, you are in my laboratory in Sandgem Town. I suggest you take the route to Jubilife City, which will lead you on to your main journey. But before that, you might want to visit this town's PokeMart. Hmm... do you have any money? Oh, I see... $1000 indeed. Or, you can also visit your home town, Twinleaf Town, and say goodbye to your mother.

*What will you do next?
Go to Jubilife City?
Go to Twinleaf Town?
Go to the PokeMart?

Zyflair: I haven't received what the contents of my Turtwig deck are nor have I received the network

Oh, and I want to go to the PokeMart to get some supplies.
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Manual is now updated to V1.2! Missions list is added!

Celebi23 said:
Okay. Time to head back to the gym... I'll assume that it's the same CPU thing, where anyone has the deck. I still can't believe I pulled that Raichu MT. It's been very helpful.
At the gym...
Roark: Alright then! Let's get this battle underway then!

Mission - Required Status - Difficulty 5
* Defeat Gym Leader Roaek. Losing a battle will not cost you.
Reward: ???

ESP said:
I've defeated Bug Catcher Tommy.
* Oreburgh City... Choose a place in that city to go to.
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