Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG

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RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Manual is now updated to V1.2! Missions list is added!

I went to the Jubilife T.V tower, got the gadget.
Went to Pokemart and bought some packs.

Now what are my choices? lol
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Manual is now updated to V1.2! Missions list is added!

Really close match with Tommy, but I won. I think he had 1 prize left and I had 2 or 3, topdecked the Infernape when I needed it, the free retreat cost won me the game. Then he couldn't do enough damage with the Pokemon to KO Infernape, and then it was 1 prize to 1. If he got 2 more pluspower, it'd be game. But he didn't...so I flare Blitz's for the win. Nice match!

So yeah, I got the Mine Pass now, time to head to the mine to talk to Roark!
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Manual is now updated to V1.2! Missions list is added!

George2FRESH said:
I went to the Jubilife T.V tower, got the gadget.
Went to Pokemart and bought some packs.

Now what are my choices? lol
* You may choose to to go somewhere else in Jubilife City, or go to a different town (refer to the map in my original post if you don't know the towns linked with Jubilife.

Lenny said:
Really close match with Tommy, but I won. I think he had 1 prize left and I had 2 or 3, topdecked the Infernape when I needed it, the free retreat cost won me the game. Then he couldn't do enough damage with the Pokemon to KO Infernape, and then it was 1 prize to 1. If he got 2 more pluspower, it'd be game. But he didn't...so I flare Blitz's for the win. Nice match!

So yeah, I got the Mine Pass now, time to head to the mine to talk to Roark!
I'm too lazy to type it all out... so... you talk with Roark and you meet up with him for battle!
Mission - Required Status - Difficulty 5
* Defeat Gym Leader Roark. Losing a battle will not cost you.
Reward: ???
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Manual is now updated to V1.2! Missions list is added!

I'd like to go to the PokeMart!
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Manual is now updated to V1.2! Missions list is added!

I'm the only one in the Hamachi Network ._.

So yeah, I'll battle him when a CPU gets on xD
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Manual is now updated to V1.2! Missions list is added!

Zyflair said:
PokeKid Brandon said:
I lost to the CPU! Now I can move on.
Professor Zyflair: Looks like you've gotten the hang of it! I'm not surprised you lost against Lunar Wing. He's been traveling around for a little bit. In fact, he already has a badge!

But enough of him. It's time for you to embark on your journey. Right now, you are in my laboratory in Sandgem Town. I suggest you take the route to Jubilife City, which will lead you on to your main journey. But before that, you might want to visit this town's PokeMart. Hmm... do you have any money? Oh, I see... $1000 indeed. Or, you can also visit your home town, Twinleaf Town, and say goodbye to your mother.

*What will you do next?
Go to Jubilife City?
Go to Twinleaf Town?
Go to the PokeMart?


Lets go to the pokemart.
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Manual is now updated to V1.2! Missions list is added!

I'd like to be a CPU.
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Manual is now updated to V1.2! Missions list is added!

I will now leave the Center to go to the Pokemart
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Manual is now updated to V1.2! Missions list is added!

Beat Roark...T3 donk with Infernape after he used Poke Healer, so it's legit ;0
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Manual is now updated to V1.2! Missions list is added!

2 Skull fossils were prized and my hand was full of energy...
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Manual is now updated to V1.2! Missions list is added!

I call that legit xD
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Manual is now updated to V1.2! Missions list is added!

Zyflair: I want to go to the PokeMart. Do I have any cash?
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Manual is now updated to V1.2! Missions list is added!

ESP said:
I'd like to go to the PokeMart!
PokeKid Brandon said:
Lets go to the pokemart.
oyeah1988 said:
I will now leave the Center to go to the Pokemart
Smacktack said:
Zyflair: I want to go to the PokeMart. Do I have any cash?
Well, I have another thread on the forums. Feel free to buy stuff from there.
And Smacktack, you have $1000

Lenny said:
Beat Roark...T3 donk with Infernape after he used Poke Healer, so it's legit ;0
You're going to have to wait. I'm still building and distributing decks. Sorry.

Juliacoolo said:
I'd like to be a CPU.
Full right now, sorry.`
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Manual is now updated to V1.2! Missions list is added!

I'd like to go the the Oreburgh Gym please.
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Manual is now updated to V1.2! Missions list is added!

Alright, I'll wait :>
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Manual is now updated to V1.2! Missions list is added!

Zyflair: Thanks. I will go to the PokeMart Thread. Oh, and after I buy some stuff, can I battle a wild trainer? I need some more cash
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Manual is now updated to V1.2! Missions list is added!

ESP said:
I'd like to go the the Oreburgh Gym please.
* You both approach the Oreburgh Gym. The door's unlocked... so you enter...
All you find is two gym trainers battling each other. One seems to notice you.

Gym Trainer Tommy: Oh hello. Roark isn't here right now, so you'll have to wait for him to come over... oh wait. I know! How about you battle me, since I've beat Tim over here several times? If you win, I'll tell you where Roark is.
Gym Trainer Tim: Care someone battle me? I'm bored.
Mission - Required Status - Difficulty 4
* Defeat Gym Trainer Tommy. A failed battle will cost you 10% of your money.
Reward: $500 and secret knowledge.

Mission - Optional Status - Difficulty 4
* Defeat Gym Trainer Tim. A failed battle will cost you 10% of your money.
Reward: $500.

Smacktack said:
Zyflair: Thanks. I will go to the PokeMart Thread. Oh, and after I buy some stuff, can I battle a wild trainer? I need some more cash
Um.. no, sorry. ._.
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Manual is now updated to V1.2! Missions list is added!

ok so now what do I do after I went to the poekmart?
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Manual is now updated to V1.2! Missions list is added!

* Choose another action.
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