Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG

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Yes, sir. Of course, sir.
Advanced Member
(As busy as I am, I still wanted to make this)

Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG​

Table of Contents
Introduction --- I01
Types of Players --- I02
The Format --- I03
Card Inventory --- I04
Money --- I05
PokeMart --- I06
Pokemon Center --- I07
Trading --- I08
Missions --- I09
Conclusion --- I10
Q&A (has 3 Q&A) --- I11
Roster --- I12
Map --- I13
Current Missions --- I14

Introduction I01

Welcome to my RPG, where Pokemon TCG players on this forum strive to become the Pokemon Champion! This RPG runs on a limited format (not all DP-on cards will be used due to certain limits I had set up) where players run 30 card decks (yes, it's thirty. You want a different metagame? Here it is.), battle other trainers, gym leaders, and even the Elite Four to get to the top.

Types of players I02

I need two crucial types of people to join this RPG:
  • Pokemon Trainers - Your role is described as above. You are to try to become the Pokemon Champion before anyone else does. Doing so will result in a winner (you) and thus end the game.
  • "CPU" - I need experienced players to help me battle these Trainers (I'm not on 24/7 you know?). I will supply you with pre-made decks (also 30 cards) when a trainer reaches an area with CPUs.

  • You must have the newest version of RedShark and continue updating it when needed.
  • You must have Hamachi.
  • You must PM me or post your Hamachi username if it is different from your PokeBeach username.
  • You must not flame/insult me if you happen to receive only crappy cards during the RPG. Every random thing based on luck is based off a simple (yet efficient) randomizing software. Your chances of pulling good cards are the same as everyone else's.
  • If you wish to be a "CPU," I need to make sure that you are experienced enough to adapt to different decks. Also, be ready to get many PM'd decks from me and save them all into RedShark (until every trainer has passed that region where the deck is being played).
  • If you are a CPU, you must copy all Redshark Battle records (in regards to this RPG) and PM them to me. That way, I can make sure the battle is justified.

Remember: the role of a CPU is just as important as a Trainer; if I do not have enough people role-playing as CPUs, then I'll have to cut back on the number of spots for trainers as well.


The Format I03
As earlier said, you will be using 30 card decks. Prize card count is then 3, not 6. Before playing against someone, be sure to change your prize count from six to three in the preferences. All cards in this format are DP-on, not unlimited (this is a limited format =D).

Card inventory I04
Of course, you won't just be running around Sinnoh (at least, I hope not) with just 30 cards. These extra cards are considered your card inventory.

Money I05
You buy and sell cards. Nuff' said.

PokeMart I06
These marts sell random different cards. At the beginning of the game, there isn't much choice, but as the game progresses, there will be (much) more decent cards available. One more thing: some cards aren't in full supply, so if you and another person happen to want the same card that's at a limited supply, you're going to have to bargain for a higher price than your rival.

Pokemon Center I07
While not as important in the RPG as the real game, Pokemon Centers tend to have unique people, occasional free card handouts, advertisements of special events, a trading center where you can trade cards with rivals, and contact the professor for (possibly) invaluable information on a city. Visit one whenever you have time. Who knows? You might find something that will help you tremendously.

Trading/Buying/Selling I08
Any two trainers can trade, buy, or sell if they are at the same location, or, if they are both in a Pokemon Center, they can exchange cards. You must PM me if you wish to make any transactions. If you do not let me know, then you will be playing with illegal (or nonexistent... take your pick) cards.

Missions I09
Besides running around getting badges, every now and then (depending how much time you're willing to spend for them), specific missions are assigned to you. Most of the them are optional with their unique objectives, but with the same payoff: money and cards. Complete them if you can, because you just might strike that one rare card.

And more!

Conlusion I10
That's roughly it. Battle your way out of a new metagame and see how far you can go! Happy Battling. RPG begins 3/10! Anyone that joins after that date is responsible for catching up.

Q&A I11
During gameplay, if you have any questions, you can post them, or PM me them. I'll copy those questions and answers and leave them here for others to read.

Q: What happens if we lose a match?
A: I've decided to use an old gameplay from the video games. If you lose, you must pay a 10% of your money in order to continue on with the game. Half is quite too much, since luck makes it very easy to lose the match.

Q: Are the decks given to us at the beginning randomized, or do we have a choice?
A: At first, I thought about making several different decks and then just randomly give one to each person, but I could give everyone a choice list. Choose wisely though. You never know what you asked for =D.

Q: Just wondering, is there a MAIN storyline, like meeting a rival or this and that, and do at some point, our paths cross with another member in the game? It could make it more interesting.
A: Everyone is at the same starting point, and they all have the same options. Just imagine having ten trainers running out of a laboratory. Two trainers may coincidentally be moving at the same pace, so they will see each other constantly. I may create a CPU rival just in case some poor guy (probably in first or last place) never meets anyone else.

Q: Can we still battle others if, for example, I was in Twinleaf and my opponent is in Jubilifie?
A: No, not officially. You two are in different locations, so it's impossible for you two to play...

Interested? Then sign up!

Roster I12
Trainers (Currently allows 12)
Pokekid Brandon
James the Mighty Moltres

CPU (Requires at least 4)
Lunar Wing
charizard87 ("shorty" on Hamachi)

Map I13
Right here. It's a large picture.

Mission - Required Status - Difficulty 3
* Battle a fellow trainer with a deck, or battle the CPU, Rival Lunar Wing.
Reward: ???

dragonspy900 - At Sandgem Laboratory

* Select an action.
Choices are right here

Traveling to Jubilife City

At Twinleaf Town

Mission - Required Status - Difficulty 3
* Defeat the kid, who you later learn is named Youngster Calvin, blocking the path in your way. A failed battle will cost you 10% of your money.
Reward: $300 and passage into Jubilife City.

bigpokex - At Jubilife
Pokekid Brandon - At Jubilife

At Jubilife

Mission - Required Status - Difficulty 4
* Defeat the trainer in your way. A failed battle will cost you 10% of your money.
Reward: $600 and passage into Oreburgh City.


At Oreburgh

Mission - Required Status - Difficulty 4
* Defeat Gym Trainer Tommy. A failed battle will cost you 10% of your money.
Reward: $500 and secret knowledge.


Mission - Required Status - Difficulty 5
* Defeat Gym Leader Roark. Losing a battle will not cost you.
Reward: ???


Mission - Required Status - Difficulty 7
Bird Keeper Fred
Bug Cather Thomas
Farmer Brown
Farmer Ben
Picnicker Tryst
Reward: $1600 and passage into Eterna City.


At Eterna City
RE: Diamon and Pearl TCG: The online RPG

I'll be a CPU over a trainer, but if not possible or you need more trainers I'll be one.
I'll be a trainer. This seems really fun! I tried something like this a long time ago, but failed miserably DX
trainer please ^^

just out of curiosity the first 30 card deck of the trainers are they also randomized or pick from 3 choices (just like choosing a starter)
Jariel's starter idea seems cool, but I like that it's all about skill at the start, not building from an unlimited supply of cards. However, some element of choice will make it more interesting.
Blargenshmorg. When we lose, we lose 10% of our money, but what if we have less than 10% or 0 money? Do we get kicked out of the game, or go into the negatives, or stay at zero until gaining more money? :3
10% of your money is definitely less than ALL of your money. If you don't have money... well, let's just say you're in bad shape.
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Game begins 3/10!

Thread is now updated. All people are accepted. I should finish the beginning preperations by 3/10. Anyone that wishes to join after that date might be at a disadvantage... =P
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Game begins 3/10!

I took a look at the map and you're missing Full Moon Island (the place where you encounter Cresselia for the first time in the video game). I don't know if it woulf be important in this or not, but I just wanted to point that out.
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Game begins 3/10!

Lunar Wing said:
I took a look at the map and you're missing Full Moon Island (the place where you encounter Cresselia for the first time in the video game). I don't know if it woulf be important in this or not, but I just wanted to point that out.
The main goal of this RPG is to become the champion. Unless I'm mistaken, you don't have access to that region until you become champion, so I don't think it's important.
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