Not too much at the moment.Wishirulz said:CML for rayquaza C x
lol, bad timing, I just gave up on playing Gengar decks.qnetykz said:could I interest you in a Gengar Lv. X for your Uxie Lv. X?
Sorry, not much I saw.konter_j8902 said:can you cml for uxie x
I don't really need a second Salamence X, so no thanks. Didn't see enough of anything else for the Uxie X either.Jackolas said:Would you do your Uxie X for my Salamence X? LMk or counter please
Not much at the moment. Let me know when you have HG/SS though!EspeonROX said:CML for your Gyarados SF and any Magikarp SF you have. Thanks!
Hm, not much I urgently need, sorry.Rikko145 said:Please CML for Firaligatr Prime ENG, and Uxie X. Thanks.
I'm interested in the Damage Aid Shaymin, 2x Pokemon Collector, and 2x Pokemon Reversal (not as urgent on the last two though). Care to make an offer? (Don't worry, I don't value the Articuno that highly, maybe about 1.5 or 2 rares.)Crystal Hikara said:I have the new Feraligatr NH, a Quilava and Flaaffy from HGSS. I'm interested in the Secret Rare Articuno from SV. Can you CML for more on either/both sides of the trade? I'm not too fond of wasting postage myself. ;D
I can do this. I'll PM you with details.Crystal Hikara said:How about DA Shaymin holo, Feraligatr NH HGSS, and Flaaffy HGSS for the Articuno?