Did She Go Too Far

Xous said:
Yeah, I'm kinda with vilebaseball on this. It was a bit extreme, but it would have been a good lesson learned.

Now, if the children were a little older, then I'd say this was absolutely justified, especially since the mother returned so quickly. I guess I'm just the type of person that respects stricter child punishment, such as "lesson learning" - something seen so very rarely nowadays. (However, this would most likely be the line of how far I'd ever want a parent to go. Beating your children and "teaching them a lesson" are two very different worlds.)

I agree with you, Xous. A lot of parents would just say "sweetie, please stop arguing or mommy will only give you 1 bowl of ice cream for desert." Again, though, had the kids been older, it would have been a good lesson to teach the kids, but, yeah, I think 10 and 12 are kind of young to be doing this to.

Did the article/news story say anything about where this took place? If it was a small town or something, I don't think it would be a huge deal, but if it were the downtown of New York (exaggeration) that would give a reason for concern.

I personoly don't think this is too harsh, but I live in a VERY small town that's like 3k or so ft. in the air XD
I don't think there's a single molester in the town :O
Xous said:
Yeah, I'm kinda with vilebaseball on this. It was a bit extreme, but it would have been a good lesson learned.

Now, if the children were a little older, then I'd say this was absolutely justified, especially since the mother returned so quickly. I guess I'm just the type of person that respects stricter child punishment, such as "lesson learning" - something seen so very rarely nowadays. (However, this would most likely be the line of how far I'd ever want a parent to go. Beating your children and "teaching them a lesson" are two very different worlds.)

Pfft, americans get it easy. Most Asians get the brutal way of punishment. i.e. Physical pain and suffering. -__- Serioulsly, this is tame comapared to what I've gone through ._.
Riskbreakers said:
Xous said:
Yeah, I'm kinda with vilebaseball on this. It was a bit extreme, but it would have been a good lesson learned.

Now, if the children were a little older, then I'd say this was absolutely justified, especially since the mother returned so quickly. I guess I'm just the type of person that respects stricter child punishment, such as "lesson learning" - something seen so very rarely nowadays. (However, this would most likely be the line of how far I'd ever want a parent to go. Beating your children and "teaching them a lesson" are two very different worlds.)

Pfft, americans get it easy. Most Asians get the brutal way of punishment. I.e. Physical pain and suffering. -__- Serioulsly, this is tame comapared to what I've gone through ._.

That isn't too true. Kids my age (14-18) were the last Generation of children being beaten, so we are familiar with the pain as a form of parenting, apparently it isn't socially acceptable, but that will not stop me from beating my kids if they misbehave. Nowadays there is a social issue with beating your child, but that was not until the last couple of years. It probably would have made more sense for the lady to smack the kids around, but around their age the parents need to start finding new ways to scare their kids.
I think this would've been a good lesson for the kids if they were older. If you do that to a kid that young, they panic, and aren't smart enough to know that wandering off is a bad idea.
Forum Shark said:
I agree with you, Xous. A lot of parents would just say "sweetie, please stop arguing or mommy will only give you 1 bowl of ice cream for desert."

Oh, no. Only 1 bowl? What will they ever do? It should be No dessert, total groundation for 1 week, and minus the Elmo talk. Seriously. They're in Middle School. Almost.
Riskbreakers said:
Xous said:
Yeah, I'm kinda with vilebaseball on this. It was a bit extreme, but it would have been a good lesson learned.

Now, if the children were a little older, then I'd say this was absolutely justified, especially since the mother returned so quickly. I guess I'm just the type of person that respects stricter child punishment, such as "lesson learning" - something seen so very rarely nowadays. (However, this would most likely be the line of how far I'd ever want a parent to go. Beating your children and "teaching them a lesson" are two very different worlds.)

Pfft, americans get it easy. Most Asians get the brutal way of punishment. I.e. Physical pain and suffering. -__- Serioulsly, this is tame comapared to what I've gone through ._.

Nothing compared to Mexicans, We get smacked for everything and are almost always screamed at(Amazing how much of aim we have with a shoe or sandal, even when across the room or running)and I got it easy compared to what my mom got from her parents! Although it's never abuse like it was constant, just punishment.

Anyways it would have been a good idea, but like I said, I think they were to young.
What STUPID kids...

The mom was fine doing this. Simple lesson that would have done those idiot kids well.
DarthPika said:
What STUPID kids...

The mom was fine doing this. Simple lesson that would have done those idiot kids well.


The kids we're just stupid.
If they listened when there parants/teatcher told them sumthing they would have known not to walk away, and not to panic.
Iy has nothing to do with the mom going to far or anything, it's just the kids we're stupid
ThePokemonDude said:
DarthPika said:
What STUPID kids...

The mom was fine doing this. Simple lesson that would have done those idiot kids well.


The kids we're just stupid.
If they listened when there parants/teatcher told them sumthing they would have known not to walk away, and not to panic.
Iy has nothing to do with the mom going to far or anything, it's just the kids we're stupid

And why do you think they were stupid? Because of bad parenting.
Paper PokeMaster said:
Forum Shark said:
I agree with you, Xous. A lot of parents would just say "sweetie, please stop arguing or mommy will only give you 1 bowl of ice cream for desert."

Oh, no. Only 1 bowl? What will they ever do? It should be No dessert, total groundation for 1 week, and minus the Elmo talk. Seriously. They're in Middle School. Almost.

Not sure if you caught this, but I was kidding. I was talking about how kids seem to be spoiled rotten, and get no punishment no matter what they do.

Have you ever been to mall, or walking in the grocery store? Then you've probably seen the mom and kid we all have. You now the one. The lady who is walking through the cookie/cereal aisle (spelled wrong, I'm sure) with her 5-8 year old screaming "I want Oreos/Lucky Charms!!!" What does the parent do? Nothing. Absolutly nothing. If it weren't socialy unnacceptable, I'd go over and tell the kid to stop myself! Sorry for that little rant. I'm not a parent, but I don't think that's the way to go about it.

There's nothing wrong with hitting your kid (within reason, of course. I'm not talking about beating hime with a whip, and burning cigarettes out on his arm). I think it's healthy, actually. Oh, well... Just my 2 cents.
Children behaving badly is for 90% the parents fault. Don't believe me? Watch those Nannie programs.

And don't ever get involved in the parenting of someone else. Parents seem to have the uncanny ability to hurt you if you scold them for doing it wrong.
Beating your kids is wrong.

Doing something like this where it's less of a pain thing and more of a panic and/or mind trick is much better.

Kids can't take pain. When you play a mind trick like this on your kid, it punishes them, but doesn't make them feel pain.

If you punch a little kid, they could be damaged inside forever, but when you do sumthing like this it definatly gives them the message "Don't do that again!"

I acually think kids are more likely to behave when you do something like this to them rather to beating them.

When you do this, they get the picture I love you, but don't do that, a bit more then when you beat them.

When you beat them they start to hate you, then they start doing this stuff more as an act of rebelion.

Sorry if that was too long XD
she should have just hit them.
she was a little out of line to kick out kids that young on the road.
i blame the kid cause she should be smart enough to tell if someone is a kidnapper and if someone is just a nice person and the kids probably deserved it or it wouldnt have happened cause parents never ever leave their kids
ThePokemonDude said:
If you punch a little kid, they could be damaged inside forever, but when you do sumthing like this it definatly gives them the message "Don't do that again!"

I acually think kids are more likely to behave when you do something like this to them rather to beating them.

When you do this, they get the picture I love you, but don't do that, a bit more then when you beat them.

Really? Whenever I did something wrong, I got spanked. Whenever my brother did something wrong, he got the "Don't do that again!", and he got sent to his room. Guess who the better behaved one is.

I think that a spanking is much more effective than anything else. It's not abuse and child learns to connect trouble with pain, which is what happens if they're punished by anyone other than the police. A "Don't do that", and maybe being sent to there room, and the child will connect trouble with little to no punishment, meaning they'll get in more trouble as they go through school, and later on in their adult life.
So basically you're using fear of pain as a way of controlling your child?
I believe in constructive dialogue, telling a kid something is wrong is useless, unless you make absolutely clear why it is wrong. If you spank your child, to me, it just seems like you're not able to control him mentally, which is just sad. Having to resort to violence against an infant because you can't defend yourself with words or gestures is just pitiful.
And also, just because it somehow turned out alright with you doesn't mean it should be accepted, because I am perfectly able to give you examples where the opposite is true, as well as giving examples of children who did not undergo physical punishments and who turned out very well. Spanking vs no spanking isn't the only way you become who you are.
Then there's also the fact that a lot of children actually get used to the physical punishments, to the point where they either just stop caring, and accept them, or where they try their very best to just avoid getting caught (because there has been no constructive dialogue, just the beating, which means the child might not be aware of what is wrong with his or her actions).
Parents who received physical punishments as a child are also more likely to physically punish their child, and it's only a small step from there to physical abuse if that's the only way of handling kids they know. It's like how victims of abuse in their childhood are more likely to do the same to their children, it's because they don't know any better.

As for the actual topic, I think it was an innovative way of trying to teach her kids a lesson, but which just went wrong. I think neither the parents nor the kids (due to their age) are really to blame. There are valid arguments both for and against it, and I just hope that both sides have learned a lesson.
DogMaster40 said:
ThePokemonDude said:
If you punch a little kid, they could be damaged inside forever, but when you do sumthing like this it definatly gives them the message "Don't do that again!"

I acually think kids are more likely to behave when you do something like this to them rather to beating them.

When you do this, they get the picture I love you, but don't do that, a bit more then when you beat them.

Really? Whenever I did something wrong, I got spanked. Whenever my brother did something wrong, he got the "Don't do that again!", and he got sent to his room. Guess who the better behaved one is.

I think that a spanking is much more effective than anything else. It's not abuse and child learns to connect trouble with pain, which is what happens if they're punished by anyone other than the police. A "Don't do that", and maybe being sent to there room, and the child will connect trouble with little to no punishment, meaning they'll get in more trouble as they go through school, and later on in their adult life.

Heavenly Spoon :F said:
So basically you're using fear of pain as a way of controlling your child?
I believe in constructive dialogue, telling a kid something is wrong is useless, unless you make absolutely clear why it is wrong. If you spank your child, to me, it just seems like you're not able to control him mentally, which is just sad. Having to resort to violence against an infant because you can't defend yourself with words or gestures is just pitiful.
And also, just because it somehow turned out alright with you doesn't mean it should be accepted, because I am perfectly able to give you examples where the opposite is true, as well as giving examples of children who did not undergo physical punishments and who turned out very well. Spanking vs no spanking isn't the only way you become who you are.
Then there's also the fact that a lot of children actually get used to the physical punishments, to the point where they either just stop caring, and accept them, or where they try their very best to just avoid getting caught (because there has been no constructive dialogue, just the beating, which means the child might not be aware of what is wrong with his or her actions).
Parents who received physical punishments as a child are also more likely to physically punish their child, and it's only a small step from there to physical abuse if that's the only way of handling kids they know. It's like how victims of abuse in their childhood are more likely to do the same to their children, it's because they don't know any better.

As for the actual topic, I think it was an innovative way of trying to teach her kids a lesson, but which just went wrong. I think neither the parents nor the kids (due to their age) are really to blame. There are valid arguments both for and against it, and I just hope that both sides have learned a lesson.

Wow! Great arguments. I can personally relate to Dog Master's, though. Especially those first few sentences about your brother.

On the other hand, it is kind of sad if you lack the abilty to mentally overpower a child. (or reason with him/her). However, I believe it is because of bad parenting that parents can't deal with their kids. Think about it. My father was hit a little bit, my grandfather was, and I'm sure this has been happening for a while. I believe the stress of the war was the problem. Now, though, parents say "I want to be a better parent than my father was". Unfortunately, a "better parent" does not necessarily mean a better parent. Parents do seem to let kids get away with a lot.

Again, I am not a parent, nor do I have a lot of life experience. However, I am speaking with what little I have. I know I've posted a lot in this thread, but it's a great topic, I think.
