Did She Go Too Far

20 years from now was much much worse (not that I would know. I'm not 20 =P)

But either way, now and the past were horrible to the children of their generation. Many never even got to finish School
20 years ago the current type of education for children was up to date. Now at this very date, people have lost the valuable skills of raising a child with a screwed up kid that doesn't know the values that should matter (Like respect for example) being a logical consequence.
Riskbreakers said:
Siblings fighting is not uncommon.

If people know this (which they should because it always happens), you should know what you're getting yourself when you have multiple sons and daughters. IMO, she needs to get over herself. It's just kids playing around. If she wanted them to stop, she shouldn't have had multiple kids.

dmaster out.
It was a good disciplinary attempt gone wrong. That's how I see it. Seriously, beating up, grounding, and all those traditional disciplinary methods are not getting anywhere.
Riskbreakers said:
It was a good disciplinary attempt gone wrong. That's how I see it. Seriously, beating up, grounding, and all those traditional disciplinary methods are not getting anywhere.

In my opinion, it is too late for "traditional disciplinary methods" for these girls. They are almost teenagers. They are at an age which rebellion starts. I am assuming that the parent(s) was lax in punishment before. If that is the case, I expect the children to be unruly and be headstrong against punishment now. That is why I said the family needs counseling, including the parent(s).
Seriously some of you people need to take a long hard look at yourself. Especially if you plan to have children in the future. Look at what they were doing to warrant getting thrown out of the car. Arguing. Seriously thats all. There are sooo many other things that are worse than this. It was a terrible parenting decision and really this method should not be used as a discliping method for anything.
You didn't look at the possibilty that the sisters could be bickering for years and the mom got fed up. You can't base actions based on what happened at they very moment. Especially for punishing kids.
Well, I'm 10, and I would've been fine if my mom did this to me.
But I'm looking at the face that they we're girls.
Dumb girls. Girls are a bit more Emosional, but they are usually smarter when it comes to stuff like this.
I'm a very smart boy, complete A+'s in fact, and I would've been fine in this situation.
It always depends on the child though, and what kind of city they live in.
Devastator said:
Seriously some of you people need to take a long hard look at yourself. Especially if you plan to have children in the future. Look at what they were doing to warrant getting thrown out of the car. Arguing. Seriously thats all. There are sooo many other things that are worse than this. It was a terrible parenting decision and really this method should not be used as a discliping method for anything.

They didn't really get thrown out of the car. She was coming back to get them anyway. I really think the kids were just STUPID. Seriously, I was walking to the local Giant over a mile away from my house when I was 10, and I knew far better than to go follow some random guy that I didn't know... >_>

For some reason, I do think that if they had been boys, they would have stayed put. lol
Riskbreakers said:
You didn't look at the possibilty that the sisters could be bickering for years and the mom got fed up. You can't base actions based on what happened at they very moment. Especially for punishing kids.
That is one of points, Mom has been letting bicker for years. If she told them to behave years ago, theer might have never been a problem.
Kids are stubborn. They don't usually listen to reason, normally something other than reasoning has to be done.
omahanime said:
Riskbreakers said:
You didn't look at the possibilty that the sisters could be bickering for years and the mom got fed up. You can't base actions based on what happened at they very moment. Especially for punishing kids.
That is one of points, Mom has been letting bicker for years. If she told them to behave years ago, theer might have never been a problem.

Trust me on this. Nothing stops stupid kids from bickering. Trust me, I would know, I have three brothers. :p