omahanime said:The children might have needed to be taught a lesson, but that is not the way to teach it.
Azul said:Man,
That is just bad parenting. If the child protection center knows about this, the parent are going to be in really huge trouble.
Where did this story come from?
Riskbreakers said:omahanime said:The children might have needed to be taught a lesson, but that is not the way to teach it.
So you'd rather let them get a beating? Please, that thing their mom did was tame compared to what asians get.
Azul said:Man,
That is just bad parenting. If the child protection center knows about this, the parent are going to be in really huge trouble.
Where did this story come from?
That's the problem these days. The kids are spoiled too much. Why do you think kids are more of delinquents drug users and actually do premarital s3x? It's because child protection blah blah blah spoil the kids too much like, "My parents won't be able to do anything with this. So I can do whatever I want."
Sure, spanking is bad if you do it ALL THE TIME. But once in a while should be able to get it through the kid's skull.
You do know they were 10 and 12 right?CrazyAipom said:This acctually happened to me[although it was not intended to happen the way it did and I did wander off. I was left at a K-Mart since I was cyring for a toy or game and I bugged my parents to take me to buy it. I go inside and my parents drove around the parking lot waiting and to scare me a bit, but I almost had heart attack when I walked out and no one was there. Some people helped me and I had a new family for a few minutes. I think I was about 5-7, not exactly sure, but it scared the bleep out of me.
All of you are basicily saying the kids were stupid for roaming, but think about it. You are in a car doing something bad and the next thing you know, you get kicked out of the car and your mommy and/or daddy or whovever takes care of you drive off. I bet none of you at that age would think to stay first, you'd be losing your minds and freaking out, so I do think the mom is to blame. Yes the kids could of acted smarter, but that's just it! They're kids!
That young? They are freaking 10 and 12 years old.trevorispro said:she should have just hit them.
she was a little out of line to kick out kids that young on the road.
LuckyLuigi7 said:That's a bit strange. I mean, the one girl is only 10 years old. They might've thought they were being abandoned. Although it's pretty normal for kids to stick up for other kids, in any case, that does seem like quite a harsh thing to do if you get tired of your children bickering. Anyways, it isn't too suprising because strange things like that are seen on the news pretty often. It just overall seems like an extreme thing to do. I still don't know why the 10-year old would wander off. That's even more frightening. I just think they were too young to be put through that. If they were older, it would make more sense.
- Luigi
Metricus said:I agree. There are other ways such as grounding or taking away privileges that are safer and just as if not more effective.
I saw dumber actions than this, that long ago. About 25 years ago a friend and myself saw a woman leave her infant in the cart, while she loaded her shopping bags in the car. That cart was not too far from a curb and a sloping parking lot.raichupika33 said:The parent is pathetic. Just because they were arguing, they suddenly frighten the kids to their skull. I call this child abuse, me and my mum talk about bad parenting now days, even I a 12 year old know its crossed the line. Flashback to 20 years ago, you would never hear this. I blame the goverment too, they should take action and open their eyes.
raichupika33 said:The parent is pathetic. Just because they were arguing, they suddenly frighten the kids to their skull. I call this child abuse, me and my mum talk about bad parenting now days, even I a 12 year old know its crossed the line. Flashback to 20 years ago, you would never hear this. I blame the goverment too, they should take action and open their eyes.