XY DLC for Pokémon: What are your thoughts on all the new possibilities?

RE: What do you think about DLC for Pokemon X/Y ?

Drohn said:
Now that Pokémon is becoming very future oriented, do you think that future generations will be more compatible with each other? We might be able to see cross generation battles/trades with DLC being available. All they have to do it update the older generations with the new data!

What are your thoughts?

I would love it if games from different generations were compatible with each other and I'd be willing to pay for the updates that it requires. If this happens we might even see remakes of the older games to make them compatible with the new system. *hopes for generation 3 remakes*

There's not much business sense in updating older games for dead consoles to be compatible with the newer ones. The cost of making older games compatible with newer ones is too high to be worth doing, which is why they are typically abandoned until the point that Game Freak sees fit to remake them.
It will also have a lot of benefits, however. It allows people who don't have the newest games to actively participate in the games, which results in a larger active fan base. If the older games are done and over with during the new generation their players will generally get less active within the Pokémon Community.

I assume the fans will be pleased from this change for being able to use all their games for longer periods of time.

A larger active fan base means more profit on many of their products. We don't know how much it will cost to make this reality or how much the the changes would increase profit, which means we can't tell whether it is a worthwhile investment or not. I can tell I would greatly enjoy it!
For DLC, I'd think that things like outfits and stuff are probably a given. I'd even wager that they could release things in the far future too...like next game protagonist's outfits.

As for other things, I have to wonder if they'd be able to distribute Pokemon this way (through Spotpass I mean). Animal Crossing uses it to get new houses from Nintendo, and Kid Icarus used it for the weapon gems; why can't Pokemon use it for Pokemon distros?

I'd also love to see new trainers and stuff in some sort of Battle arena or whatever they're having (I think it's the Eiffel Tower looking thingie, right?) They could release new opponents weekly ranging from people at Gamfreak or victors of various competitions. They did that in BW2 so I'd really like to hope they'll continue doing that in XY.
spyroflame0487 said:
I'd also love to see new trainers and stuff in some sort of Battle arena or whatever they're having (I think it's the Eiffel Tower looking thingie, right?)

Apparently, it's a Gym. ^^'
As far as DLC's go I really don't want clothes as a DLC. Character customization is still rather new and I would prefer that to stay in game, maybe have a shop where you can purchase clothes. The region is based off of France and speaking as someone who has actually been there, there are a lot of shops. I would love for extra missions as DLC's, you know post story completion stuff. Maybe have a DLC where the Evil team makes a comeback or maybe a former evil team comes back(Team Rocket, Team Magma and Aqua, ect.). I would love for extra areas that aren't included in the game(you know stuff that isn't actually on the game cartridge), With the SD card in the 3DS these things are completely possible. I would love to challenge former gyms or even travel to the actual regions. I would love for an Actual Orange Island DLC. I would love for a lot of these things and Game Freak finally has the capabilities to bring them to us. So when I see people only asking for clothes as a DLC I say Dream Big, Dream Big my friends because Gen 6 is ripe with opportunities almost everything we as Pokefans have ever dreamed of having in a Pokemon game is now capable. I don't want to hear Game Freak doesn't listen to what we want I say these are lies, look at a lot of the things debuted in this Gen so far, we wanted more visible EV's we got em, we wanted character customization we got it, we are the voices they are listening to so I ask Dream BIG when it comes to these DLC's because we may not get them this game but best believe we will get them.

Sorry about the speech lol. Also I would love for spot pass trainer battles that would be awesome.
Only real problem with that is not everyone likes DLC so gamefreak will still keep it at a minimum until most of the fans like it.
I disagree with you on this matter, Zappy80. I believe the best way to make more fans like DLC is by making them love the content it offers. If it only allows minor things, players might think it is a useless feature. I would love it if they would introduce new areas with DLC. Generally I finish the game quickly and don't have many objectives after it besides training and battling. DLC could offer new content at a later stage to keep the hype going on.
zappy800 said:
Only real problem with that is not everyone likes DLC so gamefreak will still keep it at a minimum until most of the fans like it.

I'm just curious as to why a lot of people don't like DLC's. Is it because they might cost money, or that everyone doesn't have access to them(internet, cost, etc). I'm not trying to argue I just want to know what it is that people don't like about DLC's.
Stephen Williams said:
zappy800 said:
Only real problem with that is not everyone likes DLC so gamefreak will still keep it at a minimum until most of the fans like it.

I'm just curious as to why a lot of people don't like DLC's. Is it because they might cost money, or that everyone doesn't have access to them(internet, cost, etc). I'm not trying to argue I just want to know what it is that people don't like about DLC's.

Just a combination of both. For me it is the first one.
zappy800 said:
Stephen Williams said:
I'm just curious as to why a lot of people don't like DLC's. Is it because they might cost money, or that everyone doesn't have access to them(internet, cost, etc). I'm not trying to argue I just want to know what it is that people don't like about DLC's.

Just a combination of both. For me it is the first one.

Okay so true enough price or even having to pay at all is a problem for some people, but from my experience DLC's breath life into something you may have become bored with. For example I played Skyrim while I was on deployment and when I got home I stopped playing due to so many new games I had access to, nothing against Skyrim but I grew bored with it like I do with Pokemon after beating the main story line. When it was announced that Skyrim would be releasing DLC's I became excited again almost as excited as I was when the game first released. I just recently got into competitive battling so that just doesn't do it for me. I relish at the opportunity to get new content through DLC to keep me playing. I've been playing since r\b\y so catching them all doesn't excite me either unless they made it possible to catch them all through one game. Also in my experience with 3DS DLC's they are normally no more than $2 to $3 tops so I don't see that as much of an issue. There are a lot more expensive habits out there that I can think of.
Stephen Williams said:
I'm just curious as to why a lot of people don't like DLC's. Is it because they might cost money, or that everyone doesn't have access to them(internet, cost, etc). I'm not trying to argue I just want to know what it is that people don't like about DLC's.

It's not so much the cost as it is that some developers take features that should've been in the main game and locking them behind a paywall, making you pay more money for the same experience. Now I'm not saying Game Freak is sleazy, but they do have a reputation for doing this without the presence of formal DLC, so I don't trust them.
Bolt the Cat said:
Stephen Williams said:
I'm just curious as to why a lot of people don't like DLC's. Is it because they might cost money, or that everyone doesn't have access to them(internet, cost, etc). I'm not trying to argue I just want to know what it is that people don't like about DLC's.

It's not so much the cost as it is that some developers take features that should've been in the main game and locking them behind a paywall, making you pay more money for the same experience. Now I'm not saying Game Freak is sleazy, but they do have a reputation for doing this without the presence of formal DLC, so I don't trust them.

In all fairness we have to give them a chance right? I'm pretty sure they aren't gonna turn pokemon into farmville.

Look I know a lot of you have had horrible experiences with DLC's. I highly doubt that Game Freak would turn this into some pay to play cheap phone game. I really doubt that you would be able to buy rare candies, vitamins, master balls etc. With that being said you also pay for quality $2 to $3 is really cheap when it comes to DLC's. What it really boils down to is what you're willing to pay for. Now do I think all the DLC's will cost money(if they even decide to use DLC's)? No, but in the end you are the deciding factor on if you pay for a DLC or not. Am I gonna pay for extra clothes for my trainer? No I might not even download that kind of material even if it was free. What I will pay for is Extra Areas not included in the game, something that adds to my actual game play. It all falls down to you as the consumer
maxpwnez said:
I will like DLC if you can go to all regions

This is an extremely unrealistic expectation for DLC, they're not going to create an add on 5 times the length of the game. It's most likely going to be something smaller, like the Sevii Islands in FRLG or the Battle Zone in DPPt.