XY DLC for Pokémon: What are your thoughts on all the new possibilities?

RE: What do you think about DLC for Pokemon X/Y ?

Bolt the Cat said:
MuhFugginMoose said:
Wow. . .

I said I think it's fairly obvious they will be in the Kalos Dex.

No guarantees here, they've excluded cross gen evos from the regional dex before.

Also, only having 400 Pokemon appear in the game doesn't mean that the other 350 will have to be event Pokemon, you'll be able to get the other ones through future 6th gen games, DLC, the DW, etc.

Which is why I said I think. But I'm pretty sure there will be. They wouldn't showcase nothing BUT previous generation pokemon if they werent.

and I'm assuming that second half wasn't for me seeing as I said the exact same thing previously.
RE: What do you think about DLC for Pokemon X/Y ?

I just hope the DW isn't as bad as BWs was, especially since most Pokémon not in BW/2 were only available there and it was a pain trying to find the right Pokémon.
RE: What do you think about DLC for Pokemon X/Y ?

Blob55 said:
I just hope the DW isn't as bad as BWs was, especially since most Pokémon not in BW/2 were only available there and it was a pain trying to find the right Pokémon.

Yeah, there were a lot of things wrong with how they handled the 5th gen DW and it was really annoying trying to get anything of value there. I hope this gen they change at least one of the following restrictions:

-No control over which area you can visit (aside from skewing the odds based on the type of the Pokemon you tuck in).
-Limited amount of visits to the Island of Dreams
-Tons of Pokemon in each area.
-Can only bring one Pokemon back per day.

Also, make the following changes:

-Put Berry planting back in the game.
-Don't put anything that doesn't have a Hidden Ability in the DW (there's no point).
-Don't make any species exclusive to the DW.
RE: What do you think about DLC for Pokemon X/Y ?

I am definitely open to DLC for Pokemon X and Y. A great way to keep the game fresh and to give people more things to do in the game. As long as it isn't the case of "locking" stuff that is already on the game and selling that as "DLC", then I will be cool with it. It excites me what Game Freak could possibly do with DLC for Pokemon X and Y and future Pokemon games. (If they were to do it) :D
RE: What do you think about DLC for Pokemon X/Y ?

Bolt the Cat said:
-Don't make any species exclusive to the DW.

I'd rather have a few Pokémon DW exclusive than have them be DLC/event exclusive, because we will already have enough of them, such as; starters, event legendaries, legendaries not in XY and some mega Pokémon. And a lot of those will probably one-time only.
RE: What do you think about DLC for Pokemon X/Y ?

I think a little DLC wouldn't hurt anything. The only issue is that mystery gift kind of defeats the purpose of it.

DLC would make the most sense for story extensions or battling special trainers from Pokemon history.
RE: What do you think about DLC for Pokemon X/Y ?

Blob55 said:
I'd rather have a few Pokémon DW exclusive than have them be DLC/event exclusive, because we will already have enough of them, such as; starters, event legendaries, legendaries not in XY and some mega Pokémon. And a lot of those will probably one-time only.

I'd rather they simply not force you to rely on either to complete the Pokedex and they go back to letting you complete the Pokedex with all of the 6th gen main games like they did in 3rd gen. The DW and DLC should be used as a supplement for people that aren't willing to shell out money for all of the games, instead giving the people that would use them a temporary advantage at best.
RE: What do you think about DLC for Pokemon X/Y ?

Bolt the Cat said:
Blob55 said:
I'd rather have a few Pokémon DW exclusive than have them be DLC/event exclusive, because we will already have enough of them, such as; starters, event legendaries, legendaries not in XY and some mega Pokémon. And a lot of those will probably one-time only.

I'd rather they simply not force you to rely on either to complete the Pokedex and they go back to letting you complete the Pokedex with all of the 6th gen main games like they did in 3rd gen. The DW and DLC should be used as a supplement for people that aren't willing to shell out money for all of the games, instead giving the people that would use them a temporary advantage at best.

Yes, but this is very unlikely to happen, considering last gen.
RE: What do you think about DLC for Pokemon X/Y ?

Blob55 said:
Yes, but this is very unlikely to happen, considering last gen.

Last gen only had two games and didn't really plan things out very well. Considering they have plenty of time and space this gen, I doubt 6th gen will have the same distribution problems.
RE: What do you think about DLC for Pokemon X/Y ?

Blob55 said:
Bolt the Cat said:
I'd rather they simply not force you to rely on either to complete the Pokedex and they go back to letting you complete the Pokedex with all of the 6th gen main games like they did in 3rd gen. The DW and DLC should be used as a supplement for people that aren't willing to shell out money for all of the games, instead giving the people that would use them a temporary advantage at best.

Yes, but this is very unlikely to happen, considering last gen.

This is very unlikely to happen considering all of the generations. Have you ever been able to complete the dex in any gen without event Pokémon? I think maybe in generation 1? And that was only because they never got a chance to distribute Mew?
RE: What do you think about DLC for Pokemon X/Y ?

Fee said:
This is very unlikely to happen considering all of the generations. Have you ever been able to complete the dex in any gen without event Pokémon? I think maybe in generation 1? And that was only because they never got a chance to distribute Mew?

Well I meant minus event Pokemon (which are obviously never going away), but from 4th gen onwards event Pokemon are optional for completing the Dex, if you catch every Pokemon in the game except designated event Pokemon, you'll still be awarded the certificate. Aside from that, the point still stands. Most Pokemon generations allow you to catch all nonevent Pokemon within the main games of that generation, so it should not be unreasonable to expect that all 700something Pokemon this gen would be catchable solely within the main games, and the DW and DLC would be used to supplement your game choices (example, let's say you want Y and not X, then you could still catch Clauncher and Swirlix through those methods and not be bothered).
RE: What do you think about DLC for Pokemon X/Y ?

Bolt the Cat said:
Fee said:
This is very unlikely to happen considering all of the generations. Have you ever been able to complete the dex in any gen without event Pokémon? I think maybe in generation 1? And that was only because they never got a chance to distribute Mew?

Well I meant minus event Pokemon (which are obviously never going away), but from 4th gen onwards event Pokemon are optional for completing the Dex, if you catch every Pokemon in the game except designated event Pokemon, you'll still be awarded the certificate. Aside from that, the point still stands. Most Pokemon generations allow you to catch all nonevent Pokemon within the main games of that generation, so it should not be unreasonable to expect that all 700something Pokemon this gen would be catchable solely within the main games, and the DW and DLC would be used to supplement your game choices (example, let's say you want Y and not X, then you could still catch Clauncher and Swirlix through those methods and not be bothered).

I did not know that...hopefully it does go that way...at least.
RE: What do you think about DLC for Pokemon X/Y ?

Fee said:
Bolt the Cat said:
Well I meant minus event Pokemon (which are obviously never going away), but from 4th gen onwards event Pokemon are optional for completing the Dex, if you catch every Pokemon in the game except designated event Pokemon, you'll still be awarded the certificate. Aside from that, the point still stands. Most Pokemon generations allow you to catch all nonevent Pokemon within the main games of that generation, so it should not be unreasonable to expect that all 700something Pokemon this gen would be catchable solely within the main games, and the DW and DLC would be used to supplement your game choices (example, let's say you want Y and not X, then you could still catch Clauncher and Swirlix through those methods and not be bothered).

I did not know that...hopefully it does go that way...at least.

That's why I'm not worried about event-only Pokémon or some Starters.
RE: What do you think about DLC for Pokemon X/Y ?

I have to say is that if you mean mystery gift and FREE, then yes. If you mean paying as much as $45 to play the game to the fullest, then no because I don't want to pay more money to play the game to the fullest. (why do games have to have DLC in most games now?)
RE: What do you think about DLC for Pokemon X/Y ?

Ghost King said:
I have to say is that if you mean mystery gift and FREE, then yes. If you mean paying as much as $45 to play the game to the fullest, then no because I don't want to pay more money to play the game to the fullest. (why do games have to have DLC in most games now?)

Simple the creators are greedy and the games can't survive without it like pokemon can.
RE: What do you think about DLC for Pokemon X/Y ?

^ yes, I see your point, and you said that pokemon could survive. Let it prove them wrong XD. well some people might disagree, but I am going broke over DLC, so I hope they don't do it with pokemon :), or its off to the pawn shop for a while XD
RE: What do you think about DLC for Pokemon X/Y ?

Ghost King said:
I have to say is that if you mean mystery gift and FREE, then yes. If you mean paying as much as $45 to play the game to the fullest, then no because I don't want to pay more money to play the game to the fullest. (why do games have to have DLC in most games now?)

Depends how it's done. If you're paying $45 for the same amount of content that we normally get for $40, then yeah, that is a ripoff. But if you can pay $40 for $40 worth of content, or throw in an extra $5 for $45 worth of content, then there's no reason to complain.
RE: What do you think about DLC for Pokemon X/Y ?

Bolt the Cat said:
Ghost King said:
I have to say is that if you mean mystery gift and FREE, then yes. If you mean paying as much as $45 to play the game to the fullest, then no because I don't want to pay more money to play the game to the fullest. (why do games have to have DLC in most games now?)

Depends how it's done. If you're paying $45 for the same amount of content that we normally get for $40, then yeah, that is a ripoff. But if you can pay $40 for $40 worth of content, or throw in an extra $5 for $45 worth of content, then there's no reason to complain.
IMO, I think that if you buy a game you should get all content on the game, then later on you got to buy some more content to get on the game. I understand mystery gifts because its an event type deal.
RE: What do you think about DLC for Pokemon X/Y ?

The kind of DLC I'd like to see, if any, would be special items to put on the player character or extra battles post-game. They would work just like event Pokemon distributions. They would be free, also.
RE: What do you think about DLC for Pokemon X/Y ?

I am not necessarily against dlc, but I do have problems with the kind of dlc that contains stuff that should have been part of the main game in the first place... Anyway, dlc, if executed well, is a great way to keep pokemon games fresh. Needless to say there will be dlc exclusive stuff, not everyone might like that, but that's something we have to live with.

Like aforementioned, though maybe a bit extreme, the idea of whole regions being dlc is possible. In all honesty, it wouldn't surprise me if they said you can download the remake or whatever this gen brings as dlc. More likely are locations with interesting pokemon, for example, pokemon with dreamworld abilities,or pokemon with alternative looks (like the spiky hair pichu, maybe pinkan berry pokemon...). They also might release Mega Evolutions as dlc, the addition of such a thing isn't impossible, and trough game updates people with the dlc could still use their new pokemon against the others. Another thing that might happen are dlc exclusive pokemon, that are not required for the pokedex, but can only be caught within the dlc, breeding could still happen if you own the pokemon, but not the dlc, but then you need to trade, which is completely within the spirit of pokemon. They are of course additions, a bit like mini generations they could release between generations.

The only real problem is the price, if they charge 5 euro's for just a special megastone and there are many of them, that would definitely be a problem. The dlc should be cheap, large additions are a bit pricier, but still not too expensive.