XY DLC for Pokémon: What are your thoughts on all the new possibilities?

RE: What do you think about DLC for Pokemon X/Y ?

I absolutely loathe DLC, as it's only available for a short period of time and it's unfair to those who want super awesome Mega forms, but can't because they have no wifi.
RE: What do you think about DLC for Pokemon X/Y ?

Blob55 said:
I absolutely loathe DLC, as it's only available for a short period of time and it's unfair to those who want super awesome Mega forms, but can't because they have no wifi.

Generally though that isnt how DLC works. Most games DLC is a one time purchase that you make, and then it is attached to your account forever.

This is why I dont consider event pokes to be DLC.
RE: What do you think about DLC for Pokemon X/Y ?

Blob55 said:
I absolutely loathe DLC, as it's only available for a short period of time and it's unfair to those who want super awesome Mega forms, but can't because they have no wifi.

Dude, we have already had DLC in a way, or did you conveniently forget about all those event pokemon with moves not normally able to be taught to them in game or did you conveniently forget about all of those event legendaries not normally found in game. I doubt every mega form will be unobtainable in normal gameplay, and theviking, there have been examples of dlc not existing forever. Ace Combat 6's gryphus raptor skin is one example I can think of.
RE: What do you think about DLC for Pokemon X/Y ?

The thing is, pokemon has always been about sharing. Connecting to other people is integral to the game's theme, and getting stuff on wi-fi from an official server really isn't that much different, is it? The fandom has had ample time to adapt to an increased emphasis on connectivity.

I for one would love DLC, especially if it keeps distributing new moves, new mega forms, maybe even whole new pokemon. It'd give me reason to truly never stop playing.
RE: What do you think about DLC for Pokemon X/Y ?

I personally would not like it especially if I have to pay for it if i don't ill get it.
Re: What do you think about DLC for Pokemon X/Y ?

DLC is almost unavoidable in modern gaming so we have to deal with it.

It varies per developer on how they do their DLC. Some developers are scumbags and charge for day 1 DLC or on disk DLC.

It depends on the how much content DLCs contain, the price, the number of DLCs.

I will support Game Freak and Nintendo because of the quality of the content.

Also event pokemon are free but the downer is that it's limited availability. It's like preordering a game for a limited time to receive exclusive content too.

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RE: What do you think about DLC for Pokemon X/Y ?

CaseyVGCx said:
DLC is almost unavoidable in modern gaming so we have to deal with it.

It varies per developer on how they do their DLC. Some developers are scumbags and charge for day 1 DLC or on disk DLC.

It depends on the how much content DLCs contain, the price, the number of DLCs.

I will support Game Freak and Nintendo because of the quality of the content.

Also event pokemon are free but the downer is that it's limited availability. It's like preordering a game for a limited time to receive exclusive content too.

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Event Pokémon are the same as disc-locked content. They're already on the game if they weren't you wouldn't be able to trade them or battle with them unless the other person had downloaded it as well. The only difference is that they're free.

New moves? New Pokémon? No. That's not going to happen. If they did this it would only work for people who bought the DLC unless they released a patch saying "hey you have to download this to play online but you can't use it yourself until you buy it." Any "DLC" for new Pokémon would be disc-locked content. If it's free everyone is ok with it for some reason. I don't understand it. You think it's a better idea for it to be free "DLC" than for it to just be available from the start since it's already on the game cartridge?

They're not going to release any new Pokémon that aren't on the original game cartridge unless it's free and available forever. They simply can't do it because it wouldn't work with their system of catching, trading, and battling. However there's no way they'll ever release any real DLC Pokémon or anything that's available forever. I just don't see it happening. If they release real DLC(not an unlock for things that are already on the cartridge) it'll be some kind of clothing(probably not even clothing because your friends wouldn't be able to see that either) or storyline. Don't expect anything like Pokémon or moves, because it'll never happen. I'm 95% sure of this. The only solution would be the forced patch I mentioned earlier.
RE: What do you think about DLC for Pokemon X/Y ?

CaseyVGCx said:
DLC is almost unavoidable in modern gaming so we have to deal with it.

It varies per developer on how they do their DLC. Some developers are scumbags and charge for day 1 DLC or on disk DLC.

It depends on the how much content DLCs contain, the price, the number of DLCs.

I will support Game Freak and Nintendo because of the quality of the content.

Also event pokemon are free but the downer is that it's limited availability. It's like preordering a game for a limited time to receive exclusive content too.

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Actually, I'd say Game Freak is not very trustworthy for making quality DLC because they have a nasty habit of removing features from the main game in order to make add ons work (if you don't know what I mean, see how they handle third versions and the DW). If Game Freak does intend to create DLC for the main games, they'll probably end up taking features that we already expect to be present in the main games and lock them to the DLC.

If they ever do fix that policy (which I think they need to do because it's detracting from the quality of their games), the best thing they can probably do is make new areas (something like the Sevii Islands or the Battle Zone in Sinnoh), put some past gen Pokemon not catchable in the main game, and maybe add a mini storyline.
Re: What do you think about DLC for Pokemon X/Y ?

Yeah that is possible, we can also see the DLC won't be too big since they always make a 3rd game that could of been just a $20 DLC

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RE: What do you think about DLC for Pokemon X/Y ?

I personally don't mind DLC. We've received countless event pokemon since G1 with Mew, and G3 with Jirachi and Deo. It's nothing new. And there's no way GF would charge for pokes, so, what could they charge us for? Expansion of some sort, clothes and such for character customization, games for super training, stuff for Pokemon-Amie, and maybe layouts for you Pokedex and such. Who knows, but if you're really that timid about the 3.99 it's bound to cost, don't buy it. It's simple. I can nearly promise you it won't be things you NEED, i.e Pokemon. It'll just be things to spruce your game and make more fun.
RE: What do you think about DLC for Pokemon X/Y ?

What about that stupid trainer card thing you have to do, where you need to get one of every non-event Pokémon? That's going to be fun to do, especially since max 350-ish Pokémon are going to be available in-game.
It's gonna be really fun waiting for all of those DLC Pokémon.
RE: What do you think about DLC for Pokemon X/Y ?

Blob55 said:
What about that stupid trainer card thing you have to do, where you need to get one of every non-event Pokémon? That's going to be fun to do, especially since max 350-ish Pokémon are going to be available in-game.
It's gonna be really fun waiting for all of those DLC Pokémon.

Clearly they're not going to make 350 event pokes. I'm sure the DLC, pokemon wise, will consist of, "Pokemon from the Kanto region have suddenly started popping up, try and cath 'em all." And you buy 130 pokes for 2.99. And obviously, there will be pokemon from other regions during the game. So, I doubt 350 is anywhere near accurate.
Re: What do you think about DLC for Pokemon X/Y ?

Mystery Dungeon had DLC that had new areas where you can befriend aka catch new pokemon you couldn't get. The DLC were like 2-4 dollars I think.

X and Y could do this; add extra areas to get special items and pokemon.

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RE: What do you think about DLC for Pokemon X/Y ?

Blob55 said:
What about that stupid trainer card thing you have to do, where you need to get one of every non-event Pokémon? That's going to be fun to do, especially since max 350-ish Pokémon are going to be available in-game.
It's gonna be really fun waiting for all of those DLC Pokémon.

There's almost 450 in BW1, there's not going to be 350 in this game. It's probably going to be more like 500-550.
RE: What do you think about DLC for Pokemon X/Y ?

MuhFugginMoose said:
Blob55 said:
What about that stupid trainer card thing you have to do, where you need to get one of every non-event Pokémon? That's going to be fun to do, especially since max 350-ish Pokémon are going to be available in-game.
It's gonna be really fun waiting for all of those DLC Pokémon.

Clearly they're not going to make 350 event pokes. I'm sure the DLC, pokemon wise, will consist of, "Pokemon from the Kanto region have suddenly started popping up, try and cath 'em all." And you buy 130 pokes for 2.99. And obviously, there will be pokemon from other regions during the game. So, I doubt 350 is anywhere near accurate.

Where did I say all 350 mon will be new? About 100 of them will probably be new, while the other 250-ish will be from gens 1-5. About 50 each.

Bolt the Cat said:
Blob55 said:
What about that stupid trainer card thing you have to do, where you need to get one of every non-event Pokémon? That's going to be fun to do, especially since max 350-ish Pokémon are going to be available in-game.
It's gonna be really fun waiting for all of those DLC Pokémon.

There's almost 450 in BW1, there's not going to be 350 in this game. It's probably going to be more like 500-550.

Aren't some of the 450 White exclusives from White Forest? I don't count Pokémon that have unfair version exclusives like that.
RE: What do you think about DLC for Pokemon X/Y ?

Blob55 said:
MuhFugginMoose said:
Clearly they're not going to make 350 event pokes. I'm sure the DLC, pokemon wise, will consist of, "Pokemon from the Kanto region have suddenly started popping up, try and cath 'em all." And you buy 130 pokes for 2.99. And obviously, there will be pokemon from other regions during the game. So, I doubt 350 is anywhere near accurate.

Where did I say all 350 mon will be new? About 100 of them will be new, while the other 250 will be from gens 1-5. About 50 each.

Heh, where did I say you said that? I wasn't thinking you meant 350 new pokemon. T_T I simply said it's obvious there will be prior region pokemon hence Amphy and Mawile and the like. The Unova Pokedex had 300 pokes. So, I'd assume X&Y would have more. However I may be wrong.
You said 350-ish will be in-game, and there's no way they're going to make the other 400 or so event pokemon. That was my main point. Haha, which you sort of drifted away from.
RE: What do you think about DLC for Pokemon X/Y ?

Blob55 said:
Aren't some of the 450 White exclusives from White Forest? I don't count Pokémon that have unfair version exclusives like that.

BW2 has even more than that and that game doesn't have anything like White Forest. 350 is going to be too low for this game, especially if the game has a large regional dex because then we'll have less than 100 Pokemon post game. Hell, considering how this game has a three part regional dex, we could even see more than 350 in the Kalos Dex alone.
RE: What do you think about DLC for Pokemon X/Y ?

MuhFugginMoose said:
Blob55 said:
Where did I say all 350 mon will be new? About 100 of them will be new, while the other 250 will be from gens 1-5. About 50 each.

Heh, where did I say you said that? I wasn't thinking you meant 350 new pokemon. T_T I simply said it's obvious there will be prior region pokemon hence Amphy and Mawile and the like. The Unova Pokedex had 300 pokes. So, I'd assume X&Y would have more. However I may be wrong.
You said 350-ish will be in-game, and there's no way they're going to make the other 400 or so event pokemon. That was my main point. Haha, which you sort of drifted away from.

How do you know Ampharos and Mawile aren't in he Kalos dex?
RE: What do you think about DLC for Pokemon X/Y ?

Blob55 said:
MuhFugginMoose said:
Heh, where did I say you said that? I wasn't thinking you meant 350 new pokemon. T_T I simply said it's obvious there will be prior region pokemon hence Amphy and Mawile and the like. The Unova Pokedex had 300 pokes. So, I'd assume X&Y would have more. However I may be wrong.
You said 350-ish will be in-game, and there's no way they're going to make the other 400 or so event pokemon. That was my main point. Haha, which you sort of drifted away from.

How do you know Ampharos and Mawile aren't in he Kalos dex?

Wow. . .

I said I think it's fairly obvious they will be in the Kalos Dex.
RE: What do you think about DLC for Pokemon X/Y ?

MuhFugginMoose said:
Wow. . .

I said I think it's fairly obvious they will be in the Kalos Dex.

No guarantees here, they've excluded cross gen evos from the regional dex before.

Also, only having 400 Pokemon appear in the game doesn't mean that the other 350 will have to be event Pokemon, you'll be able to get the other ones through future 6th gen games, DLC, the DW, etc.