XY DLC for Pokémon: What are your thoughts on all the new possibilities?

RE: What do you think about DLC for Pokemon X/Y ?

professorlight said:
DlC is crap. All of it. Forever. And ever.

It depends of what it is...
The game New Style Boutique / Style Savvy: Trendsetters was released last year and they still keep adding new content to the game, for free!
I actually haven't played the game (except for the demo version) but every time I check the Nintendo 3DS FB page I notice there are new clothes to download. I believe the last update was last month.
RE: What do you think about DLC for Pokemon X/Y ?

I think DLC could work well with X and Y. So long as they keep the game balanced and the majority of it is free (or like a dollar but no more than that).
RE: What do you think about DLC for Pokemon X/Y ?

The only thing I would be ok with is if they made those 1 time mystery gift events available later since it's a load of crap that if you didn't have the game in X week of X month you can never experience those events ever without hacks. It would be slightly less crappy if they were available later even if they charged for them but even they'd still be a load of crap.
RE: What do you think about DLC for Pokemon X/Y ?

Drokas said:
It depends of what it is...
The game New Style Boutique / Style Savvy: Trendsetters was released last year and they still keep adding new content to the game, for free!
I actually haven't played the game (except for the demo version) but every time I check the Nintendo 3DS FB page I notice there are new clothes to download. I believe the last update was last month.

Of course it depends on what it is, there is a difference between some non-necessary extra weapon and a  whole character arc...
professorlight said:
... the only thing DLC could be useful for is delivering events worldwide (as I said, wi-fi mystery gift) or increased customization options for characters (assuming the game is already well stocked of options, and the addition of more doesn't make the others useless)...
As long as that extra weapon isn't essential to the rest of the game, or gives you an unfair advantage in multiplayer.
I played the previous version of that game for DS, and such DLC is an example of the first case. The game comes with thousands of different clothes, so adding more won't modify the experience negatively, just add to it. But take The sims 3. The default clothing in TS3 is pure, unadulterated, plain crap. If you want to play like a twentysomething dressed like grandma on her off days, play it default, if you want something, let's say... nicer (gross understatement), you have to either buy the stuff packs, or go into EA store and buy more clothes. In this case, The game is watered down on purpose, meaning that even the worst stuff pack or EA store clothes are better than what comes in the box, and that's what I was talking about.

Equinox said:
Just because a game has a sequel and can be outdated doesn't mean DLC for that game is bad.
Can you expand on that? I didn't mention any sequels. If I'm correct in my interpretation, what I tried to say was that DLC for any game comes with an expiring date (the moment the publisher/developer decides to not support the DLC anymore) and after that, you, the player, can't use it anymore (assuming it's not still installed and you need to download it again) and that if the DLC included heavy story related content, you don't get that anymore. ever.

Equinox said:
You misunderstood as what I meant by infinite. Pokemon is already infinite in the fact that there's no factor forcing you to do anything, with a special time limit, you have every right to do as you will as long as you have the means to do it, thus having unlimited possibility. DLC would add on to this, as enabling people to go on to other regions, or even shedding light on lore.
I know what you meant, pokemon are of the few games that are infinite (relatively, because the content without player input is very scarce after a certain point in the game), but other regions as DLC would be the equivalent of buying a new game's worth of content that works on the old game's cartridge, with it's outdated game engine and no gameplay changes, so, nothing like a new game.
It seems people are so desperate to get RSE remakes that they would be OK even if they are only available having to buy another game + the DLC and only for a limited time.
And, I'm sorry, but when exactly did GF worry about lore in pokemon? story in pokemon is very lackluster, and lore is fragmented and changing to what is more convenient to the story at hand (ex: mew is the first pokemon ever. Oh, wait, here's arceus the freaking god; this are the legendary birds, they control climate. this is lugia, their boss, he is psychic, lives underwater and controls water currents, and this is ho-oh, lugia's counterpart, he lives in the rainbow, and those are his underlings, the legendary beasts, some random pokemon who died in a fire and ho-oh turned into awesome machines of destruction, they have nothing to do with the legendary birds, by the way).
Sadly, pokemon is no skyrim, or mass effect. That's cohesive lore.

Equinox said:
Okay, you don't like DLC, we get that, but that also means you don't have to buy the DLC. You can be content with what you have, or you can go deeper into a story line.
Equinox said:
Honestly DLC only hurts players if it forces them to buy it for a good ending.
Yes. Now replace "good ending" with "character development", "story expansion", "more information on lore", which are all part of a "deeper storyline".
That is a possibility, and it has happened before.
Would you be happy if the book you are reading lacks the epilogue? or some chapters, because you have to but them separately? even if they don't directly affect the main plot, those things are still important to the story as a whole.

Equinox said:
But than again, you choose to buy this content, so that is your choice and therefore affects you only. No one is forcing you to buy anything, you are the one in control, and you are responsible for your own actions (no, I'm not bashing you, I'm just responding to what you said to me).
Yes, it is MY decision, which is why I don't buy DLC, even if I want it, but just saying: "if you don't like it, don't buy it" is akin to looking the other way when some guy hits his wife, after all, "if you don't like it, don't watch it". If the guy really enjoys using his wife as punching practice, who are you to stop him from doing what he likes? does that mean that as long as you don't watch, the wife suffers any less? (yes, I know it's a horrible analogy, and inflamatory to boot, but I'm tired and couldn't think of anything better, I mean no offense, and I hope you get what I'm trying to say here).

Wow this is some long shit. I'm tired.
RE: What do you think about DLC for Pokemon X/Y ?

professorlight said:
DlC is crap. All of it. Forever. And ever.

That being said I agree with all of the things said by frezgle and artemis.
Pokemon started the concept of pre-loaded DLC many years ago, so I'm glad masuda saw the monster they unleashed and is against it.

Someone said that the games would become unlimited with DLC, I don't think it means what he thinks it means, The very concept of DLC, microtransactions, MMOs and even cloud gaming have a expiration date; it's hardcoded ito the concept itself.
Take mass effect, for example, now it's all great, but when in several years I install the trilogy again for my children to play (because I have the physical discs, not a steam copy. Who knows what will happen to steam in the future?) they will be missing huge and important chunks of one of the best stories in gaming.
DLC might not be essential (ideally no, but that's hardly the case) but in cases of new areas, sidequests, cutscenes, additional plot development and more, those things are as part of the game as what came in the disc.
Continuing with my example: in the future, without arrival, my kids won't get why the batarians hate shepard and the scale of the conflict they are inmersed in, without overlord, they won't see the lenghts cerberus will go to achieve its objectives, without leviathan and the extended cut, that piece of **** ending will be a slap in the face, like the first time I saw it; omega effectively ends a whole character arc (Aria's), from ashes gives you one of the best weapons in the game, a kickass character, incredible insights into one of the most interesting races in the ME universe and a huge deal of character development for liara, and citadel seems to be a better reward for the player than those crappy, last minute, "we had no idea players wouldn't like a horrible ending" DLCs.
My point is, those kind of DLCs are part of the game, and they only last as long as the publisher and the developer continue to support them. Wi-fi mystery gift is already an in-game, free DLC, and events are a form of (only sometimes) free "locational" DLC, So pokemon doesn't need DLC because it already has it, since its beginings, and the only thing DLC could be useful for is delivering events worldwide (as I said, wi-fi mystery gift) or increased customization options for characters (assuming the game is already well stocked of options, and the addition of more doesn't make the others useless).

Sorry for the rant, but DLC is a double bladed weapon, and in the long run, hurts the players more than the developers.

Despite the good points and suggestions made by other members (mostly on the first page of this thread), I agree entirely with this opinion and it's arguments.
Continuing on the argument raised about supporting DLC's, I would like to give another example: what if you loose or break the game cartridge? You'd loose all the dlc's and all the data. One might argue that the developers could allow for the creation of an online (cloud) save file to prevent such cases. But I reply that that would always mean extra work, extra features, thinks that I don't want.
I like my game just as it is. If I break the game, loose it or the save file becomes corrupted I just can go get another one and the "only" thing I loose are the Pokémon and spent time, but I'll be able to enjoy again the same story, not less not more, the same.
Like someone said, I also have some confidence and trust in GF but what if that changes, if THEY change!?

PS: the main reason why I don't care anymore and since a long time ago about legendaries is because we can't catch them all in-game. I would get upset that some countries received events to download Pokémon and my country (Portugal) would get nothing. Since some time ago, mostly since HG/SS, we've received all the events for the english language versions and I've taken the opportunity to get an Arceus and Celebi, but still it's too late.
RE: What do you think about DLC for Pokemon X/Y ?

Leaf_Ranger said:
Despite the good points and suggestions made by other members, I agree entirely with this opinion and it's arguments.
Continuing on the argument raised about supporting DLC's, I would like to give another example: what if you loose or break the game cartridge? You'll loose all the dlc's and all the data. One could argue that the developers could allow for the creation of an online (cloud) save file to prevent such cases. But I reply that that would always mean extra work, extra features, thinks that I don't want.
I like my game just as it is. If I break the game, loose it or the save file becomes corrupted I just can go get another one and the "only" thing I loose are the Pokémon and spent time, but I'll be able to enjoy again the same story, not less not more, the same.

The 3DS actually has a backup feature now that's pretty easy to use. And I don't think DLC would be stored on the cartridge; it would most likely either go in the 3DS's memory or the SD card's memory. Considering most people don't ever remove the SD card except to upload a photo to their computer, losing your DLCs wouldn't be much of an issue.
RE: What do you think about DLC for Pokemon X/Y ?

Frezgle said:
Leaf_Ranger said:
Despite the good points and suggestions made by other members, I agree entirely with this opinion and it's arguments.
Continuing on the argument raised about supporting DLC's, I would like to give another example: what if you loose or break the game cartridge? You'll loose all the dlc's and all the data. One could argue that the developers could allow for the creation of an online (cloud) save file to prevent such cases. But I reply that that would always mean extra work, extra features, thinks that I don't want.
I like my game just as it is. If I break the game, loose it or the save file becomes corrupted I just can go get another one and the "only" thing I loose are the Pokémon and spent time, but I'll be able to enjoy again the same story, not less not more, the same.

The 3DS actually has a backup feature now that's pretty easy to use. And I don't think DLC would be stored on the cartridge; it would most likely either go in the 3DS's memory or the SD card's memory. Considering most people don't ever remove the SD card except to upload a photo to their computer, losing your DLCs wouldn't be much of an issue.

Oh, ok. I don't have a 3DS and I'm surely not the "tech kind of guy" :p
Hum, but what if you break/loose the console? Not everyone has a SD card, so that would mean that you'd loose the dlc's.
RE: What do you think about DLC for Pokemon X/Y ?

Leaf_Ranger said:
Oh, ok. I don't have a 3DS and I'm surely not the "tech kind of guy" :p
Hum, but what if you break/loose the console? Not everyone has a SD card, so that would mean that you'd loose the dlc's.

The 3DS comes with an SD card (my XL came with a 4GB card, I think some come with 2GB), so unless I decided to take the card out and leave it somewhere, it's not going anywhere d:
I know you need to keep the same SD card for each console. For example, I can't put my card in another friend's 3DS and have my data and programs show up. I've tried. xU And you do need two working consoles to do a system transfer, though there may be an option to have Nintendo customer support step in if you break one. Not sure.
Anyways, there's always the risk of breaking and/or losing things, but that's not really a DLC-exclusive issue. It's more of a.... you've-lost-everything issue.
RE: What do you think about DLC for Pokemon X/Y ?

It's not happening. That's pretty blunt, but as it stands now, there are a few reasons why:

1) Pokémon is aimed primarily at a young audience. Giving kids whose parents aren't stringent about their parental controls the ability to download new paid content on Mommy or Daddy's dime is just asking for trouble, even if it wouldn't be Game Freak's fault. This isn't a complete dealbreaker, and other (arguably less scrupulous) companies have instituted DLC in kids' games, but GF still doesn't seem like the kind of company that would want to deal with that.

2) It runs counter to the philosophy of the games as we've seen it so far, specifically the part where everyone gets to be on equal footing, and one's level of success and achievement is based on how much effort one puts in. Having "pay-to-play" special areas and missions that provide extra Pokémon that other players don't get to have seems to me to be the exact opposite of that stance. They do have a history of providing special event Pokémon as promotional gifts, but I think rewarding dedicated players with free special gifts is a very different thing from offering prestigious Pokémon to players who pony up more cash.

3) As I've said time and time again, Game Freak is very, very traditional - and therefore very, very stubborn. Paid DLC is still a relatively new concept, and considering that Nintendo in general has been fairly reluctant to adopt it, it's very hard to imagine one of its most conservative second-party studios jumping that particular gun.
RE: What do you think about DLC for Pokemon X/Y ?

Pay to Play is the spawn of Satan himself and that's all I have to say about this. So long as we keep it Non-Satanic, I'm fine.
RE: What do you think about DLC for Pokemon X/Y ?

As long as any DLC we might get is free, I'll take it. I don't care what it is, I'd just be lucky that it's free.
RE: What do you think about DLC for Pokemon X/Y ?

Frezgle said:
Leaf_Ranger said:
Oh, ok. I don't have a 3DS and I'm surely not the "tech kind of guy" :p
Hum, but what if you break/loose the console? Not everyone has a SD card, so that would mean that you'd loose the dlc's.

The 3DS comes with an SD card (my XL came with a 4GB card, I think some come with 2GB), so unless I decided to take the card out and leave it somewhere, it's not going anywhere d:
I know you need to keep the same SD card for each console. For example, I can't put my card in another friend's 3DS and have my data and programs show up. I've tried. xU And you do need two working consoles to do a system transfer, though there may be an option to have Nintendo customer support step in if you break one. Not sure.
Anyways, there's always the risk of breaking and/or losing things, but that's not really a DLC-exclusive issue. It's more of a.... you've-lost-everything issue.

Thanks for the info, I didn't know that too! The only thing I know about the 3DS and that's from reading other's comments is that in Europe, the LL (or XL?) model doesn't come with its own AC charger. XD
That's true.
RE: What do you think about DLC for Pokemon X/Y ?

Leaf_Ranger said:
Thanks for the info, I didn't know that too! The only thing I know about the 3DS and that's from reading other's comments is that in Europe, the LL (or XL?) model doesn't come with its own AC charger. XD
That's true.

That's correct. I'm from Europe and they do not include it here. The package is cheaper since the price is not included either. Many people own the charger from the DSi and therefore it would be a waste of money to buy it again. This is why they sell it separately; now it's optional.
RE: What do you think about DLC for Pokemon X/Y ?

Some positive things about DLC, I think it gives the developers time to create extra content which would allow the game to be released earlier (DLC free of course). How about extra features like graphics upgrades or fixes, or more music added. New clothes added regularly, new mini games, extra content for pokemon amie (wrong spelling).

If they create a new promotional pokemon (some sort of legendary), perhaps they can open up a new island to explore and make your way to the special pokemon, it doesn't have to be big and it could have a little story to it, instead of just transferring the promo-mon from some store and then not really experiencing anything. Cave on an island, crack in the bottom of the sea, miners/ excavators finding ruins deep under ground, and how about a mysterious pokemon in the clouds and your only chance to get it is with flying pokemon (sky battles). If you want to partake then just get the DLC, when returning to the game a professor or someone calls you and asks to meet them at blah blah blah. If you don't feel the need to get the promo-mon then you wont be missing out on anything.

How about festivals and special occasions? Besides basic holidays and traditions here is an idea; Pokemons birthday/anniversary is coming up so they bring a carnival to town, go on some rides, play simple mini games or some battles and earn yourself some prize tickets, go trade them in for berries or dolls, countless items and especially clothes! grab yourself the special anniversary hat. Again, it's your choice if you want to participate, it does not affect the the end game experience if you don't want a hat or ride artificial attractions.

The developers seem to like putting themselves in the game somewhere, what if they just came to town every once and a while, something like "Joe Smith is the graphic designer blah blah blah..... he has come to Unova to give out a special item/ trade one of their favorite pokemon, but we don't know where he is!!! You should try and find him."

You may say that is a lot of internet connectivity, but they are already introducing social media access in-game to post your progress on facebook or whatever. Also the new trade system or PSS seems to be very interactive so most would always to be connected to their net.

I am against paying for additional content and it would be bad for the pokemons online economy, all extra content should just be for fun. They have countless possibilities to keep the fans happy and keep their enthusiasm about the game strong with out compromising the pokemon themselves, battles and end game including competitive.
RE: What do you think about DLC for Pokemon X/Y ?

Artemis said:
I dunno, I hope that if GF gives out DLC stuff, that it's done well. I dislike DLC in general, it's so gimmicky and micro-transactiony. Bluh bluh. But I do trust GF in general, and I think they could possibly pull it off.

If they do it I would like to see this:
- Replacing those events where you have to go to a certain store to download a new Pokémon (no cost)
- Small sidequests, locations (possibly free, or at least cheap)
- Access to whole other regions (probably the most expensive DLC, depending on how far they go with it)

Things I would *not* like to see:
- Buying legendary or event Pokémon
- ... okay, just flat out buying *anything* with real money
- Anything that significantly trivializes gameplay (an area that just exists to give awesome EVs, or XP)
DLC content would be amazing! all games should have dlc content.

professorlight said:
DlC is crap. All of it. Forever. And ever.

That being said I agree with all of the things said by frezgle and artemis.
Pokemon started the concept of pre-loaded DLC many years ago, so I'm glad masuda saw the monster they unleashed and is against it.

Someone said that the games would become unlimited with DLC, I don't think it means what he thinks it means, The very concept of DLC, microtransactions, MMOs and even cloud gaming have a expiration date; it's hardcoded ito the concept itself.
Take mass effect, for example, now it's all great, but when in several years I install the trilogy again for my children to play (because I have the physical discs, not a steam copy. Who knows what will happen to steam in the future?) they will be missing huge and important chunks of one of the best stories in gaming.
DLC might not be essential (ideally no, but that's hardly the case) but in cases of new areas, sidequests, cutscenes, additional plot development and more, those things are as part of the game as what came in the disc.
Continuing with my example: in the future, without arrival, my kids won't get why the batarians hate shepard and the scale of the conflict they are inmersed in, without overlord, they won't see the lenghts cerberus will go to achieve its objectives, without leviathan and the extended cut, that piece of **** ending will be a slap in the face, like the first time I saw it; omega effectively ends a whole character arc (Aria's), from ashes gives you one of the best weapons in the game, a kickass character, incredible insights into one of the most interesting races in the ME universe and a huge deal of character development for liara, and citadel seems to be a better reward for the player than those crappy, last minute, "we had no idea players wouldn't like a horrible ending" DLCs.
My point is, those kind of DLCs are part of the game, and they only last as long as the publisher and the developer continue to support them. Wi-fi mystery gift is already an in-game, free DLC, and events are a form of (only sometimes) free "locational" DLC, So pokemon doesn't need DLC because it already has it, since its beginings, and the only thing DLC could be useful for is delivering events worldwide (as I said, wi-fi mystery gift) or increased customization options for characters (assuming the game is already well stocked of options, and the addition of more doesn't make the others useless).

Sorry for the rant, but DLC is a double bladed weapon, and in the long run, hurts the players more than the developers.
I think DLC content will be the best thing to happen to Pokemon EVER! I love DLC content and don't understand why some people don't like it. I download so much DLC for my Xbox and I love it! DLC content refreshes a game you have gotten bored of without having to be done with the game and sit around waiting for the next version. Imagine Downloading new clothes, items and yes Pokemon! Imagine never having to walk into a game stop to get event Pokemon; you can just download them for a few bucks in the privacy of your own home! We could get rid of features like Unova link and just download new events and characters and cut scenes; i mean the list goes on and on. DLC content would be the greatest thing to happen to Pokemon ever in the history of the game.
I think DLC content will be the best thing to happen to Pokemon EVER! I love DLC content and don't understand why some people don't like it. It seems to me that people who don't like DLC content are young people who don't have bank accounts, credit cards and debit cards. I download so much DLC for my Xbox AND I LOVE IT! DLC content refreshes a game you have gotten bored of without having to be done with the game and sit around waiting for the next version. Imagine Downloading new CLOTHES, ITEMS and yes POKEMON! Imagine never having to walk into a game stop to get event Pokemon; you can just download them for a few bucks in the privacy of your own home! We could get rid of features like Unova link and just download new events and characters and cut scenes; i mean the list goes on and on. DLC content would be the greatest thing to happen to Pokemon ever in the history of the game. People who complain about it need to learn how to get a job or a prepaid visa card from Walgreens or how to beg their parents better; LONG LIVE DLC CONTENT!
I took out some offensive lines from this guys' post, I gave him a verbal warning earlier about his posts and if he does it again he'll receive an official warning *Drohn [/private]
RE: What do you think about DLC for Pokemon X/Y ?

I would honestly like to see something like the Island Tickets they used to give out. You know, the ones where you'd get the ticket and then you'd show it to the guy at the harbor and he'd let you take the boat to some exotic island where you could catch a legendary? That's what I'm talking about. Only, I'd honestly prefer if the islands you accessed were a bit more like regular areas. They were usually just like this:
1. Get off boat.
2. Walk right up to legendary.
3. Catch legendary.
4. Leave island and never come back.
What I was thinking is that they could make the islands a little less linear, by having regular old wild Pokemon encounters and just having mazes and puzzles and stuff on the way. I mean, Birth Island had the triangle puzzle, Navel Rock had all those stairs, and Faraway Island had the hide-and-seek game with Mew, but that's about it.
RE: What do you think about DLC for Pokemon X/Y ?

Dan32 said:
Some positive things about DLC, I think it gives the developers time to create extra content which would allow the game to be released earlier (DLC free of course). How about extra features like graphics upgrades or fixes, or more music added. New clothes added regularly, new mini games, extra content for pokemon amie (wrong spelling).

Except that extra time spent on the DLC necessarily increases the time until the next release, even if they don't have the whole team working on it. Don't we wait long enough already? And as I've said in the past, having DLC also leaves out customers who don't have easy access to a wireless connection.

A much better strategy if they wanted constant updates would be to tie availability of outfits, Pokémon-Amie items, etc. to the calendar, with different items being available every month, just like in Animal Crossing: New Leaf. No extra development time needed, but there would still be new content appearing for a whole year after release (which is about as long as most games get new DLC anyway).
RE: What do you think about DLC for Pokemon X/Y ?

I think it's a huge benefit, especially so we still have the suprises through the generation. Things such as Event Pokémon can be hidden from us until the time of which they want them to be revealed.

Also, while I don't think it will happen, it would be sweet if we got more new Pokémon in the third version/sequel (not many but some) that then a DLC can be used for X/Y to programme into the Dex (But not obtainable in XY)
RE: What do you think about DLC for Pokemon X/Y ?

Dialkia198 said:
I would honestly like to see something like the Island Tickets they used to give out. You know, the ones where you'd get the ticket and then you'd show it to the guy at the harbor and he'd let you take the boat to some exotic island where you could catch a legendary? That's what I'm talking about. Only, I'd honestly prefer if the islands you accessed were a bit more like regular areas. They were usually just like this:
1. Get off boat.
2. Walk right up to legendary.
3. Catch legendary.
4. Leave island and never come back.
What I was thinking is that they could make the islands a little less linear, by having regular old wild Pokemon encounters and just having mazes and puzzles and stuff on the way. I mean, Birth Island had the triangle puzzle, Navel Rock had all those stairs, and Faraway Island had the hide-and-seek game with Mew, but that's about it.
Maybe the islands could be themed by region, like the island where moltres is would also have magmar, growlithe, vulpix, and ponyta. And the same pattern for the other birds/legendaries. I would like that and it would let you actually allow you to:
RE: What do you think about DLC for Pokemon X/Y ?

DorianBlack said:
Except that extra time spent on the DLC necessarily increases the time until the next release, even if they don't have the whole team working on it. Don't we wait long enough already?

Pokemon games release roughly every 1-2 years, that's not that long a wait by video game standards. I wouldn't mind them taking longer on the main games, especially if it means less rehashing and more worthwhile games.

DorianBlack said:
And as I've said in the past, having DLC also leaves out customers who don't have easy access to a wireless connection.

That's nothing new, they've been missing out on event Pokemon and the Dream World as well.