Pokemon Do Pokemon Kill

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THen Watch the things that PMJ suggested.

And give me one explanation countering how they don't kill. Past the fact that you haven't seen it. It's almost as stupid as saying "I haven't seen germs, they don't exist".
OMG... K-Flygon is so dead after my explaination:

Okay K-Flygon, let's say you have claws, sharp claws... with sharp teeth, and you are a meat-eater. You just had your hands on a Rabbit, your "favourite" food. Are you going to just Grab it and stare at it until the rabbit will cry and shriek like an orange? Common Sense will tell you that you will eat, cos' you have to not whether you want to or not. Same goes for Pokemon.

I doubt a Pigeotto will grab a Magikarp with its sharp claws and fly it around all day like a tour guide, being able to view the places below it to make it's already-miserable life less miserable. Obviously it'll tear out the scales, tear this, tear that and eat it viciously and violently until the Magikarp is left bone-dry like a bone-dried Magikarp.

Pokemon is a show for all-ages, why would Nintendo want to make it a 18-above show when it has proven to be a great success when it was an all-aged show and frachise? The dubbers will obviously remove the violence. Like what a previous poster said. Have you seen a real life hurricane? No, but it exists. So, this applies the same in this Anime. You may not have seen it, but the facts prove that Pokemon eats Pokemon. Imagine a Rayquaza, Darkrai, or even Wailord, eating leaves.

Yes, Pokemon die, in one way or another, whether caused by other Pokemon or anything natural. It is indeed proven that NOTHING lives forever. Like monsterinc said, it is proven due to the graveyards in Mt. Pyre and the Pokemon Tower. In fact, talking to a girl in the 1st floor of the Pokemon Tower in FRLG Version shows that her Growlithe died eventhough the reasons were explained.

I would also doubt Pokemon eating Pokemon Food, Berries, leaves and Pokeblock for their whole entire "life". Imagine, I'm feeding you with 1 orange for every meal, everyday, for the next 1 year. I'm 10000% sure you'll get sick of it. Why can't this be applied to Pokemon? It can, because of common sense and logical thinking.

Come on K-Flygon, common sense and logical explainations are the key to intelligent discussion. Your previous posts got me giggling because your reason to disagree with monster inc didn't make any reasonable, logical and any other sense at all. Logical thinking and common sense beat almost everything, from an orange to a pineapple, from salt to soya sauce, from ants to elephants.

It's over. AEX's point pwns you. You can't reply with "I still don't believe Pokemon kill other Pokemon...". You don't need direct proof all the time. Not using indirect proof is unheard of. And as you see, everyone here has made a contribution which is indirect proof - and as you can see from AEX's point, there's no point in trying to argue your minimum-supported point.

Shawn out.
Chakra said:
It's over. AEX's point pwns you. You can't reply with "I still don't believe Pokemon kill other Pokemon...". You don't need direct proof all the time. Not using indirect proof is unheard of. And as you see, everyone here has made a contribution which is indirect proof - and as you can see from AEX's point, there's no point in trying to argue your minimum-supported point.

Shawn out.

Lol. Common Sense+Logic+Oranges = pwn fest. >:] Seriously, there's nothing more to say that can deny my point.
Lieutenent Houndoom said:
I don't think critically assulating humans is in there. Pokémon reflect animals, and no animal is designed to instictively attack humans.

Hence why I said if they were taunted by a human. I never said it was instinct for them to attack humans.

K-Flygon said:
pokemon are nothing like animals....you are comparing 2 completely different things

That's why most of them have the characteristics of animals?
Lieutenent Houndoom said:
Because he's incorrect.��The American dubbers refuse to allow violence and thus filter out anything unnesecary.��They are mentioned, as they can't think up a completely different defintition for Pidgeot, but I'm sure there are side images of them eating Magikarps in the Manga and Japanese Anime.��It's like in One Piece.��Hawkeye slashes Zolo with a massive sword, which leaves a scar, but is edited so there isn't about 2 litres of blood on the deck.��We still know what happens, but not in a gory way.

I don't think the american dubbers have ever cut out any violence because the Japanese version isn't very violent to begin with.

The different Pokemon mangas however are a different story indeed, one of the more violent parts I can recall was this famous scene from Pocket Monsters Special where Arbok get gut in half by Green's Charmeleon: NOTE: I'll post it a little later it's on my other computer... ^ ^;
K-Flygon said:
what do you mean think about it?? eating Eggs is Way different that killing.....eggs arent alive yet....so there you go eating eggs isnt killing....any other proof that pokemon kill??

picture this kicking a woman in the gut when she is pregnant wat does that do it kills the baby most of the time the same as an egg

i told you why like 4 times.....why dont you people get it??
Because we have liable proof. You, on the other hand, have nothing. Give us one reason why Pidgeot would pick up a magikarp that isn't for eating.
Alright. This is just ridiculous. I'm getting a mod to close this thread - there isn't anymore discussion here.

Shawn out.
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