Pokemon Do Pokemon Kill

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well....if a blastoise lv100 do hydro cannon to a ponita lv2,you think that ponita wouldnt be killed??
That's not killing. Highest in normal battling condition is serious critical condition. Then, the 'ball puts it into status. Then it gets healed.

Leafgreen Pokédex said:
Moving silently and stealthily, it (Ekans) eats the eggs of birds, such as PIDGEY and SPEAROW, whole.

When hunting, it (Pidgeot) skims the surface of water at high speed to pick off unwary prey such as Magikarp.

What do you think they do with prey?
I hope that we never have to see a pokemon kill another pokemon.
Pikachu almost died...
m0nster1nc said:
ACtually, we haven't seen any proof of what Psychic Pokémon eat. And all Pokémon are animals, therefore they cannot be catagoried as food for vegetarians.

Actually, grass Pokémon are undecided, Pokémon professors have yet to classify them as plant or animal. Recall the episode where Ash's Pokédex first scanned a Venusaur (Indigo Series episode 51).

K-Flygon said:
you guys still dont convince me...i still believe they dont kill.....

Have you completely missed my post? Please see the attachment, that alone proves "us guys" right. Click me to skip back to what I said.
Did everyone forget about Lucario and the Mystery of Mew? May and the others were dying. They survived, but they were talking about "Never see each other again" and stuff like that.
hmm.....about the pokedex entries, guess youre right, BUT there hast been ANY pokedex entry that sais that Pokemon Kill other pokemon to eat

eating their eggs, isnt considered killing ...
what do you mean think about it?? eating Eggs is Way different that killing.....eggs arent alive yet....so there you go eating eggs isnt killing....any other proof that pokemon kill??
m0nster1nc said:

Look up "prey" in the dictionary.

Well it's not the dictionary, but:
An animal which is hunted or attacked for food by a predator; a living meal which is hunted with the intent of killing.

Well said, m0nster 1nc.
i stay in my option that pokemon kill..unfortunately,k-flygon doesnt know it yet and it will take a long time..
It's becuase it's not an opinoin where you can choose sides. There's only truth. You have chosen what isn't the truth, so there is no reason to convince you otherwise.
Pokemon obviously kill. Pidgeot's desc. clearly says that it snatches up Magikarp from the water. It's not like they eat berries everyday=/

You think Kyogre just filter feeds? Not with those chompers it doesn't.
I'd love to see a vegetarian Rampard =]

They probably kill humans too. The reason why this isn't mentioned in the pokedex is because Ash doesn't want to know what Pikachu's primary food source is...

And it's not KFC.
You can't be outnumbered by the truth, as you have nothing but circumstancial evidence. If you haven't seen a robbery before, doesn't mean it hasn't happened. If you haven't seen a dinosaur doesn't mean they don't exist.
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