Pokemon Do Pokemon Kill

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K-Flygon said:
I disagree....pokemon dont kill for food....there is no imaginary world of pokemon its just what they show on the show....so since they dont show it, it doesnt happen....thats my opinion

-_- Find a manga that's been tranported to America, like One Piece, watch the anime, then compare. Major differnece.

DBZ has deaths becuase they are mainly vaporized completely and live as a spirit and thus can come back, therefore not classifying it as a "real death".
cause pokemon k-flygon are for kids and it is not good for them to see violent scenes..
hmm... oh yeah i didnt think about it like that monsters inc.....but still There might be kills in DBZ, but they show kills on the anime too...
That's becuase they never really die. Goku has lived about 5-6 times already. But in Pokémon, without time reversals, there's no returning. Only times where the deaths are not "permanent" are permissible.
^yes but here isnt DBZ[i love DBZ]..it is a pokemon topic..so do u still think pokemon dont kill???i am talking to K-flygon.
i know...Will SSJ....and since it doesnt show any kills i suppose they dont kill......since pokemon is for kids, there are no deaths.....dbz is basically not for kids...its forbitten to watch it in Japan.....thats why kills happen, but were getting a bit off subject
the subject isnt for DBZ...dbz is other cartoon..and pokemon kill..not in the anime..but they kill..
In other words... if deathes can be avoided, they are. There are no mentions of killing in Pokémon as they are a parallel of reality, though the predator/prey concept should be learnt earlier. In major shows like DBZ and One Piece, they are critical plot elements, thus are not able to be avoided.
think about it.....Ghost pokemon exist right??/ do ghost pokemon come from dead pokemon??? NO....that explains why pokemon do not kill....they dont die either....
i will make an example to undrstand that pokemon kill..well..wild camerupt..it is so hungry...it finds an oddish..and then it eats it cause oddish's shape is like grass ...understood now k-flygon???
^yes..u are right..fearow and pidgeotto kill to eat..maybe they most like caterpie or wurmple..
Of course Pokemon kill other Pokemon.
Pidgeot "preys on water prey like Magikarp".
Pokemon Tower in Lavender Town, but not Mt. Chimney. Mt. PYRE, m0nster 1nc. :p
Latios died in Pokemon Heroes.

And yes Pokemon kill people. Mewtwo killed the scientists that created him.
Gamefreak734 said:
sneasil eats pidgy eggs... I really do wish that pokemon could be more violent

yes sneasel est pidgey eggs also swellow´s entry in the pokedex says that its prey is wurmple so pokemon kill theirselves, they aren,t showed doing that in anime because they say that it is to violent so for that pokemon killings aren,t showed in the anime
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