Pokemon Do Pokemon Kill

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He's right. The same logic certainly applies for whether or not Pokemon kill other Pokemon/humans.
m0nster1nc said:
You can't be outnumbered by the truth, as you have nothing but circumstancial evidence. If you haven't seen a robbery before, doesn't mean it hasn't happened. If you haven't seen a dinosaur doesn't mean they don't exist.

That doesnt mean that they kill.... since theres no proof you cant say that they kill....since theres no proof up to this point , you cant say that " mabye" they kill....so your so called ' logical' statement ist so logical after all....
1st of all, ive seen a robery , and they have found bones of dinosaurs= proof that they existed...

anything to say now??
YEah. It was an analogy. Just becasue you haven't seen it happen, doesn't that it hasn't. Do you even know what "prey" and "predator" mean? They've both been mentioned in the 'dex. It is good enough evidence. So why would Pidgeot clutch Magikarps in its talon's if it wouldn't eat it?
so what???? we havent seen pokemon kill other pokemon, and nothing proves that it happens....hurricanes??/ ive seen plenty of them....plus theres logical explanation how they occur....
K_Flygon, you are digging yourself a very big hole here, just admit defeat and get it over with :/
Right. There will be a thime when they will indirectly tell us that one of Ashe's Pokemons has died. For example someone will tell Ash that a storm destroyed Charizard's valley and that they can't find him anymore or something like that. It will be a sad day, because we don't know it directly, but we will know that we will never see Charizard again. (This is only an example)
Because he's incorrect. The American dubbers refuse to allow violence and thus filter out anything unnesecary. They are mentioned, as they can't think up a completely different defintition for Pidgeot, but I'm sure there are side images of them eating Magikarps in the Manga and Japanese Anime. It's like in One Piece. Hawkeye slashes Zolo with a massive sword, which leaves a scar, but is edited so there isn't about 2 litres of blood on the deck. We still know what happens, but not in a gory way.
When I look at pokemon as real creatures, I would have to say yes to both. Obviously they would kill other pokemon to survive, but if they were to be taunted by a human I couldn't imagine certain pokemon NOT attacking and wounding or even killing a human. Of course, however, they would never put anything like that on the actual show, but everyone at one time or another thought about this. =P​
Is that why they have all scientific characteristics of an animal? Except for hybrid types which would result in a sixth branch in the whatever the classification is called, they are the imaginary counterpart to other life. And that has nothing to do with it, it's an analogy, I'm saying that no Pokémon would consciously injure a human without good reason.

And I just realised that this is ni the wrong section.
MCD said:
Of course Pokemon kill other Pokemon.
Pidgeot "preys on water prey like Magikarp".
Pokemon Tower in Lavender Town, but not Mt. Chimney. Mt. PYRE, m0nster 1nc. :p
Latios died in Pokemon Heroes.

And yes Pokemon kill people. Mewtwo killed the scientists that created him.

This wins the whole thread. I don't know why people are still posting.

Asking if Pokemon kill other Pokemon is like asking if real-life animals kill other real-life animals. Answer: of course they do. They just don't show it on TV. You can bet somewhere in Pokemon land some big manly meat-eating beast of a Pokemon is chowing down on one less fortunate. You'll never see it in the anime, or manga, or on a sticker, or whatever. It's implied, but like it's been said before, look at the Pokedex entries of birds like Pidgeot and the game, an official source, confirms it. Why is this thread still being posted in? >_<

Now that I think about it, Mewtwo is a special case. Mewtwo is the result of genetic engineering, and he's got an attitude because they forgot to make him care about stuff. So he wakes up, "where am I, oh I'm being held captive with wires and stuff attached to me, I DON'T THINK I LIKE THAT" /slaughter

You'd think that wild Pokemon would never attack a human on its own. But why are people warned time and time again to stay out of the tall grass if you don't have a Pokemon to protect you? Because if you do, YOU WILL DIE. :)

Think about it. Some of the wild Pokemon are strong. Real strong. And if that Pokemon doesn't see another Pokemon to go after, guess who's getting owned. That's right, you are. Compare it to real life running into a pack of hungry lions with a few cuts on your body. Are they going to stay away? Are they going to think, "Oh, nothing to hunt there, just some dude, let's leave him be?" Not a chance, you're dead.

ALL POKEMON are violent in nature. Some more than others (Mewtwo).

Pokemon kill other Pokemon for food, not sport like we do.
Pokemon will kill people because they are violent until tamed (Poke Ball).

Stay out of the tall grass. ;)
i still dont think that Pokemon kill....thats just my opinion, since they havent shown anything on the anime, means they dont kill....
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