Pokemon Do Pokemon Kill

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Ok, let me just sum this all up in a nutshell:

The point is, Pokemon do kill - it's just that they don't want kids seeing this stuff, it's too violent in this world already, and if they showed other Pokemon getting killed, I guarantee you the show would be taken off in an instant. There is not much violence in the episodes as of today - just some battling here and there, no killing. I'm sure everyone can realize this is just fiction, and there's nothing killing anything actually, and there never will be in cartoons.

Now this is where I get angrier.

You argue over something that's meaningless. This whole thread has no meaning. It's a cartoon, people! Why stress yourself over this? You see shows like Naruto, and Inuyasha. They are made for people of all ages, not teenagers and adults in particular. I do believe there is stuff in those shows that are a bit rash for children, and you should REALLY only watch those types of shows if you're mature enough. I'm not saying I think Pokemon is just a kid's show, but I think the material is more directed to kids.

Well, that's my piece. I do hope you guys don't waste time on something like this again. Sometimes I think some members here are reality-deprived.
K-Flygon said:
Do you think that pokemon kill other pokemon to survive? do they kill people? anything? discuss

Why do you ask people what think, then break down and argue with them? m0nster1nc is absolutely correct, Pokémon do kill other Pokémon, and at times, Pokémon do kill humans. Whether you have personally seen it or not doesn't justify that it doesn't happen. I could easily list at least 10 incidents for each case, in both the animé and manga, but I won't.

Example: Charmeleon decapitates an Arbok.


  • arbok.jpg
    16.6 KB · Views: 13
ACtually, we haven't seen any proof of what Psychic Pokémon eat. And all Pokémon are animals, therefore they cannot be catagoried as food for vegetarians.
^this doesnt matter..i was just making an example..it was just a joke..and psychic pokemon may eat humans..
why dont psychinc pokemon eat?? of course they eat.. ive seen alakazam eating a pokeblock once i think..
yeah thats what im saying ...pokemon eat pokeblocks, and trees...not other pokemon, they dont kill either...
I want to kill a stupid fat teacher in my school...but its just a thought , that doesnt mean im a killer....
^well in this case..if u had a pokemon with u so it could kill your fat f**** stupid teacher...
pokemon dont kill.....but if they saw her they whould....i agree.....but its generally not in their nature i think
i am persistant cause pokemon kill...and anyone has said up to this point cause anyone has saw this topic or anyone is online now,..
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