XY Do you dislike what's been revealed of Gen VI?


Inhuman misery
Generation 5 has now gone on record as the shortest Generation ever. 2 years.
Now, we have Generation 6....ugh. Where to start....ah yes. 3D!

I know everybody and their grandmother wants to see a game progress into graphical 3D goodness. HOWEVER, Pokemon....hasn't been that grand in 3D.
Stadium and Stadium 2, I can't really get an opinion on those, I haven't played them. Battle Revolution was boring too, battle after battle....
Colosseum and XD though. Full 3D adventures! Not. You get overworld....sort of...although rather bland and somewhat...empty. Progression is slow...there are fights when you really don't want them (Grunts dropping down from the ceiling anyone?) Almost all fights are a Double Battle, and god forbid the fights can drag on for well over 8 minutes. Pokemon's 3D past isn't good guys, and now it is unavoidable.
Generation 6 features all the staples of the main games, including Gyms, lush areas and new Pokemon, although of the current 5 only Yveltal stands out to me, and full 3D battles....completely animated....all the damn time...which means battles could drag. Oh dear. But that isn't a problem.
Trainers stand by the road...staring into space...motionless....oh dear.
While the 3D could be nice, and cel-shading appeals to me, being a player of kids games, but we also have a new step for Pokemon: Constant Connectivity.

While we don't know what this means yet, I can hazard a very good guess. Characters appear to be customisable, and there is a major worldwide release, with talk of 'Experiencing the adventures together'. I play the Pokemon games to avoid this thing called the Metagame. All the people on there can be absolute stuck up ***** at times. Plus they can be non to pleasent to newcomers.
I play the Pokemon games because that has become the one place you can be without the nagging of 'Do this noob' or 'That team sucks' or 'Change this that or the other' etc. You get the point. Constant Connectivity means in the games, if the recent Miiverse is anything to go by, we can't possibly avoid them! Great. :(
But like the Miiverse, there may be an option to turn it off. Please god, please.

What do you think of tis new Generation, constant connectivity, 3D graphics etc.?

P.S: I just noticed that Rotation and Triple Battles, and maybe even Double Battles via wireless, can lag in B2/W2 while being played on 3DS. Sprites causing slowdown. How do they think the 3DS can handle 3D battles in Triple/Rotation if I can't do it with sprites?
RE: Anyone not liking Generation 6 after Generation 5?

I think the 3d will be bad. I MAY get used to it, but they should stick to the sprites. I am totally OK with the PMD 3D though!
RE: Anyone not liking Generation 6 after Generation 5?

I think you're looking too deep in games that were just announced barely a month ago. We know next to nothing about them.
You can't judge a book by it's cover, and, besides, we don't even know if the game supports constant connectivity or not.
All I'm saying is you would need to play the game in order to get an opinion on it.
RE: Anyone not liking Generation 6 after Generation 5?

Shocker said:
I think you're looking too deep in games that were just announced barely a month ago. We know next to nothing about them.
You can't judge a book by it's cover, and, besides, we don't even know if the game supports constant connectivity or not.
All I'm saying is you would need to play the game in order to get an opinion on it.

I'm looking at the potential that we have been told/hinted about. The first impressions I got were not only very brief, but also mostly negative in my eyes. The prospects they have presented here through both marketting and trailers is just...meh.
This thread represents my opinion at this time. Which is why I labelled the connectivity as possible, and also pointed out the potential flaws with the games direction. It's not fact, just my opinion on the possibilities.
RE: Anyone not liking Generation 6 after Generation 5?

If you have ever played either of the Fossil Fighters games, you would have faith in 3D battle animations. I don't want to jump the gun here, so I'll wait to give a full opinion.
RE: Anyone not liking Generation 6 after Generation 5?

I have some problems with this, and some good things. The Problems:

Water Type Starter - We have too many toads and frogs, for example
. Poliwag
. Poliwhirl
. Poliwrath
. Politoed
. Croagunk
. Toxicroak

Fire Type Starter - We already have wolves and dogs and foxes
. Vulpix
. Ninetales
. Growlithe
. Arcanine
. Poochyena
. Mightyena
. Houndour
. Houndoom
. Lillipup
. Herdier
. Stoutland

Grass Type Starter - Pretty original, but I think it looks like a rodent . . .
. Rattata
. Raticate
. Pichu
. Pikachu
. Raichu
. Sandshrew
. Sandslash
. Sentret
. Furret
. Emolga
. Pachirisu

Shall I continue? Another problem is the lack of us getting sprites. Unless someone out there on dA or Pokebeach is going to actually try to make sprites based on only a 3D model in the game from all sides and then back sprites, then we're good. Oh yeah, and make sprites for every single regular Trainer, Gym Leader, Elite Four, Champion, Starter Trainers, etc.

Also, this means I have to get a 3DS. With that 3DS, it will be hard to get used to, and unless they release games I'm interested in or another Pokemon Game for it, it will most likely be the only 3DS game I'll ever get. I like the DS WAAAAAY better.
Things I'll Most Likely Like?

The introduction to better Pokemon ever since Generation 5. Unova freaking sucked. There are still probably no useful Pokemon there and probably never will for my team except for Audino Training. But yes, the starters look awesome and rad.

That is mostly all I need besides a new region, too. A new region with new Gym Leaders and new Elite Four with all new Characters and regular battle Trainers will be AWESOME! :):):)

But I really want sprites :(
RE: Anyone not liking Generation 6 after Generation 5?

GoobieDoob said:
I have some problems with this, and some good things. The Problems:

Water Type Starter - We have too many toads and frogs, for example
. Poliwag
. Poliwhirl
. Poliwrath
. Politoed
. Croagunk
. Toxicroak

Fire Type Starter - We already have wolves and dogs and foxes
. Vulpix
. Ninetales
. Growlithe
. Arcanine
. Poochyena
. Mightyena
. Houndour
. Houndoom
. Lillipup
. Herdier
. Stoutland

Grass Type Starter - Pretty original, but I think it looks like a rodent . . .
. Rattata
. Raticate
. Pichu
. Pikachu
. Raichu
. Sandshrew
. Sandslash
. Sentret
. Furret
. Emolga
. Pachirisu

Shall I continue? Another problem is the lack of us getting sprites. Unless someone out there on dA or Pokebeach is going to actually try to make sprites based on only a 3D model in the game from all sides and then back sprites, then we're good. Oh yeah, and make sprites for every single regular Trainer, Gym Leader, Elite Four, Champion, Starter Trainers, etc.

Also, this means I have to get a 3DS. With that 3DS, it will be hard to get used to, and unless they release games I'm interested in or another Pokemon Game for it, it will most likely be the only 3DS game I'll ever get. I like the DS WAAAAAY better.
Things I'll Most Likely Like?

The introduction to better Pokemon ever since Generation 5. Unova freaking sucked. There are still probably no useful Pokemon there and probably never will for my team except for Audino Training. But yes, the starters look awesome and rad.

That is mostly all I need besides a new region, too. A new region with new Gym Leaders and new Elite Four with all new Characters and regular battle Trainers will be AWESOME! :):):)

But I really want sprites :(

Yeah the starters bug me. That much I can agree with. However, your comment about the Unova introduced Pokemon....well, I am a person who can utilise any Pokemon to it's potential, and yes some are worse than others. I do believe that all Pokemon are useful, and that no single Pokemon is 'bad'. And by slamming an entire Generation's Pokemon honestly makes you look like a genwunner, which is what I believe the kids call it these days.
RE: Anyone not liking Generation 6 after Generation 5?

I don't get the shortest gen ever thing.

It just didn't drag on a bit longer on some nostalgia train like 4 and 3 did with remakes.

Actually its pretty similar timewise as gen 2 and 1.
RE: Anyone not liking Generation 6 after Generation 5?

GoobieDoob said:
I have some problems with this, and some good things. The Problems:

Water Type Starter - We have too many toads and frogs, for example
. Poliwag
. Poliwhirl
. Poliwrath
. Politoed
. Croagunk
. Toxicroak

Fire Type Starter - We already have wolves and dogs and foxes
. Vulpix
. Ninetales
. Growlithe
. Arcanine
. Poochyena
. Mightyena
. Houndour
. Houndoom
. Lillipup
. Herdier
. Stoutland

Grass Type Starter - Pretty original, but I think it looks like a rodent . . .
. Rattata
. Raticate
. Pichu
. Pikachu
. Raichu
. Sandshrew
. Sandslash
. Sentret
. Furret
. Emolga
. Pachirisu

Shall I continue? Another problem is the lack of us getting sprites. Unless someone out there on dA or Pokebeach is going to actually try to make sprites based on only a 3D model in the game from all sides and then back sprites, then we're good. Oh yeah, and make sprites for every single regular Trainer, Gym Leader, Elite Four, Champion, Starter Trainers, etc.

Also, this means I have to get a 3DS. With that 3DS, it will be hard to get used to, and unless they release games I'm interested in or another Pokemon Game for it, it will most likely be the only 3DS game I'll ever get. I like the DS WAAAAAY better.
Things I'll Most Likely Like?

The introduction to better Pokemon ever since Generation 5. Unova freaking sucked. There are still probably no useful Pokemon there and probably never will for my team except for Audino Training. But yes, the starters look awesome and rad.

That is mostly all I need besides a new region, too. A new region with new Gym Leaders and new Elite Four with all new Characters and regular battle Trainers will be AWESOME! :):):)

But I really want sprites :(

The thing that makes the repeated animals ok with me, is that they are all based on something different. I study biology, so I like to see representations of different animals. Of course, there are many that have been left untouched such as a dolphin, a proper shark and many others.

I agree that the Unova region kinda sucked. I like the aesthetics, but the problem with that is that they put so much emphasis on it, that I start to notice things I wouldnt have otherwise seen. One thing that bothered me was the fact that almost all homes in a town looked exactly the same on the inside. I only really noticed because I took time to appreciate the aesthetics of the game. I also thought it was stupid that the routes were more or less straight with minimal grass. It was like the adventure part was optional. Same with the nixing of surf, strength and cut requirements for the main storyline of the first game. Lastly, I absolutely HATE that the event only Pokemon cannot be caught in game. I think its really lazy. Gen 4 had so many event Pokemon, but they did it right by having almost all of them occur within the game. Although they screwed up by never making Arceus available this way. At least the only non in game Legendary was found in a different game and not flat out given to you. I really hope they change this. I enjoy catching them. Its not fun to just download them onto my game. Lazy, lazy, lazy.
RE: Anyone not liking Generation 6 after Generation 5?

I do sometimes like repeated animals. Politoed and Poliwrath are better than Toxicroak in my opinion though, so whatevs.

Also, I feel Gen 1 and 2 held there own for the longest. Generation 2 was brave enough to come back after about 10 or so years and make what is probably one of the best games in existance. BW2 was okay too, good storyline, boring battles.

BW sucked, but the only Pokemon I found actually useful, so no, I'm not bashing the entire region, were Oshwott line, Snivy Line, Larvesta Line, Timburr Line, and the "Pan" line(s).
RE: Anyone not liking Generation 6 after Generation 5?

Mitja said:
I don't get the shortest gen ever thing.

It just didn't drag on a bit longer on some nostalgia train like 4 and 3 did with remakes.

Actually its pretty similar timewise as gen 2 and 1.

Ok let's see then.

Generation 1: En: 774 days (2.12 years)
Jp: 1363 days (3.73 years)

Generation 2: En: 885 days (2.42 years)
Jp: 1096 days (3 years)

Generation 3: En: 1495 days (4.09 years)
Jp: 1407 days (3.85 years)

Generation 4: En: 1412 days (3.86 years)
Jp: 1451 days (3.97 years)

Generation 5: En: 972 days (2.66 years)
Jp: 1139 days (3.12 years)

So while Generation 5 may be right in the middle for English countries, in Japan it will be second shortest, second only just to Generation 2. And the Generation 5 figures were calculated assuming Generation 6 begins October 31st.
If Generation 6 begins say....October 5th....then:

Generation 5: En: 946 days (2.59 years)
Jp: 1113 days (3.04 years)

Which pulls it even closer. The point stand though, Generation 5 was good, and stands as my favourite, and it seems cut short, if only by 6 months or so.
RE: Anyone not liking Generation 6 after Generation 5?

GoobieDoob said:
I do sometimes like repeated animals. Politoed and Poliwrath are better than Toxicroak in my opinion though, so whatevs.

Also, I feel Gen 1 and 2 held there own for the longest. Generation 2 was brave enough to come back after about 10 or so years and make what is probably one of the best games in existance. BW2 was okay too, good storyline, boring battles.

BW sucked, but the only Pokemon I found actually useful, so no, I'm not bashing the entire region, were Oshwott line, Snivy Line, Larvesta Line, Timburr Line, and the "Pan" line(s).

I usually grow to like certain Pokemon that I once disliked. From the 5th gen, I like a fair amount, but there are others I really cant get into. That includes all the fighting types. I dont like any of them.

GymLeaderSean said:
Mitja said:
I don't get the shortest gen ever thing.

It just didn't drag on a bit longer on some nostalgia train like 4 and 3 did with remakes.

Actually its pretty similar timewise as gen 2 and 1.

Ok let's see then.

Generation 1: En: 774 days (2.12 years)
Jp: 1363 days (3.73 years)

Generation 2: En: 885 days (2.42 years)
Jp: 1096 days (3 years)

Generation 3: En: 1495 days (4.09 years)
Jp: 1407 days (3.85 years)

Generation 4: En: 1412 days (3.86 years)
Jp: 1451 days (3.97 years)

Generation 5: En: 972 days (2.66 years)
Jp: 1139 days (3.12 years)

So while Generation 5 may be right in the middle for English countries, in Japan it will be second shortest, second only just to Generation 2. And the Generation 5 figures were calculated assuming Generation 6 begins October 31st.
If Generation 6 begins say....October 5th....then:

Generation 5: En: 946 days (2.59 years)
Jp: 1113 days (3.04 years)

Which pulls it even closer. The point stand though, Generation 5 was good, and stands as my favourite, and it seems cut short, if only by 6 months or so.

Thanks for putting this in perspective! I never really knew how long the other generations lasted, because I stopped after 2nd gen for a while. I always figured 3rd and 4th were the longest because they had 3 separate game releases (main games, 3rd game, remakes) whereas the 1st 2nd and 5th only had 2 releases. So while it seemed like the 5th gen was short, I was thinking that given how long its been out in Japan, it was probably pretty close to the rest. The English timespan seems so much shorter because there will be a worldwide release, which, I'm sure if this were the case with all the generations, many fans would be happy to get them after only a few years to coincide with the Japanese release.
RE: Anyone not liking Generation 6 after Generation 5?

evilpacman said:
GoobieDoob said:
I do sometimes like repeated animals. Politoed and Poliwrath are better than Toxicroak in my opinion though, so whatevs.

Also, I feel Gen 1 and 2 held there own for the longest. Generation 2 was brave enough to come back after about 10 or so years and make what is probably one of the best games in existance. BW2 was okay too, good storyline, boring battles.

BW sucked, but the only Pokemon I found actually useful, so no, I'm not bashing the entire region, were Oshwott line, Snivy Line, Larvesta Line, Timburr Line, and the "Pan" line(s).

I usually grow to like certain Pokemon that I once disliked. From the 5th gen, I like a fair amount, but there are others I really cant get into. That includes all the fighting types. I dont like any of them.

GymLeaderSean said:
Ok let's see then.

Generation 1: En: 774 days (2.12 years)
Jp: 1363 days (3.73 years)

Generation 2: En: 885 days (2.42 years)
Jp: 1096 days (3 years)

Generation 3: En: 1495 days (4.09 years)
Jp: 1407 days (3.85 years)

Generation 4: En: 1412 days (3.86 years)
Jp: 1451 days (3.97 years)

Generation 5: En: 972 days (2.66 years)
Jp: 1139 days (3.12 years)

So while Generation 5 may be right in the middle for English countries, in Japan it will be second shortest, second only just to Generation 2. And the Generation 5 figures were calculated assuming Generation 6 begins October 31st.
If Generation 6 begins say....October 5th....then:

Generation 5: En: 946 days (2.59 years)
Jp: 1113 days (3.04 years)

Which pulls it even closer. The point stand though, Generation 5 was good, and stands as my favourite, and it seems cut short, if only by 6 months or so.

Thanks for putting this in perspective! I never really knew how long the other generations lasted, because I stopped after 2nd gen for a while. I always figured 3rd and 4th were the longest because they had 3 separate game releases (main games, 3rd game, remakes) whereas the 1st 2nd and 5th only had 2 releases. So while it seemed like the 5th gen was short, I was thinking that given how long its been out in Japan, it was probably pretty close to the rest. The English timespan seems so much shorter because there will be a worldwide release, which, I'm sure if this were the case with all the generations, many fans would be happy to get them after only a few years to coincide with the Japanese release.

I didn't think it was that short, but then I realise that Generation 5 is ONLY JUST ahead of Generation 2 in Japan. That is....that's just wrong. Where is Conquest 2? Ranger 4? Hell, Pokepark 3 or something new. We can still keep it going, if even until the start of 2014. It just feels (and actually is in terms of main series games) than Generation 2. Generation 2 may be shorter time-wise, but as Main series games go (which includes 3D console games) Generation 2 had Gold, Silver, Crystal, Stadium 2. Generation 5 had Black, White and Black 2 and White 2. It doesn't even have a console game. :(
RE: Anyone not liking Generation 6 after Generation 5?

I didn't think it was that short, but then I realise that Generation 5 is ONLY JUST ahead of Generation 2 in Japan. That is....that's just wrong. Where is Conquest 2? Ranger 4? Hell, Pokepark 3 or something new. We can still keep it going, if even until the start of 2014. It just feels (and actually is in terms of main series games) than Generation 2. Generation 2 may be shorter time-wise, but as Main series games go (which includes 3D console games) Generation 2 had Gold, Silver, Crystal, Stadium 2. Generation 5 had Black, White and Black 2 and White 2. It doesn't even have a console game. :(

I guess thats true. There is a reason they wanted to push through it though, and I think its legitimate. I wish I had more time with the 5th gen Pokemon, since I do like a lot of their designs and I am not familiar with using them yet. That is why I have only used 5th gen as my main team on Black 2, even though there are plenty of other generation Pokemon to choose from haha
RE: Anyone not liking Generation 6 after Generation 5?

GoobieDoob said:
I have some problems with this, and some good things. The Problems:

Water Type Starter - We have too many toads and frogs, for example
. Poliwag
. Poliwhirl
. Poliwrath
. Politoed
. Croagunk
. Toxicroak

Fire Type Starter - We already have wolves and dogs and foxes
. Vulpix
. Ninetales
. Growlithe
. Arcanine
. Poochyena
. Mightyena
. Houndour
. Houndoom
. Lillipup
. Herdier
. Stoutland

Grass Type Starter - Pretty original, but I think it looks like a rodent . . .
. Rattata
. Raticate
. Pichu
. Pikachu
. Raichu
. Sandshrew
. Sandslash
. Sentret
. Furret
. Emolga
. Pachirisu

Shall I continue? Another problem is the lack of us getting sprites. Unless someone out there on dA or Pokebeach is going to actually try to make sprites based on only a 3D model in the game from all sides and then back sprites, then we're good. Oh yeah, and make sprites for every single regular Trainer, Gym Leader, Elite Four, Champion, Starter Trainers, etc.

Also, this means I have to get a 3DS. With that 3DS, it will be hard to get used to, and unless they release games I'm interested in or another Pokemon Game for it, it will most likely be the only 3DS game I'll ever get. I like the DS WAAAAAY better.
Things I'll Most Likely Like?

The introduction to better Pokemon ever since Generation 5. Unova freaking sucked. There are still probably no useful Pokemon there and probably never will for my team except for Audino Training. But yes, the starters look awesome and rad.

That is mostly all I need besides a new region, too. A new region with new Gym Leaders and new Elite Four with all new Characters and regular battle Trainers will be AWESOME! :):):)

But I really want sprites :(

Poliwag/Poliwhirl/Poliwrath/Politoed counts as one family, they aren't seperate.
Croagunk and Toxicroak are based off of poisonous frogs/toads, since many frogs are actually very deadly like the Arrow frogs in rainforests.

Vulpix/Ninetales is based off of the Ninetailed fox
Zorua/Zoroark (not mentioned) are based off of different foxes.

Growlithe/Arcanine, Poochyena/Mightyena, Houndour/Houndoom, and Lillipup/Herdier/Stoutland are all dogs nor foxes.

Really, we're going to put all rodents in the same category? Rabbits, Mice, Rats, Shrews, Squirrels, etc.? I'm not even going to comment any more.


So here's a less bias version of pokemon that have been already done:

Water Type Starter - We have 3 lines of frogs/toads
. Poliwag/Poliwhirl/Poliwrath/Politoed
. Croagunk/Toxicroak
. Tympole/Palpitoad/Seismitoad

We have 4 seperate typings and Froakie will probably give us another (stronger) Water/Fighting

Fire Type Starter - We already have two examples of foxes
. Vulpix/Ninetales
. Zorua/Zoroark

Fennekin is a different species and based off a different idea. Its probably going to be a Fire/Psychic instead of a normal Fire type or Dark type.

Grass Type Starter - We have rodent pokemon, though not a hedgehog
. Sanshrew/Sandslash are sort of similar I guess

We don't really have a hedgehog or other similar type of pokemon, let alone a Grass type one. Plus, we only have one Grass/Dark type, assuming that's what Chespin becomes.
RE: Anyone not liking Generation 6 after Generation 5?

frostwind said:
GoobieDoob said:
I have some problems with this, and some good things. The Problems:

Water Type Starter - We have too many toads and frogs, for example
. Poliwag
. Poliwhirl
. Poliwrath
. Politoed
. Croagunk
. Toxicroak

Fire Type Starter - We already have wolves and dogs and foxes
. Vulpix
. Ninetales
. Growlithe
. Arcanine
. Poochyena
. Mightyena
. Houndour
. Houndoom
. Lillipup
. Herdier
. Stoutland

Grass Type Starter - Pretty original, but I think it looks like a rodent . . .
. Rattata
. Raticate
. Pichu
. Pikachu
. Raichu
. Sandshrew
. Sandslash
. Sentret
. Furret
. Emolga
. Pachirisu

Shall I continue? Another problem is the lack of us getting sprites. Unless someone out there on dA or Pokebeach is going to actually try to make sprites based on only a 3D model in the game from all sides and then back sprites, then we're good. Oh yeah, and make sprites for every single regular Trainer, Gym Leader, Elite Four, Champion, Starter Trainers, etc.

Also, this means I have to get a 3DS. With that 3DS, it will be hard to get used to, and unless they release games I'm interested in or another Pokemon Game for it, it will most likely be the only 3DS game I'll ever get. I like the DS WAAAAAY better.
Things I'll Most Likely Like?

The introduction to better Pokemon ever since Generation 5. Unova freaking sucked. There are still probably no useful Pokemon there and probably never will for my team except for Audino Training. But yes, the starters look awesome and rad.

That is mostly all I need besides a new region, too. A new region with new Gym Leaders and new Elite Four with all new Characters and regular battle Trainers will be AWESOME! :):):)

But I really want sprites :(

Poliwag/Poliwhirl/Poliwrath/Politoed counts as one family, they aren't seperate.
Croagunk and Toxicroak are based off of poisonous frogs/toads, since many frogs are actually very deadly like the Arrow frogs in rainforests.

Vulpix/Ninetales is based off of the Ninetailed fox
Zorua/Zoroark (not mentioned) are based off of different foxes.

Growlithe/Arcanine, Poochyena/Mightyena, Houndour/Houndoom, and Lillipup/Herdier/Stoutland are all dogs nor foxes.

Really, we're going to put all rodents in the same category? Rabbits, Mice, Rats, Shrews, Squirrels, etc.? I'm not even going to comment any more.


So here's a less bias version of pokemon that have been already done:

Water Type Starter - We have 3 lines of frogs/toads
. Poliwag/Poliwhirl/Poliwrath/Politoed
. Croagunk/Toxicroak
. Tympole/Palpitoad/Seismitoad

We have 4 seperate typings and Froakie will probably give us another (stronger) Water/Fighting

Fire Type Starter - We already have two examples of foxes
. Vulpix/Ninetales
. Zorua/Zoroark

Fennekin is a different species and based off a different idea. Its probably going to be a Fire/Psychic instead of a normal Fire type or Dark type.

Grass Type Starter - We have rodent pokemon, though not a hedgehog
. Sanshrew/Sandslash are sort of similar I guess

We don't really have a hedgehog or other similar type of pokemon, let alone a Grass type one. Plus, we only have one Grass/Dark type, assuming that's what Chespin becomes.

Its probably been mentioned before, but I strongly disagree with the secondary typings. Psychic/Dark/Fighting dont work the same way Fire/Grass/Water work. One starter will be immune to another's attacks. The types will surely be this:

RE: Anyone not liking Generation 6 after Generation 5?

GymLeaderSean said:
Generation 5 has now gone on record as the shortest Generation ever. 2 years.
Now, we have Generation 6....ugh. Where to start....ah yes. 3D!

I know everybody and their grandmother wants to see a game progress into graphical 3D goodness. HOWEVER, Pokemon....hasn't been that grand in 3D.
Stadium and Stadium 2, I can't really get an opinion on those, I haven't played them. Battle Revolution was boring too, battle after battle....
Colosseum and XD though. Full 3D adventures! Not. You get overworld....sort of...although rather bland and somewhat...empty. Progression is slow...there are fights when you really don't want them (Grunts dropping down from the ceiling anyone?) Almost all fights are a Double Battle, and god forbid the fights can drag on for well over 8 minutes. Pokemon's 3D past isn't good guys, and now it is unavoidable.
Generation 6 features all the staples of the main games, including Gyms, lush areas and new Pokemon, although of the current 5 only Yveltal stands out to me, and full 3D battles....completely animated....all the damn time...which means battles could drag. Oh dear. But that isn't a problem.
Trainers stand by the road...staring into space...motionless....oh dear.
While the 3D could be nice, and cel-shading appeals to me, being a player of kids games, but we also have a new step for Pokemon: Constant Connectivity.

While we don't know what this means yet, I can hazard a very good guess. Characters appear to be customisable, and there is a major worldwide release, with talk of 'Experiencing the adventures together'. I play the Pokemon games to avoid this thing called the Metagame. All the people on there can be absolute stuck up ***** at times. Plus they can be non to pleasent to newcomers.
I play the Pokemon games because that has become the one place you can be without the nagging of 'Do this noob' or 'That team sucks' or 'Change this that or the other' etc. You get the point. Constant Connectivity means in the games, if the recent Miiverse is anything to go by, we can't possibly avoid them! Great. :(
But like the Miiverse, there may be an option to turn it off. Please god, please.

What do you think of tis new Generation, constant connectivity, 3D graphics etc.?

P.S: I just noticed that Rotation and Triple Battles, and maybe even Double Battles via wireless, can lag in B2/W2 while being played on 3DS. Sprites causing slowdown. How do they think the 3DS can handle 3D battles in Triple/Rotation if I can't do it with sprites?

Let the complaining commence

Alright lets dissect this

First the 3d aspect. Who ever made pokemon coliseum I want to murder them, I can't even complete the game, it's too boring, to aggravating. But there wasn't much wrong with the battle mechanic, battles were nice looking, the problems were that the animations took WAAAAAAYYY too long, the addition of shadow pokemon was the stupidest thing, the over world was alright but not great. Also it was so completely BORING, the story was boring, the battling was uninspiring and boring, the characters were terrible. I couldn't stand it, now lets turn to an actually good game

Pokemon stadium was fun, I still can play that game for hours. The way everything moved and the animations were short and lively, it had a couple problems that will be fixed if its an actual pokemon game. Pokemon stadium didn't has the fun of leveling up, the pokemon never really felt like yours (that was if yours were rentals), sure you could have a Dragonite right then and there but there's no fun in just having it when you didn't raise it by hand and spend the time (weird to admit but...) bonding with it and grow attached to it. That can also make the battling a little dull, and that is what makes the hand held games so hard to put down, you want to see your pokemon grow and you grow as a trainer and get a bond with every one of your pokemon, so if you don't have that you don't care about the pokemon you have.

Another problem that can be addressed. It's no just pure battling, you get an original over world too, and if they make it like a regular pokemon game over world I'm sure it will be good. If they make it an over world like Loz with the grass patch mechanic like usual and trees and fences lining the routes that they can keep it linear but not too strict.

As I mentioned before, it's gonna depend on how long they make the animations. If they keep them semi short like currently the battles can be short and lively. Also if they make the pokemon animations and there in battle movements longer and more creative then we will be more invested in the battle.

Second, constant connectivity? What are you talking about? You know that in the side of the 3ds there is a switch that shuts of all wireless connection....like....killing all of it. Also with b/w and b2/w2 your always connected with the c-gear. Everyone that passes by you connect. Sure you can turn it off but if it's on anyone that passes is connected. Even so, it's very limited what it shows. Sure they may up that but for now they don't let you get criticized for your team.

Also no pokemon are bad?! What are you saying? How about you beat the e4 with a level 80 stantler, level 80 farfetch'd, and level 80 dunsparce....ya...

Gen 5 has had it's games....b/w, pokemon conquest, pokepark 2, b2/w2, doesn't always have to be a pmd game, a ranger game (I personally hope no more ranger games come out), and a pokemon stadium game. They are starting to change the system a bit.

Also unless it's a cord that connects the systems....there will always be lag. I don't care what system it is. Xbox has lag, ps3 has lag, wii u has lag, psp has lag, 3ds has lag. With the wireless age it's inevitable and we can't avoid it. Most of that lag is due to bad connection. Also with the up to 3ds the games can be bigger and have more in them, I mean look at kid Icarus, or oot, huge games. They have alot going for them.

Also....it's a trailer and 5 pokemon. We can't say much. Yveltal is the only thing that really catches my eye too. And you know what, I heard the same thing at the beginning of gen 5 "snivy is stupid" "there so unoriginal" "ewwww oshawott" "I only like zekrom" so we can't call anything yet.
RE: Anyone not liking Generation 6 after Generation 5?

I'm not too worried about the 3D, it's things like region design and Pokemon distribution that I'm worried about. BW2 did terrible in both aspects.
RE: Anyone not liking Generation 6 after Generation 5?

frostwind said:
GoobieDoob said:
I have some problems with this, and some good things. The Problems:

Water Type Starter - We have too many toads and frogs, for example
. Poliwag
. Poliwhirl
. Poliwrath
. Politoed
. Croagunk
. Toxicroak

Fire Type Starter - We already have wolves and dogs and foxes
. Vulpix
. Ninetales
. Growlithe
. Arcanine
. Poochyena
. Mightyena
. Houndour
. Houndoom
. Lillipup
. Herdier
. Stoutland

Grass Type Starter - Pretty original, but I think it looks like a rodent . . .
. Rattata
. Raticate
. Pichu
. Pikachu
. Raichu
. Sandshrew
. Sandslash
. Sentret
. Furret
. Emolga
. Pachirisu

Shall I continue? Another problem is the lack of us getting sprites. Unless someone out there on dA or Pokebeach is going to actually try to make sprites based on only a 3D model in the game from all sides and then back sprites, then we're good. Oh yeah, and make sprites for every single regular Trainer, Gym Leader, Elite Four, Champion, Starter Trainers, etc.

Also, this means I have to get a 3DS. With that 3DS, it will be hard to get used to, and unless they release games I'm interested in or another Pokemon Game for it, it will most likely be the only 3DS game I'll ever get. I like the DS WAAAAAY better.
Things I'll Most Likely Like?

The introduction to better Pokemon ever since Generation 5. Unova freaking sucked. There are still probably no useful Pokemon there and probably never will for my team except for Audino Training. But yes, the starters look awesome and rad.

That is mostly all I need besides a new region, too. A new region with new Gym Leaders and new Elite Four with all new Characters and regular battle Trainers will be AWESOME! :):):)

But I really want sprites :(

Poliwag/Poliwhirl/Poliwrath/Politoed counts as one family, they aren't seperate.
Croagunk and Toxicroak are based off of poisonous frogs/toads, since many frogs are actually very deadly like the Arrow frogs in rainforests.

Vulpix/Ninetales is based off of the Ninetailed fox
Zorua/Zoroark (not mentioned) are based off of different foxes.

Growlithe/Arcanine, Poochyena/Mightyena, Houndour/Houndoom, and Lillipup/Herdier/Stoutland are all dogs nor foxes.

Really, we're going to put all rodents in the same category? Rabbits, Mice, Rats, Shrews, Squirrels, etc.? I'm not even going to comment any more.


So here's a less bias version of pokemon that have been already done:

Water Type Starter - We have 3 lines of frogs/toads
. Poliwag/Poliwhirl/Poliwrath/Politoed
. Croagunk/Toxicroak
. Tympole/Palpitoad/Seismitoad

We have 4 seperate typings and Froakie will probably give us another (stronger) Water/Fighting

Fire Type Starter - We already have two examples of foxes
. Vulpix/Ninetales
. Zorua/Zoroark

Fennekin is a different species and based off a different idea. Its probably going to be a Fire/Psychic instead of a normal Fire type or Dark type.

Grass Type Starter - We have rodent pokemon, though not a hedgehog
. Sanshrew/Sandslash are sort of similar I guess

We don't really have a hedgehog or other similar type of pokemon, let alone a Grass type one. Plus, we only have one Grass/Dark type, assuming that's what Chespin becomes.

Even if Chespin becomes a Grass/Dark Type in its last stage it wouldn't be the only Grass/Dark Type Pokémon, let's see there is Nuzleaf and Shiftry as well as Cacturne too who are all Grass/Dark Types.
RE: Anyone not liking Generation 6 after Generation 5?

Yes, but my point is that the new starters do actually provide some variety and will probably have new/uncommon typings.