Do you play Magic the gathering?

DarknessGrace said:
If i more than one tempered steel, do the artifact creatures get +4/+4 or just +2/+2? And if i have four of them out(if that ever happens) do they keep adding up? Also am i allowed to use cards in other languages?

Yes, Tempered Steel stack. Your artifact creatures would receive +4/+4 for two Tempered Steel in play, +6/+6 for three, and +8/+8 for four.

I'm not sure about languages, however.
also am i allowed to use and artifact ability during my opponent's turn and also can i use other language cards at my local card store. and if i use tezzeret's ability to turn a artifact into a 5/5 can i still use it for abilities, for example i use the ability to turn a mox opal into a 5/5 can i still produce mana with the mox opal?
I heard about how the new Modern format is shaping in Magic, and to be honest I'm slightly disappointed. There's already a new banlist out for the format and it seems like the format is going to favor Aggro over Control again which Wizards has been doing for some time now especially since they recently unbanned AEther Vial in Modern which is going to boost Aggro decks up the wazoo which gives Control hardly a chance to compete at all. Zoo and Merfolk BDIF in Modern? Check.

When are they going to learn that Aggro isn't the only way to play Magic? I mean sure I don't like getting my spells countered constantly but I think Wizards could've done it properly by actually printing cards that protect your spells and permanents from getting countered like for example Autumn's Veil and Vexing Shusher for Green and Red. Even White used to be able to get around countermagic with Story Circle.

They are just worried that If they give other colors ways to prevent your cards from getting countered by card effects and abilities that it would ruin the color pie and to some extent it might but oh well some rules are meant to be broken. Now they could decide to quit printing Cancel in every Core Set and give us the original Counterspell and print counterspell prevention cards or they could do what they have been doing lately, Blue Mill as being a disruption answer when it doesn't solve the problem at all.

Wizards is just trying to find an excuse not to give Blue more Countermagic cards and they've been on this Anti-Control Pro-Aggro spree for far too long and it's more or less hurt the overall growth of the TCG as a whole whether they refuse to except that or not. That's part of the problem that's hurting Competitive Magic these days, another problem is that they will only print cards with the Standard metagame in mind instead of appeasing players of other formats, we got lucky with Splinter Twin combo though.
DarknessGrace said:
also am i allowed to use and artifact ability during my opponent's turn and also can i use other language cards at my local card store. and if i use tezzeret's ability to turn a artifact into a 5/5 can i still use it for abilities, for example i use the ability to turn a mox opal into a 5/5 can i still produce mana with the mox opal?

I felt bad that I couldn't answer your question, but I looked it up on the Wizards forum and apparently foreign language cards are legal to use, but they must have regular backs and borders and must be played according to their English language rulings and errata.

in general, you can only play cards PERIOD that have the following:
--black or white borders
--rounded corners
--standard Magic back

To your answer your first question, I'm assuming you mean artifacts with tap abilities. Unless the rest of the card says you can't (as in, "activate only as a sorcery"), you can tap artifacts during your opponent's turn to activate their effects.

Any artifact turned into an artifact by Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas, will retain its abilities. So yes, you can still tap for mana with a Tezzeret'd 5/5 Mox Opal.
PokeChamp said:
I felt bad that I couldn't answer your question, but I looked it up on the Wizards forum and apparently foreign language cards are legal to use, but they must have regular backs and borders and must be played according to their English language rulings and errata.

in general, you can only play cards PERIOD that have the following:
--black or white borders
--rounded corners
--standard Magic back

To your answer your first question, I'm assuming you mean artifacts with tap abilities. As long as the rest of the cards says you can't (as in, "activate only as a sorcery"), you can tap artifacts during your opponent's turn to activate their effects.

Any artifact turned into an artifact by Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas, will retain its abilities. So yes, you can still tap for mana with a Tezzeret'd 5/5 Mox Opal.

Thanks so much for all your help :D
@Card Slinger
I'm not very knowledgeable about the eternal formats, but you guys still have Thoughtseize, Spellstutter Sprite, Vendillion Clique and Cryptic Command along with the normal counterspell options, all legal for Modern. Seems pretty decent to me. Faeries is not really as big of a deck as it is in Legacy because Bitterblossom is banned, but it's still pretty good, I would imagine.
I will however agree that going for a pure control build with little to no early aggro is gonna be harder in Modern.

Also, Wizards is anti-control? I'm not sure about that. They made Mental Misstep recently to stop the big aggro dudes in Legacy a bit, so that's one step in that direction
And let's not forget Wizards is very pro-control in Standard. They didn't reprint Mana Leak for nothing.

The problem with the Modern format right now is that Wizards forgot to ban a couple of crucial cards one of them is Arcbound Ravager, sure Affinity was weakened by the new banlist but it's still somewhat playable. AEther Vial by no means deserved to be unbanned, it's going to make Aggro decks ridiculous.

Not sure about Combo Elves, though I see Merfolk doing well.

StealthAngel667 said:
Also, Wizards is anti-control? I'm not sure about that. They made Mental Misstep recently to stop the big aggro dudes in Legacy a bit, so that's one step in that direction
And let's not forget Wizards is very pro-control in Standard. They didn't reprint Mana Leak for nothing.

If Wizards can reprint Mana Leak, they can also quit printing Cancel in every Core Set and give us back the Old School Counterspell or at least give us back Rewind or Arcane Denial but it's not going to happen regardless. Mental Misstep is actually banned in Modern If I'm not mistaken while it's still legal in Standard and Legacy.
Card Slinger J said:

The problem with the Modern format right now is that Wizards forgot to ban a couple of crucial cards one of them is Arcbound Ravager, sure Affinity was weakened by the new banlist but it's still somewhat playable. AEther Vial by no means deserved to be unbanned, it's going to make Aggro decks ridiculous.

Not sure about Combo Elves, though I see Merfolk doing well.

If Wizards can reprint Mana Leak, they can also quit printing Cancel in every Core Set and give us back the Old School Counterspell or at least give us back Rewind or Arcane Denial but it's not going to happen regardless. Mental Misstep is actually banned in Modern If I'm not mistaken while it's still legal in Standard and Legacy.

Hey, you're right. Banning Mental Misstep seems stupid, encouraging turn 1 rush strategies. (that we hate so much in Pokémon... ;))
Most of those don't really work in Modern, but still. Someone will find a way...
They also banned the artifact lands apparently. Scared of Affinity in Modern Pauper? xP

Oh and I'm kinda sad they banned Bitterblossom. Faerie Control seemed like a cool deck for me to get my feet wet in an eternal format, but it's out of the question for now, I suppose. I really like things like Spellstutter Sprite (more like tonguetwister troll imo), counterspell... on a stick. =D
And I don't have the money for Legacy so yeah, might as well forget it. xP
The WoW TCG now intrigues me. I shall check it out. However, the Naruto, Bleach, etc, TCG's are bad. I don't really expect to be wowed by WoW. (Pun fully intended)

What about Chaotic? I kind of like the concept, though I don't fully understand some aspects of it. I've already bought some cards. Very sleek looking. Certain things remind me of MTG and the Pokemon TCG, but all and all it seems very original.

Anyone else interested?

Btw I think one of us should make a "Other TCGs" discussion thread. This one is getting a bit off topic. :x
Naruto is pretty good actually, I have some friends who play. The prizes are horrible though, the prize for winning the biggest tournament is getting to make your own card in a set, although cool, it has nothing on the scholarships they give at worlds.
I play MtG for fun not on a competitive level. Not too big into standard, or modern (the new standard format).I mostly just play with friends using Legacy or EDH formats.
Modern is actually cheaper to get into than Legacy If you like Type 1 Tournaments. At least Wizards did what they could to make a better version of Extended so to speak, the biggest complaint of the format I'm getting is Affinity with Arcbound Ravager but then again Hurykll's Recall got reprinted in 10th Edition so it shouldn't be that hard to deal with.
I do and I don't! I used to play after my OH got me into it but now he collects and plays MTG and I collect Pokemon. MTG artwork is quite beautiful though, everytime he buys heis 15 card pack it makes me want to get one! ButI think I'll stick with good old Pokemon. I still play MTG sometimes though.
I actually play both Magic and Pokemon, I really got to admit Innistrad is one of the best Magic sets I've seen in recent memory due to the amount of playable cards in the set itself. There's even new Enemy Dual Lands that while isn't quite as good as the Shock lands from Ravnica block they are still amazing and pretty cheap as well.