Do you play to win, or do you play to have fun?

Do you play to win, or to have fun?

  • I play to win, and nothing else.

    Votes: 2 2.4%
  • I play to have fun, and win once in a while.

    Votes: 19 22.9%
  • Both. Winning and playing for fun motivates me to continue.

    Votes: 59 71.1%
  • Neither. I troll people with my Fearow UL swarm deck.

    Votes: 3 3.6%

  • Total voters
Hmm, well that wouldn't be any fun. Nothing interesting would happen. Well, if done immediately. I forfeit if I find that I've run out of options.
Ophie said:
Hmm, well that wouldn't be any fun. Nothing interesting would happen. Well, if done immediately. I forfeit if I find that I've run out of options.
At the end of the game :/ Why don't you scoop at the end of your game even if you have won so that you and your opponent can have fun?

The back tables are typically full of Pokeparents or outright bad players. The reason they typically continue to play is to either wait for family/friends, or to continue playing just to say they finished the event. If you go to a major event, most of the players who end the tournament at least went positive(3-2, 4-3, or above). Any good statistician will confirm that according to statistics, there should be an equal number of positive players as negative players.

I drop when I'm not having fun. I'm not having fun when my games mean nothing because there is no stress behind them. There is no reason to win, so the game has little reason to go on.

Moreover, playing to win is what creatives fantastically difficult situations. Unique board states that require logic are always great fun. Not playing to win is less fun for just about everyone...
Zero said:
Moreover, playing to win is what creatives fantastically difficult situations. Unique board states that require logic are always great fun.

I agree with this ^ but not this. v

Zero said:
Not playing to win is less fun for just about everyone...

Believe it or not but some people just like to play this game. Some people like to play odd deck combinations, some people like to visit and discuss pokemon as a whole with like minds, and some people just like to use the shiny card with their favourite pokemon on it. If everyone played just to win we'd have an environment akin to that of yu-gi-oh. Somebody has to be at the bottom tables and I'm sure as a fellow play-to-win'er you can attest that if that were you, you'd be disappointed and probably a little mad. To have about half the players in a tournament playing to win and not winning (positive record of course, only one person can win the whole thing) would just create a negative environment and more than likely a few temper tantrums.
That's simple: To see if I can find more interesting opponents. I also strongly dislike undeserved wins, and I would think a lot of people agree with me there. Forfeiting from a winning situation without a good reason for it is just insulting and condescending.

I personally find the most interesting opponents in the middle ranks. There are a lot of angry, frustrated people at the bottom ranks (not always though); I don't have fun against such players because they make the mood too tense. And the top ranks make me feel uneasy because everyone seems to act the same and are part of some community where I'm out of the loop. People with attitudes similar to mine, I find almost all the time in the middle ranks.

I've been to Cities, States, and Regionals; I keep track of how many people enter and how many people are still there by the end, and what I noticed is that there is never more than a 20% drop rate. I remember in one competition, I placed dead last, but I noticed from the way people were seated that, despite there being about 150 Masters entrants, less than 10 people had dropped out by the time the last round began.

(When they post standings on those pieces of paper taped to the walls, do they also include people who dropped out? Or are they removed from the list?)
I play to trololol, which is pretty much having fun and smiling the whole time I battle some one so serious faced it's like they are about to take a dump in their chair.

But really, I like playing for the hell of it, win or lose. Best people to play with are the ones who just want to have a good time and have sportsmanship. If I see someone being a sore loser, it just entices me to be all "you mad bro? ('s just league not nats)" If you're in Seniors/Masters divisions, better act like one instead of a 5 year old (the 5 year old would be more fun to play with than a 24 year old who rage quits).

So good sportsmanship, pass it on. ^o^

Also don't like playing with Meta decks. I like to create a decent deck with my favorite pokemon, or think of something unique.
I already said I played for both, but I was wondering what a general decklist of a fearow UL swarm deck is?
I have never seen one and would realy like to try it out. Cant's wait to start trolling!!!!
Well, I've made a few troll decks in the past--I'm honestly unsure of how to make a troll deck out of Fearow. I'm guessing you're supposed to use Repeating Drill with Victini's Victory Star so you flip coins for ages at the end of every turn. A proper troll deck, however, prevents your opponent from doing things without you necessarily doing anything yourself. But I won't be getting further into that.

By the way, there was one time I went to Cities.
On the first round, I only had Unown G in my hand.
On the second round, I only had Unown G in my hand. Again.
On the third round, I only had Holon's Castform in my hand.
On the final round, I had Unown G AND Holon's Castform.

This would likely frustrate anybody. Except I kept a positive attitude towards it, and it was infectious--my final opponent got a kick out of it too when I explained it to him. It's one of my most memorable competitions I've experienced.
I play pokemon because it's fun, but I want to win because going 0-X every tourny out right sucks. So it very similer to what my band director tells me before a performence, "Have fun, don't suck."
Mm, exactly. Yes, I play to have fun - and winning is secondary. However, losing time and time again without stop isn't fun. But I want to win on my own terms, not by building a top-meta deck and sweeping with it. A win like that would feel far too hollow for me.

I don't have all the best resources in the world, but I do try my very best to build outrageously fun decks that are capable of winning. I'm not going to go into a tournament with a bunch of mishmash cards thrown together and expect to win at least half of my games. No, I'm going to fine-tune my list and work for the win, but I want to have an interesting match while I'm at it.

This is the main reason why I loved playing Gigas last format. It wasn't the best deck around, but it was very strong and could hold its own - and EVERY game was a new adventure. The best performance I had with him was Regionals before rotation, where I went 5-3, all my games went to time (basically), and I only barely missed out on topcut. I left that day feeling very satisfied.

So yeah, fun is awesome. But I want to try to win if I can, to see how far I've come over the years. I pick my deck choices on purpose, and I think States for me will be pretty hilarious, for both myself and my opponents alike.

You can say hell here?

Beach - 1
Gym - 0

*uproarious applause*
I play to win all the way, but I do have fun while I'm winning. What's the point of the game if you're not going to have fun?
Some people are in it for the prize money. Their attitudes are ridiculous. They don't even say hello or shake hands or anything. They're just there to win, get the money, and get out. (They usually don't win and just leave when they get enough losses that they can't get the top cut.)

I rarely see these people play for that long of a period of time.
Ophie said:
Some people are in it for the prize money. Their attitudes are ridiculous. They don't even say hello or shake hands or anything. They're just there to win, get the money, and get out. (They usually don't win and just leave when they get enough losses that they can't get the top cut.)

I rarely see these people play for that long of a period of time.
Find one person who does this? The prize money for this game is very petty. Nobody in their right minds would play just for the money. Now you're just making things up :/ There are people who leave when they are unable to make cut, but that is because they (like myself) don't have fun when games don't matter. Don't speak for other people. Please only talk about what you can observe... not judgments on others. You're monumentally wrong here.
It IS petty, and the odds are far against you due to so many other people being there, which is why I consider it a stupid thing to do. You ask me to name one person, and I will: I can recall this guy I faced in the third round in the Pasadena States in 2009. (I won't say what his name was for his privacy.) After he won, he explained to me that he doesn't really like the TCG much and is just in it for the prize money--if he lost one more round, he was going to quit.

Shall I name another?
I love winning, it motivates me and its fun. Though, everything would be boring if that was all. I love having fun, especially through Pokémon tcg.
Not being a veteran in the game, I don't play trying to get top cut or anything, but I always set goals for myself. I might not be dedicated to winning everything I go to, but I always try to get an equal or better number of wins, etc. It's no fun if I just go and lose. Winning gives incentive to keep playing, because a huge streak of losses sucks, whether you play to have fun or not.
I've been reading this thread for a while, and I think I should finally barge in with my statement;

''Everyone plays a game to win it, otherwise there is no point in playing the game in the first place. EVERYONE who starts a game intends (some to a minimal extend though) to win it, it's in human nature. However, to some winning matters less than to others. People who don't care as much for winning as others usually see their ''win'' in having fun during the game. This could be called Sportmanship, but generally I think this just varies from person to person. If you play something, you play it to win it, period. To some winning is just more important than having ''just fun'' in the game.''

As for myself, I don't mind losing; I rather see it as an opportunity to learn. I don't get the chance often to visit a tournament, and about 90% of all my games are played against my mates (which I enjoy, but it gets a little stale after a while). Therefore, when I go to a tournament, I enjoy playing against new people. That I often top cut in the few tournaments I go to is a nice bonus.