I've been reading this thread for a while, and I think I should finally barge in with my statement;
''Everyone plays a game to win it, otherwise there is no point in playing the game in the first place. EVERYONE who starts a game intends (some to a minimal extend though) to win it, it's in human nature. However, to some winning matters less than to others. People who don't care as much for winning as others usually see their ''win'' in having fun during the game. This could be called Sportmanship, but generally I think this just varies from person to person. If you play something, you play it to win it, period. To some winning is just more important than having ''just fun'' in the game.''
As for myself, I don't mind losing; I rather see it as an opportunity to learn. I don't get the chance often to visit a tournament, and about 90% of all my games are played against my mates (which I enjoy, but it gets a little stale after a while). Therefore, when I go to a tournament, I enjoy playing against new people. That I often top cut in the few tournaments I go to is a nice bonus.