I'm quite tired of Theorymon, so today I tested against ZekEels. Out of 3 games, I got T2 Donphan Primes every time. One game he started double Tynamo and no supporters, so he got rolled. Second game he got a quite good setup, while I had 3 energy, 2 Phanpys, and a Catcher prized. Despite struggling quite a bit this game, we came down to 1-2 in prizes. He pulled a surprise Shaymin (Celebration Wind) out of nowhere and a Zekrom EX and got the last prize, even though I never managed to get the 4th Phanpy out of the Prizes. I did, however, get to do battle with his Tornadus EX twice (after Revive). I dropped Ruins of Alph and Rocky Helmet. With the use of Max Potion (even though I got Catcher stalled twice) I took two prizes off it and gave up only 1. Third game was against a different ZekEels, and while I did get to go first (finally) and had the Donphan and four energy in hand, I had none of my Ball engine. (Dual Ball, Heavy Ball, Ultra Ball). So I did the only thing I could do and powered up Donphan.
He started Tynamo and Raikou EX. I Catcher the Raikou EX, energy, pass. He attaches energy/uses T/S and passes. Energy, Donphan, 120. He goes, sets up some, attaches, passes. I attach a 3rd energy and hit a Juniper on the draw. However, I just steamroll his field. He powered up Raikou EX twice (about the only thing he had in hand that was helpful was a Revive), but both times I Catcher KO'd it. I never even needed the second or third Donphan.
alexmf2 - Hate to burst your bubble, but that happens a lot. It's really pretty easy, since Donphan is so amazingly fast. And one gets KO'd about every other turn, every third or fourth for a couple if you use Max Potion very carefully. Not to mention your original Donphan can go a long time, since you're swinging for 60 and KO'ing whatever they try to set up, effectively slowing them down and giving you time to maintain your rapid pace. You've got 3 Donphans set up before the first one goes down, easily.
(And by that logic, it has 160 HP if attacked twice.)