DP series finale.

Last episode will be called Memories are Pearls and Friendship is Diamond...so sad D:

Ice Arceus said:
I have a feeling that Ash is going to beat Paul, but is going to loose to the Trainer with the Darkrai. Then after that say goodbye to everyone and had to the Isshu Region.

Its already confirmed he will beat paul, and hes proably goanna lose to darkrai trainer cause we dont have enough episodes left for the finals.

runeon12 said:
SPOILER - I believe Gliscor wins the match for Ash.

Its goanna be Electivire and Infernape facing off most likly.
The best way for Dawn to leave must be saying she found someone (Paul) she likes and stays in Sinnoh and leave Ash for him to head to Isshu... because, like I've already said, she acted weird together with him in the latest episode. If she acts weird in the next tomorrow, then its confirmed to me that she will do SOMETHING with Paul which makes her leave :b
Mucrush said:
The best way for Dawn to leave must be saying she found someone (Paul) she likes and stays in Sinnoh and leave Ash for him to head to Isshu... because, like I've already said, she acted weird together with him in the latest episode. If she acts weird in the next tomorrow, then its confirmed to me that she will do SOMETHING with Paul which makes her leave :b

Somethings going on with those two...she stalked him right before the battle with paul and ash. And since i dont know japanese, i had no clue what their conversation consisted of! (sarcasm)
NEW SPOILER - Ignore the Gliscor thing, Ash beats Paul, Infernape Vs. Electivire. Also, Ash uses Heracross in the battle against Takuto.
runeon12 said:
NEW SPOILER - Ignore the Gliscor thing, Ash beats Paul, Infernape Vs. Electivire. Also, Ash uses Heracross in the battle against Takuto.

I said most of that earlier xD
Playerking95 said:
I think since ash might beeat paul, paul might release all of his Pokemon and call them useless. Or he will actually be happy with them. Finally i think Paul might go to isshu as well.

Paul NEEDS to go to Isshu. I think its the next region for him as well. Paul is Ash's best rival, next to Gary, but I like him. Not the way he treat(ed, maybe that changed. Seems like it.) his Pokemon, but the way he was a rival overall for Ash. If he stays, at least HE won't change. -_-
Paul most likely won't be going to the Isshu region. I also highly doubt that he will be releasing all of his Pokemon. He might learn something from the battle on how treating Pokemon is the best thing to do. His Pokemon are strong I don't think that he is going to abandon them if he just lost a battle.
Yeah but he might as a big shock because they have lost other battles too and i also said he might lear a lesson after they are hurt.
Well he might learn a lesson. If he doesn't think that the Pokemon are good enough in battle he just gets rid of them. So he should learn a lesson at the end of the battle that getting rid of his Pokemon is the bad choice, he has to learn to train them. He just goes hunting for strong Pokemon and trains them harder and makes them work their butt off. He should learn a lesson after all of this. To me he will probably travel to the previous regions and battle other trainers or we might not know what he does at all at the end of the series.
Maybe you know that girl Marley in DP with the shaymin maybe she comes back to watch ash's battle against Takuto, then when it's finished she talks to ash saying, "It's a shame you lost but maybe you were getting to full of yourself." Then Ash says "Yeah but i'll try an work on that next time, anyway what are yo doing here?" Marley will probably be like, "Well i'd think you'd be suited for a new region." Ash will be like, "New region? What's it called?" Marey says, "Ishhu it's further away then a lot of the other regions and i actually came from the isshu region but i decided to explore Sinnog. My first Pokemon is Gochiruzeru." Then she send it out and ash is stunned. Ash says, "You two look so much alike." Then she says, "Yeah when i was 12 i started my journey with it and i got my mom to make some clothes that resemble it and i've worn it ever since." So then it motivates ash to show more of the isshu region's Pokemon.
Playerking95 said:
Maybe you know that girl Marley in DP with the shaymin maybe she comes back to watch ash's battle against Takuto, then when it's finished she talks to ash saying, "It's a shame you lost but maybe you were getting to full of yourself." Then Ash says "Yeah but i'll try an work on that next time, anyway what are yo doing here?" Marley will probably be like, "Well i'd think you'd be suited for a new region." Ash will be like, "New region? What's it called?" Marey says, "Ishhu it's further away then a lot of the other regions and i actually came from the isshu region but i decided to explore Sinnog. My first Pokemon is Gochiruzeru." Then she send it out and ash is stunned. Ash says, "You two look so much alike." Then she says, "Yeah when i was 12 i started my journey with it and i got my mom to make some clothes that resemble it and i've worn it ever since." So then it motivates ash to show more of the isshu region's Pokemon.

That seems like a good idea.I also thought that they look a like, but is Marley older than 12?
No when she stated her journey she was 12 now she's probably like 15 or 14. Also theres only 4 episodes left of DP so where are the new Pokemon?
We should be seeing new Pokemon coming in (hopefully) because there are only a few episodes left of the DP series. I hope that the last few episodes are great to watch, since they are the last episodes of the series.
Yeah and if there is a new Pokemon near the end of the DP series could we be seeing an english name? Also almost every Pokemon episode i've been watching on the internet, whether it be Diamond and pearl series or battle frontier has had some relations that could be imprinted in the season finale like the one where this bus crashes and brock has to heal Pokemon and nurse joy is sick so Oak says to brock that he is a natural in healing people and Pokemon so he may actually be a doctor or an assistant to nurse joy and the episode in DP when cynthia said to ash about chimchar being a connection to ash and paul. And an episode prior to the one with the bus crash saw how strong nurse joy's chansey is and brock could actually have a strong chansey cause he might be a doctor/breeder thats why brock is raises his Pokemon well. I guess it could be a coincidence or they thought of brock leaving since battle frontier.
Well there is a possibility that a "new" Pokemon maybe revealed during the last few episodes of this season. Though we would have to turn to the Japanese episodes first to find out what type of Pokemon is revealed (if any are revealed during that time). Or Ash could just say his' goodbyes and leave the Sinnoh region and find new Pokemon in the Isshu Region.
Playerking95 said:
Yeah i guess so sorry but May clearly like drew and drew reciprocates the feelings but they didn't create a relationship it just doesn't happen but i can see why you would think that though. :)

i always thought that drew was g@y....

Playerking95 said:
Offtopic: Nah main characters never have a relationship i can't see the pic and i think ash will win and go back to pallet tow i mean infernape defeated aggron and buizel defeated gastrodon ash has a chance. Ontopic: Anyway stay on topic.

look at Ash and Misty and tell me that nothing is(or was) goin on there

3rd to last episode:Ash beats Paul and Paul sees the error of his ways
2nd to last episode:Ash either barely wins against takuto and his never before seen gen5 pokemon or he is oblitterated by takutos never b4 seen gen5 pokemon. if Ash wins then he fights Cynthia and her garchomp and looses badly and finally takes it like a man.
last episode: Brock decides to do something else. Dawn decides to go participate in the new Kanto region contests. Ash decides to go to the Isshu region after he says goodbye to his friends and his mom.
This is pretty much insane but it would be cool if ash temporarily becomes a pokemon like in pokemon md and has to escape. The escape leads him to isshu where iris finds him (or maybe she would be involved)
Well I think that Ash is going to lose to the Darkrai Trainer and will lose the league. It seems like they want to end the series quickly since the next series is coming up.
For those who don't want to know spoilers don't read below.

Paul loses to ash and Ash faces Takuto in battle and Brock and the gang come across injured Pokemon and heal them gee that has never happened near the end of a series.*CoughBattlefrontierCough*