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Drohn's Pokémon Centre - (Closed)

RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Not Taking New Orders Unless You REALLY Want/Need Something

Ok so that plan failed.. >_> They actually didn't want to give me more magazines. They probably didn't have that much stock. They said they made a mistake earlier and people are supposed to only get one, but I'm pretty sure they made that up, because they didn't expect one person to buy that many. >_> We'll have to do with the 15 we have I suppose. :( I could try again tomorrow and hope there are different employees that don't recognise me.
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Not Taking New Orders Unless You REALLY Want/Need Something

Yea, I don't want Drohn to go out of his way to get more just to feed my addiction either. (That sounded bad. XD) However, I'll be more than happy to pick up any leftovers. :) If it comes down to it, I'm sure we can all share....that is if nobody else orders any more. :/

Edit: Aww man. What a shame. I'm ok with whatever you want to do Drohn. I just don't want to impose or anything, so whatever is fine with me. :) Yea, there's no way they would turn you away unless they didn't plan on you buying them out. XD The employees must've thought you were crazy for buying so many though. I really appreciate you trying btw! :)
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Not Taking New Orders Unless You REALLY Want/Need Something

Aww, no more magazines for us. :( We'll have to see how many people want how many as it is. I asked for six, but if we only have 15 then I'll probably need to go down a bit.
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Not Taking New Orders Unless You REALLY Want/Need Something

Hopefully I won't have to go down to 1...but we'll see. I'd really like at least 3 of them to add to my collection. :)
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Not Taking New Orders Unless You REALLY Want/Need Something

If there's no spares I don't mind missing out! Don't worry about me. C:
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Not Taking New Orders Unless You REALLY Want/Need Something

Awh, you probably won't have any left but I could do with just one for in my promo binder
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Not Taking New Orders Unless You REALLY Want/Need Something

@NeruCake and Riraito: I'm pretty sure that Drohn has enough of the magazines for both of you since only around 10 people ordered, and he bought 15. :)
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Not Taking New Orders Unless You REALLY Want/Need Something

I still have 13 left that need to be divided over:
Athena (1)
Blueditto (1)
Fox (1)
Riraito (1)

I want everyone to at least be able to get one. I added a (1) after everyone that originally ordered one. Is 3 each for Neru, ShimmeringIce, and Suikun ok?
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Not Taking New Orders Unless You REALLY Want/Need Something

Yea, that sounds fine to me. Were you gonna try and go tomorrow to get more? (Not trying to sound greedy..just curious. XD) Also, don't forget about Pritpal! They ordered 2 iirc.

Edit: I just realized that you had probably already taken 2 out for Pritpal. I'm such a dummy sometimes. :p
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Not Taking New Orders Unless You REALLY Want/Need Something

I already shipped 2 to Pritpal earlier when I just got back from Toys R Us the first time. :p That's why there are 13 now.

Edit: Yea I'll try to get more tomorrow, but I don't know if that will work.
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Not Taking New Orders Unless You REALLY Want/Need Something

Yea, that's what I figured. I completely forgot since I was so excited about those prices. XD Alright, sounds good Drohn! Let us know how it goes, and I wish you the best of luck! :)
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Not Taking New Orders Unless You REALLY Want/Need Something

That's fine with me too! Make sure everyone gets one and then we can divide up the rest! :) Also, just a question about shipping them, I'm not sure what you planned on, but I would like another small box for safety. Just so I know they won't be bent.
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Not Taking New Orders Unless You REALLY Want/Need Something

For now it's time for all of us to pray that all of Riraito's remaining stuff will fit into two boxes. x.x That will require some REAL luck. >.> Even with the 2 Giant Meowstic already shipped in a separate box, there's still a lot. >.< It might have to be shipped in 3 boxes Riraito..>_> I'll try to fit it in 2.

@ShimmeringIce: Yup I always use the small boxes.
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Not Taking New Orders Unless You REALLY Want/Need Something

I hope you can fit mine in somewhere?
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Not Taking New Orders Unless You REALLY Want/Need Something

I'm sure you'll make it work Drohn. You somehow managed to fit all of my stuff into one box last time, and I had no idea how you did it with all of those plushes that I bought. XD
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Not Taking New Orders Unless You REALLY Want/Need Something

Go Drohn! Two boxes! You can do it! :D And glad to hear you use small boxes. :)
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Not Taking New Orders Unless You REALLY Want/Need Something

Riraito. Little/Big problem. >_> Everything fit quite nicely except for the Clear File holder. It's too big for the boxes. I know they have a box that is a little bigger in which it might fit, but I'm not sure if that box still falls under small package. If it does I will move all your stuff over at the post office. If it doesn't fall under small package, I can ship it in the box I have now and maybe hold on to your clear file holder until we meet? It's quite flat so I think I'll manage adding it to my luggage. Or would you rather have it shipped in a bigger box even if it's not a small package? It would be more expensive that way.
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Not Taking New Orders Unless You REALLY Want/Need Something

If you can take it back with you, that's fine :3

I'm not sure when we're going to meet though..
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Not Taking New Orders Unless You REALLY Want/Need Something

You don't live that far from Athemis, right? I'm planning to meet her soon in Amsterdam and after that also in Groningen. When we meet in Amsterdam you'll be in Paris, but perhaps I can leave it for you there if that's okay with Athemis as well. Since she lives a lot closer to you it might be faster and easier that way.

Edit: I'll head to Mandarake now to check for omahanime's Delpox and to ship your packages. If the bigger box falls into the small package category then I'll ship it today. :) I'll have to hurry, since Mandarake closes at 8. Be back later! :)
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Not Taking New Orders Unless You REALLY Want/Need Something

Hmmmn, I think 'close' is not the right word. I think I live at least an hour away. Amsterdam is closer than Groningen though! The problem is, my mom can't drive me everywhere and I'm not really a hero when it's about busses or trains. I even picked a school which was close to home because of that xD

We'll figure something out though.